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Topic: Almost the weekend!
no photo
Fri 03/05/10 10:06 AM
I have a four day weekend that I am so looking forward to.

What is everyone up to this weekend? Anything exciting?

Gossipmpm's photo
Fri 03/05/10 10:09 AM
I had to get a new DVD player cause this weekend we have movie night!
Learning to snowboard! Being cocktail waitress at a VIP card game!!:heart:

newarkjw's photo
Fri 03/05/10 10:16 AM
The weather is beautiful here at the moment. Will be great to walk up on the strip...........smokin

no photo
Fri 03/05/10 10:19 AM
The weather is supposed to be nicer this weekend than it has been in a while. I'm excited for the 50 degree, sunny weather. laugh

newarkjw's photo
Fri 03/05/10 10:21 AM
About the same here. I got cabin fever....

no photo
Fri 03/05/10 10:29 AM
Shovel the snow off my front lawn unto the street , so MAYBE see green grass??...laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 03/05/10 10:32 AM

I'm excited for the 50 degree, sunny weather.


TxsSun's photo
Fri 03/05/10 10:32 AM
The weather is beautiful, I got my hair
done, I believe I'm gonna go boot scootin.

no photo
Fri 03/05/10 10:38 AM

Shovel the snow off my front lawn unto the street , so MAYBE see green grass??...laugh laugh laugh

Most of the snow here has finally melted.

no photo
Fri 03/05/10 10:39 AM

The weather is beautiful, I got my hair
done, I believe I'm gonna go boot scootin.

Sounds like a good way to start the weekend!

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 03/05/10 10:40 AM
Hummm not sure yet a friend of mine that drives a truck if all goes well will be coming through my area and asked me if I wanted to get out of the house and see a bit of the country side with him. whoa I just might do that............bigsmile

newarkjw's photo
Fri 03/05/10 10:40 AM

The weather is beautiful, I got my hair
done, I believe I'm gonna go boot scootin.

Just be sure to wear those boots were you won't fall off the table honey...........smokin

TxsSun's photo
Fri 03/05/10 11:36 AM
I will definitely wear the non slip ones:wink:

MelodyGirl's photo
Fri 03/05/10 12:47 PM

no photo
Fri 03/05/10 04:01 PM
Nope, my life is boring, but I hope everyone else has a wonderful time.

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 03/05/10 04:11 PM
North Texas Irish Festival! Positively giddy here, I always have fun, and oogling guys in kilts is soooo much fun!


:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

drinks drool

Gossipmpm's photo
Fri 03/05/10 04:14 PM

I will definitely wear the non slip ones:wink:

Is that the new hair

love it!!!!:heart:

no photo
Fri 03/05/10 04:18 PM

The weather is beautiful, I got my hair
done, I believe I'm gonna go boot scootin.

I :heart: your new hair.

DrRob's photo
Fri 03/05/10 04:20 PM
weekend means driving up to the big city n buying some more vehicles..sigh..sometimes i get a bit tired of the same routine..but..never know whats gonna happen.

like 2 weeks ago...the transmission went out on one of my 4x4`s and left me stranded..usually im the one doing the rescuing.
or last weekend,when i bought a 67 chevelle for 500 bucks.
that doesnt happen often.

prolly plow the remains of the snow around so i can get out the vehicles in the back yard on a bit behind on those because of the snow.

maybe ill swing past the bar next town over n check the scenery.

TxsSun's photo
Fri 03/05/10 04:22 PM
Edited by TxsSun on Fri 03/05/10 04:23 PM

Is that the new hair

love it!!!!:heart:

I :heart: your new hair.

Thank you both blushing

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