Topic: The politics of mother earth | |
the politics of she
requires that I look within me & spark a dialogue for CHANGE all of history she taints so that we don't really see our mirror image reflects in each other... we are taught to hate & be indifferent to the plight of by and for the people because it ain't in my backyard... we are witness to her events via elements of nature truths revealed in armored tanks & gunz drawn in the name of humanity are we so easily deceived? it makes me question all authorities & powers that be all forms of oppressive Sovereignty... I never new she was such a radical thinker Mother earth that she would strike with a force & bring death to the people... they say God is mysterious and I know this to be true when spirits reveal themselves via the YouTube past & present... we can see the connections but we are still livin wrong! if we know these things to be self evident then why do we turn a blind eye? have we not seen enough of our mothers cry? wept blood tears for fallen sons & daughters... I DON'T WANT TO BE ANOTHER MARTYR FOR MY ANCESTORS!... or the hand that striked the blow but I do want to get down to the politics of Mother earth for all of history's eye be her witness to the truth so live up wit livity & SPEAK! for silence = death |
hear, hear...
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thank you so much