Topic: Former IAEA chief: Iraq war killed “a million innocent civ | |
JeeeeeeeeeeZUS ... ! The left-wing idiocy never stops ... Yeah, I'm positive all the folks in that Shiite Majority just loved being chained and caned, having their feet broken, their daughters raped before their eyes and then murdered, their sons and wives (and then themselves) being put alive into wood chippers ... yeah, I bet they're all a-pinin' for the 'good old days' when Sadaam was 'in control of things' ... Life really must have been better then, don'tcha think? Pity the Libwhacks weren't over there to share the joy ... if they had been, they'd be mulch now. Heh, it's just the old crows STILL trying to justify the illegal wars they suppport...liars for politics and shills for the kill kill kill attitudes...ignoring the body count. It's just not human. A real human would be ashamed... I didn't and still don't...let's hope we can bring our troops home soon, they served honorably and I appreciate their willingness to serve no matter what got us into these wars. Those coming home missing limbs and who suffer PTS should get only the best treatment. No matter what religion they are or are not... ![]() |
JeeeeeeeeeeZUS ... ! The left-wing idiocy never stops ... Yeah, I'm positive all the folks in that Shiite Majority just loved being chained and caned, having their feet broken, their daughters raped before their eyes and then murdered, their sons and wives (and then themselves) being put alive into wood chippers ... yeah, I bet they're all a-pinin' for the 'good old days' when Sadaam was 'in control of things' ... Life really must have been better then, don'tcha think? Pity the Libwhacks weren't over there to share the joy ... if they had been, they'd be mulch now. Heh, it's just the old crows STILL trying to justify the illegal wars they suppport...liars for politics and shills for the kill kill kill attitudes...ignoring the body count. It's just not human. A real human would be ashamed... This war was not rushed. Despite the screw-ups and misinformation, despite the way it was wrongly sold based on fear mongering and false intelligence, despite the human toll this awful war has exacted on the civilian population and our soldiers... Had Saddam been more cooperative and less belligerent and had Iraq been completely transparent about their military and weapons programs, had Iraq not supported terrorists and threatened the United States and other countries - this war would never had occurred. It was always within the power of Iraq to avoid war had they chosen to do so. Ultimately, Saddam and his government and those who fight against the U.S. and the elected govt of Iraq bear responsibility for the casualties of this war. |
Edited by
Fri 04/09/10 07:36 AM
JeeeeeeeeeeZUS ... ! The left-wing idiocy never stops ... Yeah, I'm positive all the folks in that Shiite Majority just loved being chained and caned, having their feet broken, their daughters raped before their eyes and then murdered, their sons and wives (and then themselves) being put alive into wood chippers ... yeah, I bet they're all a-pinin' for the 'good old days' when Sadaam was 'in control of things' ... Life really must have been better then, don'tcha think? Pity the Libwhacks weren't over there to share the joy ... if they had been, they'd be mulch now. Heh, it's just the old crows STILL trying to justify the illegal wars they suppport...liars for politics and shills for the kill kill kill attitudes...ignoring the body count. It's just not human. A real human would be ashamed... I didn't and still don't...let's hope we can bring our troops home soon, they served honorably and I appreciate their willingness to serve no matter what got us into these wars. Those coming home missing limbs and who suffer PTS should get only the best treatment. No matter what religion they are or are not... ![]() Not to interrupt your mind-spooge, but if you'll think back just a few short months, you may recall a little incident at Ft Hood (it's in TX, y'know?) that was conducted by another muzzie by the name of 'Hassan' ... When the so-called 'moderate' muzzies begin to denounce people like him (have you heard any of 'em denounce him yet? ... No.), THEN I'll begin to believe they're 'sincere' when they mouth the pious, shopworn platitudes about 'peace' ... when they stop 'honor killings' and genital mutilation of females, then I might believe 'em. Don't try gaining sympathy by playing the weepy-boy - it doesn't work. The photo is a nicely-staged sympathy shot, tho' - now provide documentaton that this individual ever lived and that the headstone's not a 'created prop'. Real-life shots don't come complete with studio lighting ... and you might tell CAIR's 'public relations dept' that military headstones DON'T come with letters painted in black ... |
Edited by
Fri 04/09/10 04:25 PM
JeeeeeeeeeeZUS ... ! The left-wing idiocy never stops ... Yeah, I'm positive all the folks in that Shiite Majority just loved being chained and caned, having their feet broken, their daughters raped before their eyes and then murdered, their sons and wives (and then themselves) being put alive into wood chippers ... yeah, I bet they're all a-pinin' for the 'good old days' when Sadaam was 'in control of things' ... Life really must have been better then, don'tcha think? Pity the Libwhacks weren't over there to share the joy ... if they had been, they'd be mulch now. Heh, it's just the old crows STILL trying to justify the illegal wars they suppport...liars for politics and shills for the kill kill kill attitudes...ignoring the body count. It's just not human. A real human would be ashamed... I didn't and still don't...let's hope we can bring our troops home soon, they served honorably and I appreciate their willingness to serve no matter what got us into these wars. Those coming home missing limbs and who suffer PTS should get only the best treatment. No matter what religion they are or are not... ![]() Not to interrupt your mind-spooge, but if you'll think back just a few short months, you may recall a little incident at Ft Hood (it's in TX, y'know?) that was conducted by another muzzie by the name of 'Hassan' ... When the so-called 'moderate' muzzies begin to denounce people like him (have you heard any of 'em denounce him yet? ... No.), THEN I'll begin to believe they're 'sincere' when they mouth the pious, shopworn platitudes about 'peace' ... when they stop 'honor killings' and genital mutilation of females, then I might believe 'em. Don't try gaining sympathy by playing the weepy-boy - it doesn't work. The photo is a nicely-staged sympathy shot, tho' - now provide documentaton that this individual ever lived and that the headstone's not a 'created prop'. Real-life shots don't come complete with studio lighting ... and you might tell CAIR's 'public relations dept' that military headstones DON'T come with letters painted in black ... ![]() Heh, when a pic and a few links totally discount a posterchild's absurd truthiness....yet only succeeded in wasting 2 minutes of my when the RW nutbags are out of plans they just stick to their lying? Nice! |
You better watch it, dude. Do you ALWAYS have your panties in a wad? That's a universal VERY offensive slang name. One guy saying "muzzie" is quite different. You sound like you have serious issues. Take it private to the mods with your issues.
You better watch it, dude. Do you ALWAYS have your panties in a wad? That's a universal VERY offensive slang name. One guy saying "muzzie" is quite different. You sound like you have serious issues. Take it private to the mods with your issues. I had never heard the term "muzzies" as a racial slur...but then I don't hang at Stormfront...I guess some here do. Thanks for picking that out... |
You better watch it, dude. Do you ALWAYS have your panties in a wad? That's a universal VERY offensive slang name. One guy saying "muzzie" is quite different. You sound like you have serious issues. Take it private to the mods with your issues. I had never heard the term "muzzies" as a racial slur...but then I don't hang at Stormfront...I guess some here do. Thanks for picking that out... I have never heard the term at all,,,what is it? |