Topic: love ?
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Mon 06/18/07 05:10 AM precious
Given completely
Ever so sweetly
Love so fragile
Taken away so fast
After words of forever
And always will last
I sit here waiting
Wondering why
Wondering how
One word, one sound
All i ask
All i need

Gryphyn's photo
Tue 06/19/07 06:37 AM
I wonder who you wrote this for?



okieangel's photo
Tue 06/19/07 07:12 AM
G thats all she is realy ever thinkin of .....

okieangel's photo
Tue 06/19/07 07:15 AM
sorry cant stay quite this time... she have step on one of my friends
and this okieangel cares about her friends

no photo
Tue 06/19/07 07:49 AM
Thank You!Julia;=)(((((((bear~hugs))))))If I could erase them poems I
wrote to that player Jenn.I would in a red hot second.Unfortunately I do
not have that ability @JSH to edit.However they sure are deleted
@MySpace.Amen!She's washed up here @JSH and her game is played
out.Another strike to my already damaged heart,however all my friends
here know the real deal concerning her.So all's good.All her poems were
written to her fiance(poor guy)Alex,not to me.Jenn=Big-Time
Player;=(Boo!She'd do best by packing it in & calling it a wrap for she
is exposed now.Good Riddance!Player~Jenn.Well she can always swap poems
with her meddleing pole smokeing friend Daniel.mad

no photo
Tue 06/19/07 08:04 AM
cy you will believe anything i tell ya wont you... you
a fool dosent matter anyway proved you to be just that goodbye all

buttons's photo
Tue 06/19/07 08:18 AM
nice poem..... and as far as the rest..... take your drama to email...
grumble its childish...

Phoenix0311's photo
Tue 06/19/07 08:19 AM
Right On Buttonsflowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

buttons's photo
Tue 06/19/07 08:20 AM
looking even better now phoenix!!!! cute!!!!! love it! congrats to u

Phoenix0311's photo
Tue 06/19/07 08:25 AM
Thanks Buttonflowerforyou smooched flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 06/19/07 08:31 AM
:heart: :heart: When two become blue and one finds the other untrue
there is really nothing neither can do except to start out life again
anew. To become single now it is time for both of you to get on with
your lives and mingle.

Peace, Love, and be Real. :heart:

iceprincess's photo
Tue 06/19/07 09:17 AM
Jen you wrote an email to someone special saying that these were wrote
not for who we were led to believe but someone else why do you insist on
playing victim?

kojack's photo
Wed 06/20/07 12:46 PM
ICE BE NICE. A story has to sides and from what I've read only one is
being listened to.

Yelm_Redneck's photo
Thu 06/21/07 04:58 AM
Anyway, I liked it... no matter what is going on, the words ring true...
You know, I'm sure you all know what is going on, but as someone who
likes to write, sometimes, just sometimes, people misinterput who it
really was written for and about. God knows, I have written several
poems about noone. Even though, if someone knew a previous relatiohship
I had, they could relate it to that. Incredible, when it isn't even the
case. But, I say, do what you must, I still enjoyed it.....