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Topic: A Wise Man Once Said
Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 04/28/10 03:21 PM

There is no such thing as a problem without a
gift for you in its hands. You seek problems
because you need their gifts.


Life is one learning experience after another. Good and bad life events are for that purpose.

If we fail to learn then it sets us back in our spiritual growth.

I hope by the time that I am ready to depart this world my spirit will be exhausted from learning and shining forth the great light of love and wisdom.

So that I can breath that last breath with great satisfaction that my rest is well earned and deserved.

Yes...your light does shine ..fellow Lightworker flowerforyou

Lo I didn't know you worked for the electric company?.....smokin

Jeffrey Wayne..your witt and comic genius never amazes me....what would I do without you??? I'd be a sad, lonely, not-laughing depressed soul indeed!

Duffy's photo
Wed 04/28/10 03:34 PM
wise men say alotta stuff. which wise man were u referring 2?pitchfork

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 04/29/10 05:41 PM
which ever one ya want, which ever one resonates with you...there are many

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