Topic: hints after being off market for 25 years?
pisgahpete's photo
Sun 05/16/10 11:25 AM
After all those years, how do you get back into the flow? I don't do the bar scene, so that's out.


IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 05/16/10 11:38 AM
What exactly are you looking to get into the flow "of/with".. Your profile says intimate encounter... Those are easy enough to find and yes you might have to be into the bar scene in some cases.. If not I'm sure there's a 900 # that might supply them but you'll have to be willing to pay...

pisgahpete's photo
Sun 05/16/10 02:21 PM
After the wife and I split in '01, I immersed myself in my work and have not been activilly seeking company of others. I have not "gone out" looking for a relationship and am not sure if I want to or not.
Have I lost my mack?

beauty314's photo
Sun 05/16/10 02:41 PM
You might try Craigslist.
Theres a bunch of people that "need it really bad" over there.
Here we're just a bunch of hot, jealous, virtuous broads that blog too muchpitchfork
I'm kinda afraid to ask but...what is your mack?

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 05/16/10 02:51 PM
A time for everything....relax, be yourself, heal...
all is well.:smile:

pisgahpete's photo
Sun 05/16/10 03:56 PM
Your "mack" is how you speak,act,are when meeting a lady for the first time.

no photo
Mon 05/17/10 01:16 AM

Your "mack" is how you speak,act,are when meeting a lady for the first time.
I came out of sixteen years, and its slow, careful, and then complete fear, as you feel their will be no-one to find you.

THEN,,,,RIGHT THEN and THERE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,THEY DO!!

Good luck man,,and welcome to this wonderland of souls to find, hearts to hold, and strangers to call, your friend.

IT shall BE,,,if your real, honest, and seek a friend,,NOT a lover.

Good luck to being HAPPY,,forever again..drinker

s1owhand's photo
Mon 05/17/10 02:26 AM
redevelop your mack by practicing here in the forums,
jump in, the water is fine.


never know, might accidentally meet somebody.

at least it will be fun and interesting.

as far as ideas for going out all you have to do is say "yes"
it is just exactly like the movie "yes man" except you don't
really have to say "yes" to everything and it is totally up to
you to find and participate in activities which you enjoy.

preserve a little energy for when you aren't working and
when you aren't working...don't think about work and don't
stay at home or watch tv!


also - no porn or stripclubs!


call up your friends and drag them out too!