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Topic: Signs for stupid people
Smartazzjohn's photo
Mon 06/18/07 02:06 PM
I went fishing with a friend and we stopped to get gas, the lady in the
service station asked "Are you going fishing" ........my friend told her
"No, we're using the boat to push the truck!!!"

no photo
Mon 06/18/07 02:35 PM
>> Hmmm, those stupid signs sound like something Ron Engvall said on the
blue collar comedy tour...it's nice to see you couldn't come up with
something on your own


>> what is it steal jokes from bill engvall day. c'mon now dont steal jokes
without giving credit

Thanks, Heatherrae, I wondered who the author was.

Katertots37's photo
Mon 06/18/07 02:41 PM
lol..this really happened to me

I went into the grocery store one day and saw a co-worker there. He
asked me if I was here shopping...told him no, i was here to sample the

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