Topic: Joy
Blueyes6ft5's photo
Mon 06/11/07 11:30 PM

I find this to be a place for me to go and lose myself in joy for a

I hope it brings to u what u need or are looking for, quenching your
thirst, a breath of fresh air, a thought of joy, a moment of peace.

LOL please pass it on T.happy

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 06/12/07 07:34 AM
Blue - there are some moments of peace here. But what I've found is a
place of diversity, a place to think and speak your mind. A place of
friends, a place of community.

If that is what you seek, if that is where you see joy, than you have
found the right place.

Happy to see ya. Post, so we can all get to know you.

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 06/12/07 07:44 AM
Aw, I loved that especially the rainbow.:smile:

Blueyes6ft5's photo
Tue 06/12/07 08:06 AM
The Dude says

Joy abides to allhappy

Blueyes6ft5's photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:23 AM
If the countries of this world would abide more in the freedom of
religion like we do here in the U. S. and it was inforced there would
less anarchy. A government that protect individual rights first and
majority last is a state of personl freedom, safety and happines unless
your house is in the way of eminent domain.
