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Topic: Yes, No, or Maybe - part 10
TheCaptain's photo
Wed 01/12/11 12:38 PM
Hell ya!!!!

Have you ever theater hopped??

BellaV's photo
Wed 01/12/11 12:40 PM
hell yeah! lol got busted once and the the movie owner made us clean the theather and it took us 5 HOURS!

Do u think they charge to much for stuff at the movies?

rara777's photo
Wed 01/12/11 03:37 PM
Yes, I think that they do.
Thats why women carry huge purses and stuff it full of goodies for the movie.All ya gotta buy then is something to drink.laugh

yeah, yeah, I know. cheap azz.laugh

Do you sneak treats into the movies?

Loy822's photo
Wed 01/12/11 03:40 PM
Absolutely! Carry in water too laugh

Ever worked at a movie theater?

rara777's photo
Wed 01/12/11 03:41 PM
No. but have snuck in a few times.laugh

ever sneak into the movies?

Loy822's photo
Wed 01/12/11 03:43 PM
No - but walked into a drive-in when I was about 10 LOL

Did you ever camp out and sneak off when you were a kid?

rara777's photo
Wed 01/12/11 03:46 PM
Have only camped out as an adult.
Was single and was sneaking around.laugh

Do you like to check out the camp grounds when you go camping?

BellaV's photo
Wed 01/12/11 05:35 PM

Do u take an airbed with u when u camp?

DaveyB's photo
Wed 01/12/11 09:57 PM
Maybe (well actually sometimes yes, sometimes no)

Do you like sleeping in a tent?

no photo
Wed 01/12/11 10:26 PM
I have not sleep in one in like a million years so I don't know

Have you ever tried to count the stripes on a zebra?

DaveyB's photo
Wed 01/12/11 10:42 PM

have you ever tried to count the spots on a leopard

no photo
Wed 01/12/11 11:41 PM

Do pigs fly?

rara777's photo
Thu 01/13/11 04:33 AM
laugh Only 2 legged ones.laugh

Do you know any 2 legged pigs? laugh

DaveyB's photo
Thu 01/13/11 10:08 AM

Is that a fly on the wall?

rara777's photo
Thu 01/13/11 10:37 AM

Would you like to slap it?

DaveyB's photo
Thu 01/13/11 04:17 PM
I slap it all the time these days... wait... re-reading the question... never mind blushing

Can you lay tile?

rara777's photo
Thu 01/13/11 04:26 PM
No.....But I can lay carpet.laugh

Can you hang wallpaper?

Jhavez's photo
Thu 01/13/11 04:32 PM
No, but I know how to inflate a blow up doll, does that count? laugh

What up Eduardo? drinker drinker

When you get drunk, are you easy? laugh laugh

DaveyB's photo
Thu 01/13/11 04:34 PM
Yes, I'm always easy

Can you swim 6 laps in an Olympic sized swimming pool?

rara777's photo
Thu 01/13/11 04:34 PM

When am I not easy? drinker laugh

waving Wazzzzup Jesse drinker

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