Topic: Five Letters - part 4 | |
Run if girlfriend requires facelift
K O C S H |
Kim Only Chooses Skirt Hems
D K R E P |
Do Kangaroos Really Eat Pretzels?
M I K L P |
Men in kilts love Polka.
S U E N E |
Scots Use Environment Neutral Eunuchs
V E T T L |
Vegans Eat Turkish Taffy Latkes
P R P N G |
Paint Really Protects New Gates
O M S S E |
Oh My! She's Sexy Eiyeieyi
J L A F S |
Jhavez Loves Artgurl's Flirty Style
K O E E T |
Kissing Openly Every Evening Tingles I W I W Y |
I Want "It" With You
H G I C E |
His Genius Is Citing Emotions L W F H S |
Lovely Woman Forgot Her Shoes
(she did that on purpose so that she has a reason to come back ) W A R O C |
or buy new ones!
Wonderful Artgurl Relishes Other's Cooking I W C F Y |
I Will Come For You (Be ready, I don't like to wait )
L W A C T |
Loved Walk Around City Tonight
L K A M W |
Let's Kiss at Midnight. Wink
(It is 11:47 here, Mmmmmmmmm, I can't wait ) L I T D R |
Love Is The Drug..........Remember!
I Y O P R |
Its yummi oven pot roast.
K L T E B |
Kneeling Lets The Eyes Breath.
B C B G Y |