Topic: How convenient !
JimNastics4u's photo
Mon 03/29/10 07:59 PM

:banana: :tongue:

no photo
Mon 03/29/10 08:01 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

thewaterbearer's photo
Mon 03/29/10 08:01 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl :tongue:

bastet126's photo
Mon 03/29/10 08:12 PM
what about us women!?!?!sad don't we get directions too?? sad

Phuque2's photo
Mon 03/29/10 08:41 PM
There are no directions with women. It's like reading a map...upside down and sideways...But when we think we have the map figured out...we end up getting lost. But we keep on the road anyway.waving