Topic: Psssssssst,,,did YOU here? | |
In this house of strangers, some we call a friend.
Rests many minds, and personalities, some just here to pretend. I've never refused any friends invite. Because we share this home, this site. Through years of being here, and reading here. Many our truly sweet and dear, Yet some here we should all fear. Like the venom of a poisonous snake. They wait, and plan, their just a fake. Honesty is felt in everything they say. You could meet them in person, today. But never know or see their evil play. Behind these pages, they plot and strive. Mis-leading, destroying, keeping their venom alive. Its their disease, their once felt rejections. Now turned into revenge to make their lies convictions. It seems I have called one of these a friend here. And through seeing is believing, I know now who to fear. I will say this to everyone to not let others betray you. You be your own judge, and follow your heart through. Words are not people, and truth will always prevail. Personally, I never let someone's views turn me from another. NO-ONE is truly known to you, until you really meet them! Peace, love, and Be Real. |
Hell T...and real...tiz the only way to be..
FEW,,,,like THEIR TRUTH,,,wink, I LOVE MINE!!!!!! |
awsome dude, realy true
You are the Edgar Allen Poe of love.
You are the Edgar Allen Poe of love. Thank YOU,,,, I think,,,lol |