Topic: Online Dating NO-NOs | |
I found this article this morning... read and tell me your thoughts!
Retrieved from ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10 Profile Pics You Should Never Upload When Dating Online User by, on Tue Apr 13, 2010 Whether you're on Facebook or eHarmony (or, God help you, MySpace), a profile picture is pretty important when it comes to your love life. Chances are, that new guy or girl you're convinced is the love of your life is going to look at your profile in depth. But, like it or not, no one cares what your activities are if you look like a freak in your photo. Here are ten types of profile pics to avoid making your own. 10. The Panorama. Hey, it's great that you love traveling so much that all your pics are you in front of world monuments (or just the local baseball stadium). But where are you? Oh that is you, in the sunglasses, the hat, and the big jacket, at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro? Funny, I can't tell a thing about you by looking at that pic. 9. The Insecurity Crop. Most people aren't looking for a perfect body; they would, however, like to know what your body is like before they meet you. A super-close shot of someone's face usually says as much about how insecure they are as it does about how hot they are. 8. The Baby Daddy Shot. If you have kids and you want your potential date to know that, fine. If you don't have kids and you want your potential date to think you like kids ... think again. I'm sure I'll find out you love your nieces and nephews on our first date, but when I see them in your picture, I assume you're the kind of guy who volunteers at a nursing home just to hit on the hot visiting granddaughters. 7. The Sloppy Snapshot. Yeah, you just want everyone to know you're so fun ... but if a guy clicks through your first five photos and there's a Jagerbomb in every one, he might question whether you need a date or a sponsor. 6. The Colorblind Pic. Using photo editing software to turn your picture black and white is great if you're going for a romantic engagement photo. In a profile pic, it's another form of an insecurity shot; we all know flaws show up best in full color. 5. The Stock Photo. The picture your company takes for "Employee of the Month" is nice and all, but this isn't a yearbook. A standard blue background and business-wear sends a message that you're too boring to do the sort of activities where people actually take pictures. 4. The Fluent-in-Sign-Language Shot. Hey, guys, I know you don't know where to put your hands, but please do not put them in front of your body doing any of the following: one thumb up, two thumbs up, pointing at the guy next to you with a fake-pensive look on your face, making a "Who me?" gesture, making mock gang symbols, or demonstrating the Shocker. 3. The Outdated Photo. If all your pics are you in college gear and college bars, rocking fashion from 2005, or simply looking way too fresh-faced to match the fact that your profile says you're 28, we're going to wonder what part of aging doesn't agree with you. 2. The Hipster Pic. Oh, girl, you're such an individual with your dirty hair in your face and your refusal to smile. Maybe other members of the doucheoisie are attracted to the "ironic" angle at which you snapped your pic ... enjoy your new boyfriend's mustache and loft. 1. The Groupie Photo. Which one are you again? All I see is five guys with dark brown hair in button-down shirts. That one on the left is pretty cute ... oh, that's not you? Um, well is he on Match too?? by Rachel Wilkerson for TechCoquette ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SO? What are your thoughts? |
Another I'd add is if you're all hugged up with your ex in a pic I'll slide right on by!!! The other day on another dating website a guy actually had the audacity to post a wedding pic!!! Now, how cool is that?
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is my pic cool, i wanna have a cool pic
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is my pic cool, i wanna have a cool pic ![]() If you want info on your profile there's a forum to rate your profile to get feedback. |
I think the list is taking things a bit too seriously. You can get an idea of what a person is like through their pictures. If they love traveling, then yes, I think including pictures of them traveling is a good idea. However, a close up picture should also be provided to see what they actually look like. And of course, there should be some recent pictures. Other than that? I don't have any other preference of the kind of picture I want to see.
You can not tell a person by a picture. Some people are photogenic and look great in pic, but some people are not photogenic and look great and real life. So, I guess I am confused by the picture thingy. I still prefer meeting people out over an internet association/alliance, because I do not feel I can build something over the internet or make the connections, feel the vibes, etc., that I can in person. I can get a vibe through other peoples writings sometimes, but not always.
I think the list is taking things a bit too seriously. You can get an idea of what a person is like through their pictures. If they love traveling, then yes, I think including pictures of them traveling is a good idea. However, a close up picture should also be provided to see what they actually look like. And of course, there should be some recent pictures. Other than that? I don't have any other preference of the kind of picture I want to see. I agree with what you are saying! I think that if you like to travel or play a certain sport ... you should display it in your pictures. It shows your personality, granted if you only have one alloted picture, then it should show who you are clearly. I don't know.... I thought the article was just a bit too much. IMO. |
You can not tell a person by a picture. Some people are photogenic and look great in pic, but some people are not photogenic and look great and real life. So, I guess I am confused by the picture thingy. I still prefer meeting people out over an internet association/alliance, because I do not feel I can build something over the internet or make the connections, feel the vibes, etc., that I can in person. I can get a vibe through other peoples writings sometimes, but not always. I think that online dating should just supplement your dating experiences. Cause you never know.... the person that I am with... I meet in real life.... come to find out.... a mutal friend told him to get a hold of me. |
I think the list is taking things a bit too seriously. You can get an idea of what a person is like through their pictures. If they love traveling, then yes, I think including pictures of them traveling is a good idea. However, a close up picture should also be provided to see what they actually look like. And of course, there should be some recent pictures. Other than that? I don't have any other preference of the kind of picture I want to see. I agree with what you are saying! I think that if you like to travel or play a certain sport ... you should display it in your pictures. It shows your personality, granted if you only have one alloted picture, then it should show who you are clearly. I don't know.... I thought the article was just a bit too much. IMO. Yes, if there was a site where you could only add one picture, then yes, it should clearly show what you look like. But on a site like this, people should take advantage of the number of pictures they can add and let us see different pictures. |
You can not tell a person by a picture. Some people are photogenic and look great in pic, but some people are not photogenic and look great and real life. So, I guess I am confused by the picture thingy. I still prefer meeting people out over an internet association/alliance, because I do not feel I can build something over the internet or make the connections, feel the vibes, etc., that I can in person. I can get a vibe through other peoples writings sometimes, but not always. I just use this site as an additional way to meet people. I enjoy meeting people when I'm out as well. However, some decent pictures will help on here. All the people I've met so far have looked like their pictures. |
Oh Tanyann I am so happy for you. Wow when did this happen, guess I had my nose too buried in the online application Que, LMAO. Heck of a winter here at DSS.
Edited by
Mon 04/26/10 06:48 AM
The 'Extra 200 Pounds' pic ... hey, we're not all svelte 'n stuff - that's a given - but to put up a pic that was taken when they wore a size 4 (ladies) or had a 32-inch waist (guys) is just fraud 'n misrepresentation ... that's NOT what they look like anymore. Do people think that the person viewing their pic is all of a sudden gonna FORGET what they KNOW they saw online when that 'meet-in-real-life' moment comes crawlin' around the corner ... ? And they wonder why people run screaming into the distance and never call 'em again ... 'Truth In Advertising' ... it's not just for breakfast anymore.
The 'Extra 200 Pounds' pic ... hey, we're not all svelte 'n stuff - that's a given - but to put up a pic that was taken when they wore a size 4 (ladies) or had a 32-inch waist (guys) is just fraud 'n misrepresentation ... that's NOT what they look like anymore. Do people think that the person viewing their pic is all of a sudden gonna FORGET what they KNOW they saw online when that 'meet-in-real-life' moment comes crawlin' around the corner ... ? And they wonder why people run screaming into the distance and never call 'em again ... 'Truth In Advertising' ... it's not just for breakfast anymore. Totally agreed!! I signed up for this site in February & all my pics are for the time I signed up to about 2 weeks ago I added a couple more pics!! I don't want to date a 40 year old who's pics are when he was 20!! ![]() |
1. The Groupie Photo. Which one are you again? All I see is five guys with dark brown hair in button-down shirts. That one on the left is pretty cute ... oh, that's not you? Um, well is he on Match too?? SO? What are your thoughts? Yeah, "Guess the Person" is one of my pet peeves. There's always ONE I think looks interesting, and the others look like Uncle Phil in a duck mask. If I want to take needless chances, I have the Lottery. Other are: Holding up a fish ("Hey, look, I outsmarted a fish!") Cleavage shots where all you can see are the edges of two boobs and a line between them (As I'm not a boob guy, this is as helpful as putting up a pic of your foot or nostril) Cell phone/bathroom mirror pic (Not that there's anything inherently wrong with the concept, per se, but the pics are always terrible) Girl looking up at camera while providing down-the-blouse peep show (see "Cleavage shots," above) |
1. The Groupie Photo. Which one are you again? All I see is five guys with dark brown hair in button-down shirts. That one on the left is pretty cute ... oh, that's not you? Um, well is he on Match too?? SO? What are your thoughts? Yeah, "Guess the Person" is one of my pet peeves. There's always ONE I think looks interesting, and the others look like Uncle Phil in a duck mask. If I want to take needless chances, I have the Lottery. Other are: Holding up a fish ("Hey, look, I outsmarted a fish!") Cleavage shots where all you can see are the edges of two boobs and a line between them (As I'm not a boob guy, this is as helpful as putting up a pic of your foot or nostril) Cell phone/bathroom mirror pic (Not that there's anything inherently wrong with the concept, per se, but the pics are always terrible) Girl looking up at camera while providing down-the-blouse peep show (see "Cleavage shots," above) Makes note to post a cleavage shot just for Lex!! ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 04/26/10 07:18 AM
The 'me being hugged by my ex' is always kinda trippy, too ... I mean, how much trouble is it to find a pic where you're by yourself? Other people really aren't all that keen seeing someone sharing affection with EX-boyfriends / EX-girlfriends ... Intellectually, they KNOW they're probably Nr. 307 or something in your life by the time we're 'of a certain age', but they don't wanna have it CONFIRMED with a picture ... It's all about 'taste' and 'perception' ... I'm just sayin' ...
"Online Dating NO-NOs," hehe...I think online dating is the 'NO-NO.'
Think about it. People say some absurd things online, that they wouldn't say in public, and they do it all in the name of trying to attract someone. As if online they don't have to do it the same way they have to do it in real life. |
Oh Tanyann I am so happy for you. Wow when did this happen, guess I had my nose too buried in the online application Que, LMAO. Heck of a winter here at DSS. No worries... this is a recent development! ![]() |
1. The Groupie Photo. Which one are you again? All I see is five guys with dark brown hair in button-down shirts. That one on the left is pretty cute ... oh, that's not you? Um, well is he on Match too?? SO? What are your thoughts? Yeah, "Guess the Person" is one of my pet peeves. There's always ONE I think looks interesting, and the others look like Uncle Phil in a duck mask. If I want to take needless chances, I have the Lottery. Other are: Holding up a fish ("Hey, look, I outsmarted a fish!") Cleavage shots where all you can see are the edges of two boobs and a line between them (As I'm not a boob guy, this is as helpful as putting up a pic of your foot or nostril) Cell phone/bathroom mirror pic (Not that there's anything inherently wrong with the concept, per se, but the pics are always terrible) Girl looking up at camera while providing down-the-blouse peep show (see "Cleavage shots," above) Hey I like a chick that can fish. Come to think of it I don't mind a little cleavage either.............. ![]() |
What about the ones who never have a picture of them self at all? There are pictures of everything else..which gives an ides of what a person likes. I have a bunch of those myself...but what if that's all that's there?