Topic: National Day of Prayer | |
watch the video, it's only a minute long.
We saw this in church last week and I think all should be aware of this important day. It's coming soon, National Day of Prayer, Thursday May 6, 2010 "On April 15, 2010, Judge Crabb ruled that the statute establishing the National Day of Prayer was unconstitutional as it is "an inherently religious exercise that serves no secular function". However, Crabb stayed her ruling pending the completion of appeals." No one is forcing us to do anything, you do what you know is right. Be a part of it, or don't, it's between you and God. |
That judge has a hidden agenda and she is wrong on so many levels.Our Government has never endorsed any specific religion nor is it asking the national day of prayer to endorse any specific religion.The Constitution does say we have the freedom of religion which means nobody including our government has the right to say what we can and can't do regarding our religious beliefs.That judge really needs to re-read the Constitution espcially the part where it says "Our rights come from God".Take away God and you have no rights.But that is what our Government is trying to do piece by piece.Our founding fathers put The separation of church and state in the Constitution for this very reason.So the Government would not be able to make Atheism the official religion and ban Christianity.
I really could care less if we don't have our governments or Obamas blessing on the national day of prayer.It's not going to change a thing illegal or not.We are still going to pray regardless of what our government says. I am glad to see other Christians posting stories like these.If you care about Christianity and your rights you will keep up with the news and pay attention to what is happening out there.Vote these people out of office that are anti Christian.We have a voice and a vote and the pen is indeed mightier then the sword! |
I think it is wonderful that our President signed this day of prayer for our nation for the pledge of allegiance says that we are one nation under God and undivisable. I would question the judge's allegiance to our country. Let freedom reign.
The judge was playing on the theme of 'Separation of Church and State'. This is a common theme to our society, however I present the following for rational arguments you can make in regard to this topic:
1. The separation of church and state as written in Jefferson's letter never says anything about prohibition of religion. 2. The intent of the letter is that no religion may be the governing body of the nation, and that the nation shall in no way control religion. 3. Everyone has something, at least one thing, in which they believe. It might be science. It might be religion. It might be leaping buildings in a single bound. This is to be human. To try to exclude this from our lives is not only impossible, but it is foolhardy. 4. Jefferson wrote of his concern that a power like that of the catholic church in Europe; as a possibility in the USA. He was concerned that a person outside the system of governance that is supposed to be by and for the people would have undue and major influence upon said governance. Remember, he was part of a culture that fled Europe in part because of that form of tyrany. I would guess that he might have, if he could have seen the system today, written of the separation of Lobbyists and State... Basically, as long as this is a free country you have the right to do and say anything that is not illegal. Praying is not illegal. Organized praying is not illegal. So, whatever the judge was thinking, they have a severe lack of constitutional understanding. Either that, or the judge is making the law as he/she sees fit. Either way, bad ruling. Hope this proves useful! (Oh, and you can look up both what Jefferson wrote and analysis of it if you really try!) |