Topic: My Heart Your Heart Our Heart
bamtino's photo
Fri 02/26/10 01:31 PM
My Heart Your Heart Our Heart

Enter at your own risk, is what it should read
After all, every heart will change
Keeping the promise, is what some do
Other's, well, they just rearrange

One heart fuses with another
What is mine is yours, and yours is mine
The same is said for our heart
It's said to be a sign

The way of love remains a mystery
For none of us will ever know
How we live, and what we do
This is the way our love will show

We come to expect a fairy tale
It's sad to say they don't come true
We try so hard for the happy ending
But it makes no difference what we do

True love is a ghost, so hard to see
If you found it, you are very blessed
Feel your hearts as they beat
Are they in rhythm, or are they stressed

I need to feel it to this day
A never ending start
A high that is never matched
My heart Your heart Our Heart

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Fri 02/26/10 01:35 PM
very nice flowers