Topic: THE DAM GAME......... - part 43
no photo
Fri 05/28/10 09:19 PM
damn you can sleep in now:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

thewaterbearer's photo
Fri 05/28/10 09:24 PM
damn glad its the weekend

no photo
Sat 05/29/10 07:21 AM
DAMN, what a beautiful morning!glasses

delilady's photo
Sat 05/29/10 07:25 AM
Just finished mowing the lawn. If I would have known 22 years ago that I would be mowing the grass I would have wanted a house with a damn small yardlaugh laugh

no photo
Sat 05/29/10 07:34 AM
I miss the days when I had 2 DAMN acers of lawn to mow.

no photo
Sun 05/30/10 06:11 PM

Hope everyone's havin a damn good weekend!!!drinker shades

nikita5's photo
Sun 05/30/10 06:16 PM
Damn it was nice to have a day off!

Rondoobie's photo
Mon 05/31/10 12:46 AM
damnit, the parade's at 9:30am. Wish I could get some damn sleep.

thewaterbearer's photo
Mon 05/31/10 12:47 AM
Damn I need to go to bed

Rondoobie's photo
Mon 05/31/10 12:50 AM
where'd I put those damn sleepin' pills?

thewaterbearer's photo
Mon 05/31/10 12:51 AM
Damn I need to make my bed before I go to bed!

Rondoobie's photo
Mon 05/31/10 12:54 AM
Damn, me too. laundry day damnit

thewaterbearer's photo
Mon 05/31/10 12:56 AM
Damn I can't find my teddy bearlaugh

Rondoobie's photo
Mon 05/31/10 01:01 AM
Damned ex-boyfriend swiped my body pillow

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 05/31/10 01:08 AM
It's been so damn nice in the mountains as of late...

Rondoobie's photo
Mon 05/31/10 01:11 AM
been too damn long since I've been to Virginia

no photo
Mon 05/31/10 07:32 AM
DAMN...woke up to an empty house...has anyone seen Tony? He has Kody with him, must be out playing somewhere.

no photo
Tue 06/01/10 07:38 AM
it was such a nice weekend .... but 2 damn hot:thumbsup:

che_'s photo
Tue 06/01/10 11:32 AM
I wish I had a Damn Air conditioner!ohwell

no photo
Tue 06/01/10 12:08 PM
i like it hot its better then that damn snow :banana: :banana: