Topic: Deepak Chopra........ Life
Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 05/25/10 11:25 PM
Edited by Ladylid2012 on Tue 05/25/10 11:26 PM
This is really long..but if your a Deepak fan, is interesting to see, hear.

Namaste flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 05/26/10 06:29 AM
Deepak Chopra ... Tupac Shakur ... I can never tell those two scamps apart ...

franshade's photo
Wed 05/26/10 06:54 AM
will ck it out from home
thanks for sharing :heart:

no photo
Wed 05/26/10 07:39 AM
this guy was on the colbert report.

no photo
Thu 05/27/10 10:13 AM
Thanks so much for posting, Lid!


Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 05/27/10 10:25 AM
ah, you betcha...I'm listening again..thank you, for pulling it back up. :smile:

Goofball73's photo
Thu 05/27/10 03:15 PM

Deepak Chopra ... Tupac Shakur ... I can never tell those two scamps apart ...

I like Tupac better.:thumbsup: :laughing: :laughing:

newarkjw's photo
Thu 05/27/10 03:17 PM
Can't I just hug a tree...............smokin

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 05/27/10 03:24 PM

Can't I just hug a tree...............smokin

sure ya can, just make sure ya don't have a boner during the hug.. *ouch*

Goofball73's photo
Thu 05/27/10 03:44 PM

Can't I just hug a tree...............smokin

sure ya can, just make sure ya don't have a boner during the hug.. *ouch*

She said "boner".love laugh laugh

newarkjw's photo
Thu 05/27/10 03:53 PM

Can't I just hug a tree...............smokin

sure ya can, just make sure ya don't have a boner during the hug.. *ouch*

I'm not that lonely.................rofl

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 05/27/10 03:56 PM
Goof, that got you hot didn't it???? laugh laugh

Jeff, I'm never lonely when I hug a tree....ya know me, just trippin round the woods. :tongue:

newarkjw's photo
Thu 05/27/10 04:00 PM

Can't I just hug a tree...............smokin

sure ya can, just make sure ya don't have a boner during the hug.. *ouch*

Could give a new definition to "Pounding Wood".......smokin

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 05/27/10 04:12 PM

Can't I just hug a tree...............smokin

sure ya can, just make sure ya don't have a boner during the hug.. *ouch*

Could give a new definition to "Pounding Wood".......smokin

oh gawd..thanks for the visual Jeff...

how many woodpeckers and pecks DOES it take to pound and peck the wood?

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 05/27/10 05:10 PM

this guy was on the colbert report.

Yeah, this guy is all over the place...

Goofball73's photo
Fri 05/28/10 11:53 AM

Goof, that got you hot didn't it???? laugh laugh

Jeff, I'm never lonely when I hug a tree....ya know me, just trippin round the woods. :tongue:

You know how to work me Lid.:tongue: laugh

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 05/28/10 11:58 AM

Goof, that got you hot didn't it???? laugh laugh

Jeff, I'm never lonely when I hug a tree....ya know me, just trippin round the woods. :tongue:

You know how to work me Lid.:tongue: laugh

yeah...they call me Lid, the Goof worker....laugh :wink: :tongue:

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 05/31/10 12:24 AM

will ck it out from home
thanks for sharing :heart:

your welcome..enjoy Fran flowerforyou