Topic: BEERFEST | |
this is the thread where you can only come into and talk about beer
while you are actually drinking beer! Please follow this rule,ok? Thanks! Now for some fun: I am drinking an icehouse and I gotta say that my ceiling fan is turning but I have not even got up and turned it on!!! lmao |
<---runs off to grab a beer
Got a beer and listening to classic rock!
.......uuuummmmm canadian beer sucks
fiddlesticks Im drinking smirnoff
OMG!!!!!!!!!! I think I have drank enough beer the last few weeks to
keep Coors in business for the next year!!!!!!!! |
<drinking Bass now
so what do we do just drink and burp? |
omg shelly dont we know it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does Rootbeer count??
well it seems i have only one shoe on and i don't remember putting it
on! lmao |
I lost a sock in my sleep at some point last night damn ferby's jacked it in the night |
seems I have drank another beer already, if i go back and try to add up
those in the trash, maybe just maybe i can divide that by the number of total alcohol in each and then maybe I multiply that by six more and the find how many i have drank?? or maybe I ak drunk?? lmao |
Yeah well I lost the dog...We were singing louder than the
band...Downing Jose' like it was going out of style...OH and Stacey and I were slow dancing together...On Friday...The drunk night from HELLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!! |
<-cracks open another beer
any takers on a Bass? |
Imbro, thats a daddy talking! Hope you had a good Father's Day! Grab a
beer!The only defence to ugly noisy toys! |
lmao @Polson
some of those toys are rediculous they turn on whenever they feel like it lmao |
We had beerfest in my town this weekend. It was a drunkin
good time. |
Beerfest are great
I love October fest ggo beer comes out on Octoberfest |
chris thanks
an time sassy