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Topic: Don't Worry - It'll Turn Out Fine ...
no photo
Sun 04/11/10 08:09 AM
Why sure it will ... there's no 'boogeyman' under your bed ... things don't go 'bump' in the night ... the market's rebounding, jobs are plentiful, credit terms are being relaxed, money flows like water, student loans are available at any bank, the dollar's sound as a bell, companies are hiring like crazy, the economy is at full employment, and the little fairies sprinkle magic pixie dust on everything every day to make the world a better place ...

And then there's reality:!.html

Moxie81's photo
Sun 04/11/10 10:59 AM
rofl well said. well said

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/11/10 11:00 AM
The process of life is that it has its ups and downs,, so indeed it WILL Get better,, the only real debate is the timeline against which it will happen...

no photo
Sun 04/11/10 11:26 AM
Click your heels together three times and keep saying "There's no place like home ... there's no place like home ... "

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 04/11/10 11:40 AM
...and negative, pessimistic energy thoughts always make things better.
I think I'll keep kicking my heels and sprinkling my pixie dust, at least I'm happy.

There's always more to the picture than meets the eye.

delilady's photo
Sun 04/11/10 11:55 AM
Why is it that some people always look at the negative side of life.

If you tell someone they are worthless and miserable long enough, sooner or later that person starts to believe that he/she is worthless and miserable

If you tell someone that you believe in them sooner or later that person will believe that he/she is capable of doing anything.

So if this citizens of this country are constantly told that it is hopeless and nothing will ever improve you will get your wish and this country will go down the tubes.

Why not concentrate on the positive things that are happening? If you have ideas for changing things for the better then go ahead and post them. I would love to read them. If you want to tell us over and over how bad things are without suggesting any solutions other than get rid of Obama and the Democrats, then your credibility is about as realistic as the scenario you posted.

I look forward to reading the solutions you have in mind.

no photo
Sun 04/11/10 12:30 PM
Okay ... name three positive things that are happening ... I'll wait ...

delilady's photo
Sun 04/11/10 12:35 PM
My income tax refund check was bigger

My pay cut from last March was reversed

Credit card companies are finally getting regulated

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/11/10 12:51 PM

My income tax refund check was bigger

My pay cut from last March was reversed

Credit card companies are finally getting regulated

let me add to it,, yucca mountain being closed and me being able to keep my son on my insurance while he attends college as well as being able to receive more substantial grants to finish my degree in education

TJN's photo
Sun 04/11/10 01:09 PM
Edited by TJN on Sun 04/11/10 01:09 PM

My income tax refund check was bigger

My pay cut from last March was reversed

Credit card companies are finally getting regulated

Why was your refund bigger? Because you payed to much into the system?

It's good to hear your company is doing better.
But unemployment is still over 9% and it wasn't supposed to go over 8% according to all the experts from this administration. And they are saying it's not going to get much better over the next couple years.

I just hope the CC companies don't find other ways to get money out of us.

let me add to it,, yucca mountain being closed and me being able to keep my son on my insurance while he attends college as well as being able to receive more substantial grants to finish my degree in education

The majority of people are done with college by the age of 22. And most insurances allow kids to be covered until then as long as they are in college before they passed the bill.

delilady's photo
Sun 04/11/10 01:17 PM
Most kids today are not finished at 22 and this allowed my son to be covered while be worked on his Masters

There is always a negative way to look at everything, but I choose to be a positive person. I'm educated I see the pitfalls and the downslides but I also look for what is going right. You have the freedom to be negative if that makes you feel better. Negativity serves no purpose in my life.

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/11/10 01:18 PM

My income tax refund check was bigger

My pay cut from last March was reversed

Credit card companies are finally getting regulated

Why was your refund bigger? Because you payed to much into the system?

It's good to hear your company is doing better.
But unemployment is still over 9% and it wasn't supposed to go over 8% according to all the experts from this administration. And they are saying it's not going to get much better over the next couple years.

I just hope the CC companies don't find other ways to get money out of us.

let me add to it,, yucca mountain being closed and me being able to keep my son on my insurance while he attends college as well as being able to receive more substantial grants to finish my degree in education

The majority of people are done with college by the age of 22. And most insurances allow kids to be covered until then as long as they are in college before they passed the bill.

None that I knew of,,,unless the college child stayed at home. My son will attend school and reside in a different state and still be able to be covered. The average age of college students is rising as well

'The average student age in the U.S. has been climbing steadily in recent years. At both Harvard and Notre Dame the average age is now 27. The University of Phoenix, which offers both online and traditional degree programs, has an average student age of 35-37. On a larger scale thirty-eight percent of all college students are now 25 or older, according to a recent U.S Census Bureau report' more at

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 04/11/10 01:19 PM

Negativity serves no purpose in my life.

Nor for the rest of us

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/11/10 01:22 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 04/11/10 01:23 PM
It is good to be honest with ourself. I think when we focus TOO much on any one side (positive or negative) we are putting ourself at the disadvantage of being too stifled with whats wrong or too naive to comment about the elephant in the room,,,,

balanced people are easier to talk to,(for me anyhow),,followed by the positive and then the negative

cashu's photo
Sun 04/11/10 03:04 PM

Most kids today are not finished at 22 and this allowed my son to be covered while be worked on his Masters

There is always a negative way to look at everything, but I choose to be a positive person. I'm educated I see the pitfalls and the downslides but I also look for what is going right. You have the freedom to be negative if that makes you feel better. Negativity serves no purpose in my life.

ah Its nice to have no pressure in your life and to be so secure that you don't have to worry . But most of us have never been granted that in life we live at whims of the pigs in life .
an as far as those master degrees go that only makes you a little smarter than a third graer but not as smart as a fifth grade ......bigsmile

delilady's photo
Sun 04/11/10 03:41 PM

Most kids today are not finished at 22 and this allowed my son to be covered while be worked on his Masters

There is always a negative way to look at everything, but I choose to be a positive person. I'm educated I see the pitfalls and the downslides but I also look for what is going right. You have the freedom to be negative if that makes you feel better. Negativity serves no purpose in my life.

ah Its nice to have no pressure in your life and to be so secure that you don't have to worry . But most of us have never been granted that in life we live at whims of the pigs in life .
an as far as those master degrees go that only makes you a little smarter than a third graer but not as smart as a fifth grade ......bigsmile
Oh if only I had the no pressure life you speak of--with no worries!!! I have as many struggles as the next person and work very hard to keep my head above water. I just don't believe that sitting around complaining about it solves anything. Thank you so much for your cynical view on education. Because of your inteligent response I will now cancel my younger son's admission to college in the fall so he can work his way up to a minimum wage job, feel worthless and hopeless and rob you of the few bucks you had in your wallet. Much better than getting an education and working towards a goal.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 04/11/10 03:59 PM
Edited by JustAGuy2112 on Sun 04/11/10 04:00 PM
Better make sure he doesn't get a job that pays well.

If he does, and makes over a certain amount of money, he'll be one of those " greedy rich folks " that just had their money handed to them.

Oh...and if he's going to college to be a doctor...let him know that the government is now going to tell him how much he's allowed to earn.

it may not be enough to pay off the loans he'll need.

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 04/11/10 04:02 PM

Why is it that some people always look at the negative side of life.

If you tell someone they are worthless and miserable long enough, sooner or later that person starts to believe that he/she is worthless and miserable

If you tell someone that you believe in them sooner or later that person will believe that he/she is capable of doing anything.

So if this citizens of this country are constantly told that it is hopeless and nothing will ever improve you will get your wish and this country will go down the tubes.

Why not concentrate on the positive things that are happening? If you have ideas for changing things for the better then go ahead and post them. I would love to read them. If you want to tell us over and over how bad things are without suggesting any solutions other than get rid of Obama and the Democrats, then your credibility is about as realistic as the scenario you posted.

I look forward to reading the solutions you have in mind.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 04/11/10 04:03 PM

Negativity serves no purpose in my life.

Nor for the rest of us

Ya got that right.

delilady's photo
Sun 04/11/10 04:05 PM

Better make sure he doesn't get a job that pays well.

If he does, and makes over a certain amount of money, he'll be one of those " greedy rich folks " that just had their money handed to them.

Oh...and if he's going to college to be a doctor...let him know that the government is now going to tell him how much he's allowed to earn.

it may not be enough to pay off the loans he'll need.
So he has a choice of one side calling him a greedy rich person or the other side saying that the poor uneducated, lazy guy is just living off the system

People who want to label everyone are part of the problem not the solution

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