Topic: The LHC at CERN is finally running | |
After an explosion last year that severely damaged the chamber, the big machine is finally up and running.
Begin Quote: "Humanity is about to look deeper inside matter than has ever been possible before. We have many theories of what we might find, but only experiments can tell us which, if any, are right. Why do particles weigh? What is the dark matter that fills the Universe? What was the origin of the matter in the Universe? The answers provided by the discoveries of the LHC will revolutionize our understanding how the Universe works, and how it has evolved." John Ellis, CERN Theory Group End Quote: All the experiments reported hits. The machine is not up to full power yet but the level of current power is sufficient that news should be coming out of the groups soon. |
Kinda scary huh?
Are we equipped to have that knowledge yet? Man is still so primitive. We can't even treat each other equally, end war, etc... We still believe that violence is the best teacher even from the cradle. I just don't know. |
We used to stare into the campfire and wonder.
The campfire just got hotter. |
Edited by
Fri 04/02/10 06:54 AM
it could have been ours
Reagan was trying to build one three times bigger but Congress shot it down and now our best and brightest physicists are all moving to Switzerland the American brain drain is accelerating |
it could have been ours Reagan was trying to build one three times bigger but Congress shot it down and now our best and brightest physicists are all moving to Switzerland the American brain drain is accelerating Yep! Pretty sad. They even dug much of the ring in Waco before shutting it down. What a waste! |
Edited by
Fri 04/02/10 08:26 AM
and I was just reading that the Indian and Chinese engineers that we brought over are all starting to move back to India and China. Their native countries are now paying much more than the Americans are
I don't think it'll be long before America becomes a second tier nation behind the Chinese and Indians and maybe even the Russians they are all advancing and spending while we are too busy playing the "my party can beat your party" game. In 2009, for the first time ever, the Chinese bought more new cars than the Americans. Their economy has tripled every year for the last ten years while we are still trying live a lavish lifestyle on credit and give more and more entitlements (which the Chinese are kind enough to finance for us) |
We can safely relinquish leadership in particle physics experiments to the europeans. But we should sell them the underlying superconductor, detector, cryogenics, power generation, electronics and software technologies. That way we can keep the core engineering and physics expertise here at home without having to build gigantic tunnel hives of uber-particle nerds. Besides, we always have the Tevatron, SLAC, Brookhaven, LANL, LBL and the SLS.
![]() They don't call it high density center-of-mass for nothing you know... ![]() We need a good excuse to go on vacation to Geneva too! ![]() |
![]() I send my kid to do a semester of college over in Switzerland, and this is the return I get? ![]() |
Reagan was trying to build one three times bigger but Congress shot it down The worst is when people argue against large scale government funded science research on the basis of "First we should spend that money on taking care of the poor" or "First we should spend that money on taking care of the environment" if there is actually a trade off between these budgets. I mean, of course the environment should be protected, and those that are willing to work should have access to education and placement assistance, but shooting down science research is not going to help. |
it's okay
the Chinese will pick up our slack |