Topic: Mr. Piano Man....
Sashalynn's photo
Tue 03/23/10 04:18 AM
Mr. Piano Man....

Strong and gentle fingers
caress the piano keys
using each finger so expressively
sometimes soft waves of emotions played
Puts us in a trance like a love

Rhythmic fingers working effortlessly
to make harmonious music for you
and me
Intertwining each tone so subtly.
sometimes it becomes a storm of
thunderous crashing notes
captivating the heart taking you over

His hands become one
connected to the keys that play
so beautifully.
No longer the caress, but domineering.
Pounding out each note commanding each one to follow his lead.
Feel the emotions ravage you .
feel them take you higher and higher, leaving you
wanting more, leaving you wanting it to never end
Do not stop Mr. Piano Man...

Listening to his music, sweet music
It comes from his fingers, his mind and his soul.
To capture you and take you with him
on highs and lows
Hear the melody reach its moans,
feel the sighs it drags from your insides,
with no warning...

And than it is over as fast as it began
His now tired hands have left you
shaking to the core.
His fingesr leave the black and white keys that played the chords
And you cant help but want to plea...
Play another song Mr. Piano Man
Please play one more for me

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Tue 03/23/10 07:12 AM