Topic: egyptian men! | |
He might have some mummy issues. King Tut. Funky Tut.
i met a egytian guy a year ago and he was lovely to start with.but as time went on he controlled me,mentally abused me and basically made me think i was i the only one that has come across this or is that their norm to treat women like that? |
Anyone can help me?...I want to know what the real egyption guy mean...I'm sory if my question look's like a stupid quest.
Eyptians, people from Egypt.
I have dated several middle eastern men and currently am sorta dating one now (if you call 2 dates in 5 months dating LOL)....
Abuse and controlling can occur in any culture. Depending on level of acculturation will depend on where they open to western values or the values of their origin country. |
its not just controlling,he picked and chose my friends,i couldnt go anywhere without him and because i wasnt giving him all my attentions but to my son, he said it was him or my son!!..he has turned nasty and started sending me nasty texts all the time.he mentally abused me and controlled even my thinking.ive always been a strong minded women but he messed with my head.its very hard to explain as i have never been controlled by a man was actually really scary.i really think he was mentally deranged!
yes..he was very attractive..but very controlling too.wanted to pick and choose my friends, he went every where with me.he was jealous of my relationship with my 18 yr old son and told me to choose!he mentally abused me made me believe no one else would ever want me and that he was the best i would ever have..i nearly had a break down being with him..looks isnt everything and i wont be fooled by that and beauty comes within.. WTF...I mean really, WTF? What in the hell is with this mentality of "no one else will want me," why does it matter? Billions of people in the world and you really think that this one person is your last shot at a relationship? **** me...I'm glad I ditched that idea when I was in junior high... |
i cant explain to you what he did.he had a way of messing with my mind!!..i know it sounds stupid but he actually made me think i was worthless!!!its all about bullying and mental abuse.he was very good at controlling and playing with my head.until someone has been in that situation i wouldnt expect you to understand.i too are still trying to get to grips to why i allowed him to do it!! Now we get to a real issue here which only you can answer. Take this as an opportunity to find out why. Not blaming you.....but take a look at this doesn't repeat itself. ![]() |
A man will only do to you what you allow him to....set the standards for what is acceptable and whats not, right out of the gate. And I find an abusive man will not prey on a strong woman
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. If you don't like how someone is treating you, all you have to do is walk away. What bothers me is you're actually blaming his cultural background for his behavior, I've known all sorts of men who were controlling and emotionally abusive- white, black, Asian, Hispanic, etc. It's not someone's culture that causes them to be an azz and it's up to you whether or not you put up with it, it takes two people to have an ongoing unhealthy, abusive relationship, the abuser and the one who allows themselves to continually be abused.
I'm not a parent, but if I was, no way in hell would I allow a man to put himself before my child and I don't feel sorry for any woman who was "forced" to do so. As for someone messing with your mind, no one controls your thoughts but you. I've made some bad choices in my past and I've apologized and tried to make up for them, but no one made me do anything. I'm not trying to be a b!tch here, because obviously I don't know you, but it really irks me when someone blames someone else for their own behavior. We make our own choices. I hope you make better ones in the future. ![]() |
I do some drumming with Belly Dancers and me and the other guy in the troupe dress in Middle-Eastern style clothing, I even just purchased a Pakol-an Afgani style hat. I wonder what goes through peoples minds when we do the performances? I hope that they leave their political and cultural prejudices aside and just enjoy the show. I came across a lovely 18" djembe yesterday, and it found it's way home with me. ![]() I've often wondered what other cultures thinks with the drumming and belly-dancing too. ------------------------ I do judge somewhat on their cultures, though obviously the individual person himself is what's the most important. I wouldn't get involved with those of an obviously culturally different view of how people, and especially women are treated. There are two many horror stories that I've heard, along with those who end up having kids and the kids disappear into those countries when a divorce happens. There's also the religious differences and that's always been a concern of mine. My dad was/is a non-practicing Catholic, and they discussed it on the second date, that mom was an atheist. Dad really didn't care, and since he wasn't so devoted to the Church, it didn't matter. 5th or 6th date, and the topic of kids comes up and mom was clear on the fact that any kids would be raised neutrally, and allowed to make their own decision. Again, dad was fine with it. We were not forbidden to go to any church growing up, but it never became a big deal. They hashed out all of those issues beforehand and stuck to them. |
It's more him than it was the culture, based on what I've read in your comments, jenny. He wasn't representin'. However, based on my own personal experience, despite what LeighAnna said, I am staying far away from Aussie women. You would have to handcuff me to one to get me to go out with one again. So stay/go, it's your choice. Whatever you feel comfortable doing.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. If you don't like how someone is treating you, all you have to do is walk away. What bothers me is you're actually blaming his cultural background for his behavior, I've known all sorts of men who were controlling and emotionally abusive- white, black, Asian, Hispanic, etc. It's not someone's culture that causes them to be an azz and it's up to you whether or not you put up with it, it takes two people to have an ongoing unhealthy, abusive relationship, the abuser and the one who allows themselves to continually be abused. I'm not a parent, but if I was, no way in hell would I allow a man to put himself before my child and I don't feel sorry for any woman who was "forced" to do so. As for someone messing with your mind, no one controls your thoughts but you. I've made some bad choices in my past and I've apologized and tried to make up for them, but no one made me do anything. I'm not trying to be a b!tch here, because obviously I don't know you, but it really irks me when someone blames someone else for their own behavior. We make our own choices. I hope you make better ones in the future. ![]() |
It's more him than it was the culture, based on what I've read in your comments, jenny. He wasn't representin'. However, based on my own personal experience, despite what LeighAnna said, I am staying far away from Aussie women. You would have to handcuff me to one to get me to go out with one again. So stay/go, it's your choice. Whatever you feel comfortable doing. |
yes..he was very attractive..but very controlling too.wanted to pick and choose my friends, he went every where with me.he was jealous of my relationship with my 18 yr old son and told me to choose!he mentally abused me made me believe no one else would ever want me and that he was the best i would ever have..i nearly had a break down being with him..looks isnt everything and i wont be fooled by that and beauty comes within.. WTF...I mean really, WTF? What in the hell is with this mentality of "no one else will want me," why does it matter? Billions of people in the world and you really think that this one person is your last shot at a relationship? **** me...I'm glad I ditched that idea when I was in junior high... Until I go through this kind of situation I won't be able to understand that it can't be explained? I think it is pretty easy to explain, you didn't have self-confidence and you achieved that by dating someone that probably for a little while told you that you were beautiful, and then...when it all stuck around for? |