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Topic: what is the first thing you notice about a woman
no photo
Sun 04/11/10 08:19 PM

wonder what men find the most attractive about a woman or what are you truly looking for in a woman

Well to be honest I find long sexxy legs dark hair beutiful smile and of coarce booobbys are attractive to me. Also it would be nice to find a woman that dosen't have issues with her figure, I just hate it when thay ask if they look fat, they gat mad no matter what you say.smokin

a305jewel's photo
Sun 04/11/10 11:57 PM
real talk the most thing people notice is the way a person looks. then personality but if a person never speaks you just notice the way they look. but i look for someone with a head on there shoulders and can bring as much to the table as im bringing. I say forget the looks where do you see yourself in five years and what steps are you taking to achieve those goals. but guys dnt think like that they think about what you will be like in bed or how they can show you off to there friends. not all guys r like that but a good amount thinks like that

LezKaelynn's photo
Mon 04/12/10 12:49 AM
I'm a lesbian, so not really a man's perpective.

I notice teeth and hair first.

sshassan's photo
Mon 04/12/10 04:08 AM
her arse....

JustAGuy2112's photo
Mon 04/12/10 08:53 PM

but i look for someone with a head on there shoulders...

Yeah. Me too.

The headless ones are a little hard to keep track of cuz they keep getting lost when they wander around.

no photo
Mon 04/12/10 09:17 PM

but i look for someone with a head on there shoulders...

Yeah. Me too.

The headless ones are a little hard to keep track of cuz they keep getting lost when they wander around.

That's why I carry super glue, you never know when you might need to reattach a head....

Averageguy1964's photo
Mon 04/12/10 09:22 PM
Well Groomed,sweet smile,dark eyes,funny,smarts,nice butt,but what gets me looking is a small chest.

no photo
Mon 04/12/10 10:31 PM
my lord will you guys man-up her azz breast then her eyes

primal's photo
Tue 04/13/10 03:52 AM
i look at eyes first you can tell alot about any person by what you see in theyre eyes what kind of person and all that

1Magnum's photo
Sat 04/17/10 04:32 PM
The first thing I notice is whether or not she is wearing a wedding ring.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 04/17/10 04:55 PM

but i look for someone with a head on there shoulders...

Yeah. Me too.

The headless ones are a little hard to keep track of cuz they keep getting lost when they wander around.

That's why I carry super glue, you never know when you might need to reattach a head....


This is what I get for not keeping up with threads I have posted in.

I COMPLETELY missed this post....

That was funny as hell.

I never even THOUGHT of keeping a tube of Super Glue handy...lmao

unbreakableheart's photo
Wed 04/21/10 04:36 PM
i look for a great personality and beautiful eyes and some one who can except me for me

marcymarc27's photo
Wed 04/21/10 04:49 PM
me i am looking for in a woman is a woman with a great personality toward life not so much on good looks but the inter beauty is what on my list you can look like the hotties woman on the plantet but if u have a personality like you think your on top of the world and evryone should bend down and kiss your feet and if you have a additude that your crap don't smell then your are not the one for me

marcymarc27's photo
Wed 04/21/10 04:51 PM
i also look for a beautiful smile that spark in her eyes and just a woman that loves me for who i really am

no photo
Thu 04/22/10 08:53 PM

but i look for someone with a head on there shoulders...

Yeah. Me too.

The headless ones are a little hard to keep track of cuz they keep getting lost when they wander around.

That's why I carry super glue, you never know when you might need to reattach a head....


This is what I get for not keeping up with threads I have posted in.

I COMPLETELY missed this post....

That was funny as hell.

I never even THOUGHT of keeping a tube of Super Glue handy...lmao

laugh drinker

no photo
Fri 04/23/10 10:34 AM
drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool

wonder what men find the most attractive about a woman or what are you truly looking for in a woman
flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers smitten smitten smitten smitten smitten smitten smitten smitten smitten smitten YOUR SMILE............

Phuque2's photo
Sat 04/24/10 05:26 PM
Her brain....Then her funny bone

Diligent's photo
Sun 04/25/10 12:14 AM
The first thing I notice about a woman is her face. The second thing is her smile (or lack of). Then, I gravitate down to the...breasts.

no photo
Mon 04/26/10 11:42 AM

Her brain....Then her funny bone
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead

Gossamer63's photo
Mon 04/26/10 08:46 PM
I notice the eyes first, next would be the smile.

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