Topic: what is ? | |
the greatest lesson you had learned in life?
let me start..: I Guess the greatest lesson I've learned In Life is that neveR Invest Deep feElingS foR sOmeOne, NeVer hOpe that they'll Love you the way you want them toO ,neVer expEct that thOse SweEt GeStures and SwEet WorDs are TrUe, Coz eveNtuallY EverythIng BeCOmes A pAsT ,sOoner or laTer they'll jUst DrOp yOu Off and will LeaVe yoU NOthIng. So TraiN yoUrSelf tO leT go Of the ThIngs yOu FeAr tO LosE , So tHat When theY' re GoNe yOu Wont FeEl DuMb and PaTHetiC all AloNg... |
had too many to pick just one.
How to type.
How to type. Will you marry me? ![]() ![]() |
never to marry because of "keyboard envy"
Take care of your issues before they take care of you.
and You might as well be happy because the alternative sucks. |
"issues"?....I hardly know yues!
(((Ron))) ![]() |
"issues"?....I hardly know yues! (((Ron))) ![]() Long time dude and god to see a friendly face. Hope all is well with you and If I know you as well I as I do, I know it is ![]() |
MANY life lessons learned since Phoenix visit with Peg.
To forgive, move on, and believe in myself.
MANY life lessons learned since Phoenix visit with Peg. I can say the same thing but i would have to add I paid big time for those lessons and the good news is that they are behind me for now |
![]() ![]() I hope you learned..... ![]() |
..... ![]() ![]() I hope you learned..... ![]() MEEEEEEEEE TOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! |
How to type. Quoted for Truth. |
I learned to let go of the past and move on.... Never let the past control what could be within the future.........
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Some can never let go of that pain of the past....It takes time to let some pain fade away. But the wheel keeps turning and life goes by in the twinkle of an eye....I have learned that good men and good women have passed each other and one or the other was in pain, and what a shame to have let that chance at love go by.
Some can never let go of that pain of the past....It takes time to let some pain fade away. But the wheel keeps turning and life goes by in the twinkle of an eye....I have learned that good men and good women have passed each other and one or the other was in pain, and what a shame to have let that chance at love go by. guilty ~ but i've learned that there are special people in the world who can make you see the light ~ |
Some can never let go of that pain of the past....It takes time to let some pain fade away. But the wheel keeps turning and life goes by in the twinkle of an eye....I have learned that good men and good women have passed each other and one or the other was in pain, and what a shame to have let that chance at love go by. guilty ~ but i've learned that there are special people in the world who can make you see the light ~ and yet the very same people can make you want to bang your head against a brick wall.. |
Never hold a grudge~~~~
it makes you bitter whiney very unattractive!!! ![]() |
Be careful what you say & think, for it will come to pass.