Topic: Intimi-Dating | |
Lex, I've seen you mention several times that you wouldn't want to be with someone with an IQ of less that 160. So, does that mean if we have an IQ of say 140-150 that we just aren't up to your likes? Those types of things is what others find intimidating. I have no idea what my IQ is & don't care! lol It's just hyperbole, something I have fun with, and I really would have no problem dating someone with an IQ of, say, 158 or so. Seriously, I was married to a woman who lost maze races to amoebas, so someone with a little bit of intelligence would be a nice change. |
Lex, I don't know you and I'm pretty new here so please forgive me for inserting myself into your thread. My personal opinion is that maybe it's not your writing and intelligence that's intimidating (that's actually very attractive) but what you say that is intimidating. No matter how drawn a woman might be to the fact that you are a young intelligent author with a slight romantic side, after reading your profile (well, a lot of it) I would never put myself out there enough to talk to you on a personal level. The parameters, conditions and non-negotiable attributes one must posses are what intimidate. And to be honest, if people of either sex are intimidated by you that is their problem. You know what you want and clearly communicate that. Now, please excuse me, I'm going to hurry and go re-read my profile and most likely delete the whole thing and start over. ![]() Well, it seems to me that one of the functions of a good profile should be to make it clear re: what someone is and is not looking for. I can fully understand someone not agreeing with or not being able to grasp my list of parameters, conditions, and non-negotiables -- frankly, I have a hard time comprehending most people's lists (when they have them spelled out) -- but to feel intimidated by that -- ?? It's just preferences. Is anyone intimidated if I say my favorite color is green? How is that any different? In the end, I agree: it is their problem, not mine. It just occurs to me that allowing oneself to be "intimidated" by someone's personal preferences is a potentially very slippery slope.... |
Oh Lex, I think its the whole goat and llama thing. I've found the animals tend to be a turnoff for most. Lol. I was working off the commonly-found-in-profiles "must love animals" remark. If they don't specify which animals they're referring to, I just assume goats and llamas. |
Lex, I've seen you mention several times that you wouldn't want to be with someone with an IQ of less that 160. So, does that mean if we have an IQ of say 140-150 that we just aren't up to your likes? Those types of things is what others find intimidating. I have no idea what my IQ is & don't care! lol It's just hyperbole, something I have fun with, and I really would have no problem dating someone with an IQ of, say, 158 or so. Seriously, I was married to a woman who lost maze races to amoebas, so someone with a little bit of intelligence would be a nice change. I love that line about losing the maze races to amoebas ... 'scuse me while I go clean up ... coffee thru nose is never pretty ... |
Oh Lex, I think its the whole goat and llama thing. I've found the animals tend to be a turnoff for most. Lol. I was working off the commonly-found-in-profiles "must love animals" remark. If they don't specify which animals they're referring to, I just assume goats and llamas. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I recently met a local guy online and when we finally met for coffee, he told me his brother had viewed my profile but was intimidated by the fact that I rode a motorcycle..hah! He told his brother that I was a nice lady and he lost out..
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I recently met a local guy online and when we finally met for coffee, he told me his brother had viewed my profile but was intimidated by the fact that I rode a motorcycle..hah! He told his brother that I was a nice lady and he lost out.. ![]() ![]() That's a perfect example -- why would anyone be intimidated because you like to ride a motorcycle? It's not like you're looking for guys to race against (I'm assuming, anyway!) so what difference does it make? Are people manufacturing some sort of ethereal "not-good-enough" status for themselves based on these things? I mean, I never said anything remotely approaching "I'm only interested in someone who has written several books, and one of them must be at least 442 pages." I could do that, but it's egregiously self-limiting, and it would be difficult for me to justify that sort of requirement. Even then, would someone have a reason to be intimidated? I don't see it. They would probably just think I was somewhat deranged. |
Lex, I've seen you mention several times that you wouldn't want to be with someone with an IQ of less that 160. So, does that mean if we have an IQ of say 140-150 that we just aren't up to your likes? Those types of things is what others find intimidating. I have no idea what my IQ is & don't care! lol It's just hyperbole, something I have fun with, and I really would have no problem dating someone with an IQ of, say, 158 or so. Seriously, I was married to a woman who lost maze races to amoebas, so someone with a little bit of intelligence would be a nice change. I love that line about losing the maze races to amoebas ... 'scuse me while I go clean up ... coffee thru nose is never pretty ... I've been told I have a sort of a "rescuer" inclination -- and that's not necessarily a bad thing, I suppose, as there are people worth rescuing. I've had a tendency, in the past, not to be too very selective about who I was rescuing, though, and that's been a bit of a problem over the years. Which is why I'm thinking I'd do better with someone who was a little less imperiled and a little more compatible....although that person seems not to exist. If I learned one thing from being married, it's the idea that we all have limitations on what we can do for someone, and it's probably a good idea to be aware of that. |
Oh Lex, I think its the whole goat and llama thing. I've found the animals tend to be a turnoff for most. Lol. I was working off the commonly-found-in-profiles "must love animals" remark. If they don't specify which animals they're referring to, I just assume goats and llamas. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I think it was actually recalled and destroyed before it could do any further damage -- we live in such a litigious society, ya know....! |
i like oddballs. can't help it.
Lex, I don't know you and I'm pretty new here so please forgive me for inserting myself into your thread. My personal opinion is that maybe it's not your writing and intelligence that's intimidating (that's actually very attractive) but what you say that is intimidating. No matter how drawn a woman might be to the fact that you are a young intelligent author with a slight romantic side, after reading your profile (well, a lot of it) I would never put myself out there enough to talk to you on a personal level. The parameters, conditions and non-negotiable attributes one must posses are what intimidate. And to be honest, if people of either sex are intimidated by you that is their problem. You know what you want and clearly communicate that. Now, please excuse me, I'm going to hurry and go re-read my profile and most likely delete the whole thing and start over. ![]() Well, it seems to me that one of the functions of a good profile should be to make it clear re: what someone is and is not looking for. I can fully understand someone not agreeing with or not being able to grasp my list of parameters, conditions, and non-negotiables -- frankly, I have a hard time comprehending most people's lists (when they have them spelled out) -- but to feel intimidated by that -- ?? It's just preferences. Is anyone intimidated if I say my favorite color is green? How is that any different? In the end, I agree: it is their problem, not mine. It just occurs to me that allowing oneself to be "intimidated" by someone's personal preferences is a potentially very slippery slope.... Maybe not intimidated in the sense of being "scared" but intimidated by the conditions and feeling like they did not fit into them. |
Lex,,,,,YOU intimidate the hell out of ME....ITS,,,that HAT,,,those Sunglasses,,,that stern,,rigid,,hard look of masculinity that flows through your every glance in all your PHOTO'S...
![]() ![]() NO MERE MAN can compete with ALL THAT,,,THEN,,YOUR GENIUS MIND!!! Aurthur, writer, publisher, co-founder of "Lima's gone wild".. Just to SEE you in a post,,WE RUN AWAY,,,unable to even get a small word in or one small peek from any ladies,,as THEIR EYES ARE ALL ON YOUR EVERY MOVE.. ![]() ![]() WE FEAR YOU,,,AND THE TOPIC'S THAT YOU POST,,,we HIDE,,or RUN.. LIFE IS TO HARD HERE WITH YOU ON HERE. I AM ENDING MINE NOW,,,I CAN NO LONGER TAKE THIS CONSTANT SHANE OF MY UNIMPORTANT SELF,,GOODBYE CRUEL LEX AND WORLD..... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() OK,,maybe I'll hang around a bit longer buddy,,,, ![]() I see what your saying and MANY do get intimidated by MANY things that another might be about.,,not just smarts but also,MONEY,,some,,its their Children,,as that other,,has none,,,nor been around many to know how to interact with them.. Some because of their religious beliefs,, SOME because of their fears of SEX,,or lack of having that.. MANY people who have not experienced a closeness with WHAT THEY FEAR,,,will HAVE some feelings of being intimidated by that in someone.... ![]() ![]() |
Maybe not intimidated in the sense of being "scared" but intimidated by the conditions and feeling like they did not fit into them. OK, but the word that is constantly being used is "intimidated"! I don't understand the whole concept -- if I was "intimidated" by everyone whose preferences did not include me, I would have to be "intimidated" all the time -- and I'm not, because, well, really, what's the point? Nobody is going to be liked by everybody, and nobody is going to like everybody. That's my theory, anyway. I don't see why that should even be an issue. I mean, I no more expect to fit into most people's preferences any more than I would expect them to fit into mine. But that shouldn't cause anything like "intimidation." |
Lex,,,,,YOU intimidate the hell out of ME....ITS,,,that HAT,,,those Sunglasses,,,that stern,,rigid,,hard look of masculinity that flows through your every glance in all your PHOTO'S... ![]() ![]() NO MERE MAN can compete with ALL THAT,,,THEN,,YOUR GENIUS MIND!!! And here's the strange thing, Terry -- this is exactly what they all say they WANT! -- but no! And then one of the people here who really knows me will start in about what a "softie" I am, and it messes up all the conceptual continuity....! Jeez, try to stay in character on a website, and people are just ITCHING to derail the production....! ![]() Aurthur, writer, publisher, co-founder of "Lima's gone wild".. Just to SEE you in a post,,WE RUN AWAY,,,unable to even get a small word in or one small peek from any ladies,,as THEIR EYES ARE ALL ON YOUR EVERY MOVE.. ![]() Yeah, looking for the next thing I say that they can COMPLAIN about....!! You should see my e-mail: "How dare you say you don't like Canadian Bacon?" -- gives new meaning to the phrase "under the microscope." Not that I mind, really -- it's attention, and attention is always good. Unless you're a Catholic priest, then there tends to be an issue. ![]() WE FEAR YOU,,,AND THE TOPIC'S THAT YOU POST,,,we HIDE,,or RUN.. Well, it's still better than having an IQ of 20 and thinking about sex 80 hours a day -- if nothing else, that would show a total disregard for math.... LIFE IS TO HARD HERE WITH YOU ON HERE. I AM ENDING MINE NOW,,,I CAN NO LONGER TAKE THIS CONSTANT SHANE OF MY UNIMPORTANT SELF,,GOODBYE CRUEL LEX AND WORLD..... Well, there's a book idea....! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() OK,,maybe I'll hang around a bit longer buddy,,,, ![]() I see what your saying and MANY do get intimidated by MANY things that another might be about.,,not just smarts but also,MONEY,,some,,its their Children,,as that other,,has none,,,nor been around many to know how to interact with them.. Some because of their religious beliefs,, SOME because of their fears of SEX,,or lack of having that.. MANY people who have not experienced a closeness with WHAT THEY FEAR,,,will HAVE some feelings of being intimidated by that in someone.... ![]() ![]() Well, we're all afraid of something, right? I don't particularly like scorpions or broccoli -- but I wouldn't feel "intimidated" if scorpions and broccoli said I didn't fit into their preferences. I might be a little freaked out by the fact that the scorpions and broccoli were actually talking to me, but that's as far as it would go. |
Maybe not intimidated in the sense of being "scared" but intimidated by the conditions and feeling like they did not fit into them. OK, but the word that is constantly being used is "intimidated"! I don't understand the whole concept -- if I was "intimidated" by everyone whose preferences did not include me, I would have to be "intimidated" all the time -- and I'm not, because, well, really, what's the point? Nobody is going to be liked by everybody, and nobody is going to like everybody. That's my theory, anyway. I don't see why that should even be an issue. I mean, I no more expect to fit into most people's preferences any more than I would expect them to fit into mine. But that shouldn't cause anything like "intimidation." I agree. Besides, that word, other examples are daunting, fearful, inadequate. These are all feelings that one can get from another that might cause them NOT to initiate contact. Again, their problem and their insecurities, but nonetheless valid feelings. |
Edited by
Mon 04/19/10 10:36 AM
I think people confuse actual intimidation with being intimidated by the stigma that is associated with some of these activities/hobbies/professions.
I, for example, have 6 tattoos, one of them being a half sleeve on my upper left arm. I'm sure there is an issue of some guys just preferring women with out tattoos, but there is also the stereotyping that comes with them. If you only looked at my pictures and did not read the rest of my profile you would miss the fact that I am a total nerd and even belong to a high IQ society. (152, I missed Lex's cut off ![]() Point being that the profile or person them self are not what is intimidating... it's others preconceived notions. |
I think people confuse actual intimidation with being intimidated by the stigma that is associated with some of these activities/hobbies/professions. I, for example, have 6 tattoos, one of them being a half sleeve on my upper left arm. I'm sure there is an issue of some guys just preferring women with out tattoos, but there is also the stereotyping that comes with them. If you only looked at my pictures and did not read the rest of my profile you would miss the fact that I am a total nerd and even belong to a high IQ society. (152, I missed Lex's cut off ![]() Point being that the profile or person them self are not what is intimidating... it's others preconceived notions. Exactly. And I just can't bring myself to feel responsible for those notions. I mean, in all likelihood, those notions were firmly ensconced in those people before any of them ever read anything I've written. So I didn't cause the problem -- if anything, I'm the victim here. There must be a way to sue somebody over this! |
I think people confuse actual intimidation with being intimidated by the stigma that is associated with some of these activities/hobbies/professions. I, for example, have 6 tattoos, one of them being a half sleeve on my upper left arm. I'm sure there is an issue of some guys just preferring women with out tattoos, but there is also the stereotyping that comes with them. If you only looked at my pictures and did not read the rest of my profile you would miss the fact that I am a total nerd and even belong to a high IQ society. (152, I missed Lex's cut off ![]() Point being that the profile or person them self are not what is intimidating... it's others preconceived notions. Exactly. And I just can't bring myself to feel responsible for those notions. I mean, in all likelihood, those notions were firmly ensconced in those people before any of them ever read anything I've written. So I didn't cause the problem -- if anything, I'm the victim here. There must be a way to sue somebody over this! I absolutely agree that we are not the cause, nor should we in any way shape or from feel badly for being ourselves. Let's just call it slander for the sake of getting the ball rolling on what will most likely turn into a class-action lawsuit ![]() |
I think people confuse actual intimidation with being intimidated by the stigma that is associated with some of these activities/hobbies/professions. I, for example, have 6 tattoos, one of them being a half sleeve on my upper left arm. I'm sure there is an issue of some guys just preferring women with out tattoos, but there is also the stereotyping that comes with them. If you only looked at my pictures and did not read the rest of my profile you would miss the fact that I am a total nerd and even belong to a high IQ society. (152, I missed Lex's cut off ![]() Point being that the profile or person them self are not what is intimidating... it's others preconceived notions. Exactly. And I just can't bring myself to feel responsible for those notions. I mean, in all likelihood, those notions were firmly ensconced in those people before any of them ever read anything I've written. So I didn't cause the problem -- if anything, I'm the victim here. There must be a way to sue somebody over this! I absolutely agree that we are not the cause, nor should we in any way shape or from feel badly for being ourselves. Let's just call it slander for the sake of getting the ball rolling on what will most likely turn into a class-action lawsuit ![]() Hey, if we could make it a "Hate Crime," we could go Federal on it! For me, the bottom line is this: I'm not deliberately trying to intimidate anybody here. Mainly, I'm trying to be amusing, and also maybe sometimes trying to give people something to think about. This is also good writing practice. Some people are all too eager to find something to be offended by, even if they have to mangle it in various ways in order to achieve their goal. I've always told people "If you don't like what I write, don't read it." That seems reasonably simple. |
Well, we're all afraid of something, right? I don't particularly like scorpions or broccoli -- but I wouldn't feel "intimidated" if scorpions and broccoli said I didn't fit into their preferences. I might be a little freaked out by the fact that the scorpions and broccoli were actually talking to me, but that's as far as it would go. Kohlrabi scares the bean dip out of me. ![]() |