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Topic: IndnPrncs Hotel/Bar - part 103
IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:22 PM

DaveyB's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:23 PM
Yeah, I have a couple books I'm reading now. But realistically I read a lot more online than I do from books.

Still I'm more into doing than reading anywhere.

DaveyB's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:23 PM
Yeah, I have a couple books I'm reading now. But realistically I read a lot more online than I do from books.

Still I'm more into doing than reading anywhere.

BL4766's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:26 PM
I have TONS of books...............I have three 6-shelf bookcases that are FULL..........I need another shelf!!!!!laugh
Ive read alot ever since i could read!!!!!!

Hey ((((JOY))))flowerforyou flowerforyou

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:28 PM

I'm a reader too... Have bookcases and boxes of books... Mostly I read work stuff these days....

tripledigits69's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:28 PM
hello, just got home,Fl was a blast,bike week

BL4766's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:29 PM
It baffles me so that my son dont like to read........
never has...........If he only knew what kinds of things were
out there to read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!slaphead

BL4766's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:29 PM
drinker waving hey triple!

DaveyB's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:29 PM
I have quite a few books, though recently I got rid of a lot that I don't really have an interest in re-reading. But I find myself doing less and less all the time.

tripledigits69's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:31 PM

drinker waving hey triple!

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:31 PM
(((Triple))) (((Davey)))

BL4766's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:32 PM
Ive got alot of books in boxes in storage too............
wish I had room for all of them here in this damn apt.!!!!!!!!!frustrated

I jus go back & forth.........swapping books!whoa

DaveyB's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:36 PM
Big hugs to you too Joy :smile:

I had quite a few boxes of books at one time, I only have a couple now. Can't put any on shelves at the moment because of the work I'm doing in my house. I keep the books Im currently reading in my brief case.

myssfytz's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:41 PM
I have a problem.

I have to keep each and every book Ive ever read.

I wil never get rid of them.

Miss J.....good to see ya !!!

Its a nice quiet way to relax and get lost somewhere other than where you are at that moment.

BL4766's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:42 PM
I keep every book ive read also..........

ive re-read many of them............just cant bring myself
to get rid of any of them.......

I jus keep buying more.........and more..........laugh laugh

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:43 PM
(((Moe))) I keep all of my books too... I can't get from the Library b/c I want keep them...

myssfytz's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:46 PM
Same here....I refuse to give back my books !!!!!grumble grumble grumble noway noway

Hows KJ ?

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:48 PM
She's great... A wee bit spoiled but so cute she deserves to be.. Of course mommy and daddy have to deal with it later and ohhhhhhhhhhh the habits they are forming... laugh laugh laugh She a good baby though.. I hold her and watch her faces, she cracks me up...

myssfytz's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:53 PM
Awwwwwww, thats sweet.

Are they holding her ALL the time ? Picking her up EVERY time she cries ?? Lettin her sleep in bed WITH them ???

slaphead then uh oh...yeah, gonna be hard to breakrofl

New pics here and o'er yonder....have a look see.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:55 PM
Oh yeah, ALL of the above...

I will.. It may be tomorrow though, I'm kind of beat tonight... I went to bed at 10 last night and woke up at 3 am and couldn't get back to sleep.. I've tried to doze on and off throughout the day but it's not made up for that... lol

I'm a bit spacey to say the least...

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