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Topic: texting
JNBG's photo
Mon 03/15/10 08:27 PM
ok this happens to me a lot with a lot of girls..THEY will usually text me then after i respond they dnt answer back.. i mean wy text me if they dnt wanna talk? any ideas as to wy they do that?

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 03/15/10 08:29 PM
no clue. I'm not a texting type of gal. I have waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much to say laugh

JNBG's photo
Mon 03/15/10 08:30 PM
oh if i have the "right" texting buddy ill send more then 2000 texts a day lol.. but thats not the point the popint is that they initiate the convo and then dnt answer :/

no photo
Mon 03/15/10 08:32 PM
Maybe they consider the convo to be over? You don't want to text 24/7 do you? It's the same with emails, once the convo is over, someone chooses not to reply. What I usually do is wait a few days and email 'em again....laugh

no photo
Mon 03/15/10 08:32 PM

ok this happens to me a lot with a lot of girls..THEY will usually text me then after i respond they dnt answer back.. i mean wy text me if they dnt wanna talk? any ideas as to wy they do that?
They're probably just immature. Wouldn't let it worry you, life is too short :wink:

Teditis's photo
Mon 03/15/10 08:33 PM

ok this happens to me a lot with a lot of girls..THEY will usually text me then after i respond they dnt answer back.. i mean wy text me if they dnt wanna talk? any ideas as to wy they do that?

Drives me nuts!! Regardless of gender finish what you started... my 91y/o mother finishes sentences better than some friends...frustrated frustrated
text me when you find the answer...

no photo
Mon 03/15/10 08:34 PM

my 91y/o mother finishes sentences better than some friends...
LOL laugh

JNBG's photo
Mon 03/15/10 08:35 PM
haha no no i dnt text them.. im not annoying.. we wont like talk for a couple of days or a week and all of a sudden theyll text me but after i answer they dnt reply

Teditis's photo
Mon 03/15/10 08:35 PM

Maybe they consider the convo to be over? You don't want to text 24/7 do you? It's the same with emails, once the convo is over, someone chooses not to reply. What I usually do is wait a few days and email 'em again....laugh

Knowin' me they just wonder why they ever started... laugh laugh

JNBG's photo
Mon 03/15/10 08:37 PM
idk i personally think theyre trying tooo hard to tease me or something

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 03/15/10 08:39 PM
they could have gotten busy....they could have just been playing games...who really knows

Have you asked them?

JNBG's photo
Mon 03/15/10 08:41 PM
yea if it happened just once then i might think that but it happens all the time :/ no because im sure it wouldnt end well lol

Teditis's photo
Mon 03/15/10 08:41 PM

idk i personally think theyre trying tooo hard to tease me or something

Nah, don't over-think it... just come in the forums and turn it into a joke...

JNBG's photo
Mon 03/15/10 08:45 PM
oh im not i just wanna know itll help me a lot lol

Tessa02's photo
Mon 03/15/10 08:46 PM
Dang, just lost my entire reply!! I got rid of the cell & went back to a landline. Don't email others & innitiate conversations because I fear rejection!! If someone emails me I do try to answer them all unless I have several & get lazy which doesn't happen often. Not like I'm winning any popularity contest here!!bigsmile

Teditis's photo
Mon 03/15/10 08:48 PM

oh im not i just wanna know itll help me a lot lol

Then I'd have to roll w/Rose's advice... do the "man up" thing and ask, it's rarely as bad as you think it might be.

JNBG's photo
Mon 03/15/10 08:48 PM

JNBG's photo
Mon 03/15/10 08:52 PM
humm i guess lol

lilott's photo
Mon 03/15/10 08:58 PM
Phones are for talking on not playing games, taking pictures or anything else.

no photo
Mon 03/15/10 09:01 PM
Could be worse, imagine if they left you hanging while you were sexting......:laughing:

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