Topic: My Saving Grace
Mystique42's photo
Sun 05/23/10 12:29 PM
Glancing out in the cool night
Wondering what have we here
A chipmunk, a boat, some huge pine trees
Me, with a simple prayer

Longing for that connection
Which fills a gaping hole
Dreaming of something grander
The inner mingling of the soul

Dancing through the silence
Playing as time drifts by
Wondering about a greater scheme
If I could just see it through God's eye

Have I missed my boat
Perhaps waivered from my shore
Why is it I end up here
Looking in the distance and wanting more

Always wishing for a hand to hold
Or perhaps a warm embrace
A commitment built on solid ground
Perhaps my saving grace

The one thing which I value most
Seems so distant and beyond my reach
Yet we all have a cross to bare
So to HIM I do beseach

In HIS time it shall be answered
Until then I shall continue to just dance
Knowing one day I'll find it all
I don't believe it will be by chance

I'll keep on trying and praying
The tides can only make me strong
One day I'll find the answers
For now I'm where I do belong

SDF May 23, 2010