Topic: Only in "AMERICA" .. puhleeeeeeze | |
First and foremost F Cinco de Mayo! Second F This BS. Third of all I am really getting tired of all this BS overcompensation top placate "Minority" (FOREIGN) azzholes and their political sensitivities! Granted that the Bandanas were over the top BUT the T shirts? NOT! Had that of been one of my kids I would have an attorney all ready and have a law suit in motion! The matter is under investigation... Just a fancy way of saying "swept under the carpet!" Again this is America and NOT Mexico. I am getting sick and tired of catering to them! Time for the Beaners to go home! they want to stir up sheet here they need to leave! if you are here and you are American you had better get used to the idea we have our own flag and not your own. This is not Mexico or any other country for that matter. I hope that the people responsible for this action get what is coming to them in the form of job terminations! Jesus Christ this is getting sickening! The sick thing about this is that if this was reversed and it was 5 Mexican kids suspended for wearing Mexican Flag shirts the ACLU would have already had the law suit filed. We would have protests and riots across the country initiated by criminal orginizations like La Raza. Oh boy have times changed. If they think it's disrespectful to wear OUR flag in OUR country then they need to go back to Nexico. I am surprized that these two kids arn't being called racists yet. Give it time. The one who usually shouts that the loudest around here hasn't shown up yet. |
At the rate this country is going I wouldn't be surprised if we are about to go into a civil war.I don't think anyone gives a rats a** if you wear a shirt displaying the flag from the country you came from every day of the week.This is America and we can fly our flags and wear shirts with the flags on them 365 days of the year.Matter of fact is it federal law that you can not fly any flag above the United states flag on a flag pole.If you are a federal employee and it is your job to raise and lower the flag the flag must never be allowed to touch the floor.If it does it should be burned as hitting the floor is a sign of dishonor.Americans and our Government hold the United states flag with the highest degree of honor.
You don't dishonor the US flag period!I don't care if a riot will result because of what a bunch of Mexicans say.The Mexicans do not have to honor our flag but a public display of dishonor is the same as treason and should not be tolerated.If they do feel the need to dishonor our flag and believe that the flag of Mexico is more important then ours then they should take their a** back to Mexico. As far as this gutless,sorry excuse,for a vice principle.You reap what you sow.Your 15 minutes of fame will be well known as a trator to the United states.Your actions of not offending a few high school students resulted in offending hundreds of millions more.Maybe one day you can read about the terrible wars and millions of American lives lost(many times defending other countries)because of that flag.We have paid with blood many times over to have the country we do today.That blood does not get void by any flag or any person. |
First and foremost F Cinco de Mayo! Second F This BS. Third of all I am really getting tired of all this BS overcompensation top placate "Minority" (FOREIGN) azzholes and their political sensitivities! Granted that the Bandanas were over the top BUT the T shirts? NOT! Had that of been one of my kids I would have an attorney all ready and have a law suit in motion! The matter is under investigation... Just a fancy way of saying "swept under the carpet!" Again this is America and NOT Mexico. I am getting sick and tired of catering to them! Time for the Beaners to go home! they want to stir up sheet here they need to leave! if you are here and you are American you had better get used to the idea we have our own flag and not your own. This is not Mexico or any other country for that matter. I hope that the people responsible for this action get what is coming to them in the form of job terminations! Jesus Christ this is getting sickening! The sick thing about this is that if this was reversed and it was 5 Mexican kids suspended for wearing Mexican Flag shirts the ACLU would have already had the law suit filed. We would have protests and riots across the country initiated by criminal orginizations like La Raza. Oh boy have times changed. If they think it's disrespectful to wear OUR flag in OUR country then they need to go back to Nexico. I am surprized that these two kids arn't being called racists yet. Give it time. The one who usually shouts that the loudest around here hasn't shown up yet. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 10-4 to that good buddy! |