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Topic: Chemtrails anyone?
Bestinshow's photo
Thu 04/29/10 02:09 PM
OK so I go to now and then dont care much for their politics but I keep seeing this word and ignoreing it so today I clicked the latest topic on it out of curiosity. has anyone ever heard ot this latest conspiracy? check it out on U tube

ThaOne4You's photo
Thu 04/29/10 03:56 PM
Think it's a game? lol




no photo
Thu 04/29/10 03:59 PM
So far, everyone I've spoken to, read, or listened to who believed in the 'chem-trail conspiracy' has proven themself to be a wing-nut.

bedlum1's photo
Thu 04/29/10 04:03 PM
here i'll help you

bedlum1's photo
Thu 04/29/10 04:13 PM
can i get that 10mins:59 secs back please....slaphead
i think those are glen becks parents...rofl

no photo
Thu 04/29/10 04:15 PM
What site has the best written argument for chemtrails?

I've just seen too much total **** on youtube, and too much total **** on chemtrails, to bring myself to click that link.

bedlum1's photo
Thu 04/29/10 04:34 PM

What site has the best written argument for chemtrails?

I've just seen too much total **** on youtube, and too much total **** on chemtrails, to bring myself to click that link.
dont bother

metalwing's photo
Thu 04/29/10 05:08 PM
Begin Quote:

Mind Over Chemtrails-Is It Possible?

Mental Weather Modification (Nov. 25, 2008)

Chemtrails, Sylphs, & The Power of Prayer (June 22, 2008)

The Art of Mental Chembusting & Other Strategies of Etheric Resistance (June 19, 2007)

Sylphs & Chemtrails, Kim Hits a Home run! (Apr.16, 2005)

Can Humans Influence the Dispersion of Chemtrails? (Apr. 16, 2005)

August 2004: The very latest reports and photos are now posted on a new index page, Sylphs & Chemtrails (, which seems to confirm that Sylphs are neutralizing, converting, and eliminating chemtrails from the atmosphere in any local geographical area where a sufficient number of orgone generators have been deployed to convert the dominant DOR orgone atmospheric conditions into an OR dominated atmosphere. Read these articles to understand what Sylphs are, what orgone generators are, and the difference between a DOR atmosphere and an OR atmosphere. We are talking about nothing less than the demise of the chemtrail spraying operations! Chemtrails cannot exist in the presence of these giant air elementals and are they being destroyed as rapidly as they are being sprayed out of spew planes. You must read these articles and see the photographic evidence for yourself. All of the information posted below is interesting and informative, but it is now HISTORY. We are winning the battle against chemtrails and defeating the satanic traitors at their own game. Spread the word: DEPLOY ORGONE GENERATORS IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD and you too will be free of chemtrail laden skies!

End Quote: but there is much much more.

I think I will remain speechless on this one.

no photo
Thu 04/29/10 08:37 PM
Cool, Sylphs are protecting us from chemtrails!

Whats a Sylph? It looks like they are like 'air elementals'. Magical, invisible air spirits.

no photo
Thu 04/29/10 08:39 PM
Metal, thank you for posting those links.

metalwing's photo
Thu 04/29/10 09:47 PM

Metal, thank you for posting those links.

You're welcome. They are ... misguided.

InvictusV's photo
Fri 04/30/10 04:29 AM

I saw this guy on TV a few years ago and thought he would have stopped by now. Apparently, he hasn't..

alot of chemtrail and weather manipulation stuff.. It's an "interesting" theory..

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 05/25/10 06:30 PM
"What in the World are They Spraying?" - Official Trailer Truthmediaproduction

no photo
Tue 05/25/10 06:46 PM
Here's something I'd like to hear people say isn't happening - 'cuz I've seen the same things in the skies over the cities I've lived in since at least the early '90s ... and I have the pictures I took ...

no photo
Tue 05/25/10 08:43 PM
Its okay, the sylphs will take care of us.

metalwing's photo
Wed 05/26/10 03:16 AM
Seriously, the huge amount of pollution being produced in China has reduced the lifespan of the Chinese significantly. It was discovered a few years ago that the air quality in the western United States has suffered from what is being blown across the ocean.

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 05/26/10 06:33 PM

Here's something I'd like to hear people say isn't happening - 'cuz I've seen the same things in the skies over the cities I've lived in since at least the early '90s ... and I have the pictures I took ...

I am realy thinking there is something to this one. I have a forty minute comute down the open free way an cant help but notice this activity.

no photo
Wed 05/26/10 07:31 PM
What exactly is claimed to be happening?

Yes, jets fly in the sky. Yes, their waste products are not healthy for the environment, and would not be healthy for humans if we were exposed to high concentration levels. Yes, the heat of their engines (and possibly their emissions?) cause clouds to form in their wake. We also have crop dusters that deliberately fly around spraying poisoning chemicals for the purpose of killing specific creatures, with collateral damage (including human health).

None of this justifies the bizarre conspiracies circulating regarding chemtrails.

no photo
Wed 05/26/10 07:39 PM

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 05/27/10 01:55 AM
Edited by Bestinshow on Thu 05/27/10 01:56 AM

What exactly is claimed to be happening?

Yes, jets fly in the sky. Yes, their waste products are not healthy for the environment, and would not be healthy for humans if we were exposed to high concentration levels. Yes, the heat of their engines (and possibly their emissions?) cause clouds to form in their wake. We also have crop dusters that deliberately fly around spraying poisoning chemicals for the purpose of killing specific creatures, with collateral damage (including human health).

None of this justifies the bizarre conspiracies circulating regarding chemtrails.
some are bizarre I agree. Simple observation tells me that there is something to this. Yesterday it seemed as if the sky was full of contrails that did not evaporate and spread out into a haze other days normal jet contrails that do evaporate. Seems to be no reasone or patern to when this happens. For example on a friday one may expect more air traffic than a tuesday or wed. Not the case in my observations. The only patern I see is a sunny day turned hazy by contrails that spread out into a type of cloud. Not expecting to convert anyone I am just wondering if anyone has ever heard about this topic or has observed it.

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