Topic: I'll Be Honest, Will You?
Gossipmpm's photo
Sun 01/24/10 06:48 AM
Edited by Gossipmpm on Sun 01/24/10 07:00 AM

Born in Brooklyn New York--stomping grounds were NYC and the Bronx

Everyone knew my personality was just a little diff from the norn-and thank god they let it flourish

Was always extremely creative and intuitive-people always seemed to flock my way and I always embraced them with open arms

Spent most of my younger years in the company of artists and writers since my mom and dad both were freelance writers Our home was always full of people from the NY art scene

Got married and began a family at 24-4 beautiful daughters who fill my life like roses fill a garden with their sacred scents and holy beauty

Had my fair and crazy share of relationships while building my empire
Did nothing more than make me truly appreciata men and really understand how diff they are than women Men are my kindred spirits

Now all I look for in life is companionship with people-all pea ple-both men and woman I have found love with MY perfect man!

When ppl first meet me they think I am blunt-vain-just a plain Diva but after time with me the answer is always the same-"God you are soooooooo diff" They see the goodness-the love-the giving person I always am

So thats why men are always falling in love with me!!haha Thats why everyone wants me to water their plants while they are away!!!!

So thats me.........................................:heart:

MY QUIRKS: Hmm lets see.....ill love to wear thigh high boots and mini skirts-I never really can tell a joke-I talk through movies-I'm a sloppy eater-I put my nose where it does not belong!

CatsLoveMe's photo
Mon 01/25/10 10:50 PM
I'm a night owl, but I have been known to get up early even when going to bed late.

I see the forest before the trees not the other way around.

When I am faced with a problem or crisis, I like to solve it step by step, not worrying and complaining about it.

I hardly ever get angry, but when I do, I am aware of it and don't raise my voice or hurt anyone.

When I drink, I never get a buzz or a hangover. Tolerance is too high.

I love good intelligent debates and discussions, not bickering and namecalling.

I love pickup trucks, except Chevys and Mazdas

I love birdwatching

I love cats, obviously, except for Siamese, they're too loud and demanding

Hyperactive dogs and children annoy me.

I always pass other vehicles when I'm in the left lane, and merge to the right when I don't.

Lived in upstate New York for 7 years, but to this day, I am the only family member never to have been to NYC

I once lost $1000 at Circus Circus, playing Blackjack, but got it all back the same night at the MGM.

When I grocery shop, I always buy generic or Kroger first before I buy the name brands.

I'm afraid of being alone, but I'm not afraid of the dark

I love to ski but never have anyone to go with that can ski.

I love learning about how things work, why they work, and how to repair them if they're damaged.

I like to travel as long as it's not too expensive, and there are several activities planned.

no photo
Mon 01/25/10 10:57 PM
I'm addicted to flaws.

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 01/25/10 11:04 PM

L, I love this thread. Being real about myself is very empowering.

I am super analytical, I need data.
I am a clean freak and can't stand clutter.
I need time with my thoughts before I can figure out an answer.
I am vulnerable emotionally but hide it through humor.
I worry about everything. (kids, finances, the future)
I'm not very spontaneous.
Too independent for my own good and hate asking for help.
I'm not a good cook but do it so my kids don't starve.
I internalize everything.
I am a smoker.
How I see myself is not how others see me but my perception is my reality.
I think inappropriate things are funny.
Don't talk to me until I've had my coffee.
I do sometimes put out on the first date. (just for Goof)

I don't want someone who is perfect, just someone who knows me and likes me anyway.:wink:

Yep, I agree. It is empowering to just know who we are, and be willing to hold on and hold out for one who also knows who we are and loves us anyway...we all have to be able to be ourselves.

EquusDancer's photo
Mon 01/25/10 11:08 PM

I love cats, obviously, except for Siamese, they're too loud and demanding

Awww! Siamese rock! And I say that with love considering the one my folks had used to gnaw on my head when I was a baby and cried! Heheheh

And on that note, I found a local Siamese rescue group out of D/FW.

no photo
Mon 01/25/10 11:31 PM

I love cats, obviously, except for Siamese, they're too loud and demanding

Awww! Siamese rock! And I say that with love considering the one my folks had used to gnaw on my head when I was a baby and cried! Heheheh

And on that note, I found a local Siamese rescue group out of D/FW.

I think I would really like to have a cat but not sure how a cat would get along with my dog, a spoiled min pin.

no photo
Mon 01/25/10 11:39 PM

I have met men that were very honest and would verbalize their flaws if asked, the problem is many people have flaws they are unaware or do not acknowledge certain behaviors as flaws. What do you do with that? smokin

EquusDancer's photo
Mon 01/25/10 11:46 PM

I love cats, obviously, except for Siamese, they're too loud and demanding

Awww! Siamese rock! And I say that with love considering the one my folks had used to gnaw on my head when I was a baby and cried! Heheheh

And on that note, I found a local Siamese rescue group out of D/FW.

I think I would really like to have a cat but not sure how a cat would get along with my dog, a spoiled min pin.

Siamese are very dominant cats. They get along with others, so long as EVERYONE understands. They also have no problems telling you vocally, all about their thoughts. LOL

no photo
Mon 01/25/10 11:48 PM
I can be a bit of a b!tch.

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 01/25/10 11:52 PM

I can be a bit of a b!tch.

what NO FU *KING WAY....noway noway say it ain't so!!!!

no photo
Mon 01/25/10 11:53 PM
Alas, it's true......blushing

EquusDancer's photo
Tue 01/26/10 12:25 AM

Alas, it's true......blushing


msharmony's photo
Tue 01/26/10 01:10 AM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 01/26/10 01:12 AM
things that may potentially turn off others are that I am:

a christian

an equalist, excessively empathetic to the plights of everyone and
seeking the good in everyone

unyielding in my values

turned off by tattoos or piercings

preferring dogs to cats but dont care for dependent child like dogs(unless they are still pups)

self sacrificing

un dramatic(equates to unexciting to some)

turned off by masculinity in women or femininity in me

expecting men to be able to be self sufficient and not dependent

just as happy loving me as I am having someone else who does, which makes me much less willing to settle for less than those things I dream of in a man

of the belief that the marital relationship is above the parental one

in favor of spankings

strongly believe in the younger respecting the elder and having responsibilities IN THE HOME

..luckily Im too tired to think of all my flaws, some I wont mention as I see them as moral flaws and not opening that bag in this thread...

msharmony's photo
Tue 01/26/10 06:37 AM
ooh, another two

dont drink or care for the company of those who get drunk for entertainment

dont smoke or care to be around cigarettes

Tue 01/26/10 07:46 AM
Edited by STARTRAVELER on Tue 01/26/10 07:51 AM
I carry about 30 extra pounds ,I smoke ,I put other peoples needs before my own to the irritation of othr people at times.I fish and hunt and play in my shop again to the irritation of others at times .I love my children even though they do'nt always love me .I have have a very irritateing family at times that I have to deal with.On the other hand I like to cook and do'nt mind the cleanup either .I clean my house most of the time.Friends are important.I would love only one woman at all costs as long as the feelings were returned .I was faithfully married for almost 30yrsto someone who did not return the favor!Communication is key !

LewisW123's photo
Tue 01/26/10 08:01 AM
Great thread, Lo.

This is funny. Since my divorce, I have been with two women who claimed I was perfect for them, they just couldn't handle my "baggage."

My kids really got screwed up in the divorce. I do what I can to spend time with them. Both women have told me how much they respect that, then have turned around and asked me when I'm going to say "enough is enough," and basically cut ties with them and move on with my life.

I find that kind of amusing.

LewisW123's photo
Tue 01/26/10 09:28 AM
But seriously, my faults.

I'm a bit of a procrastinator.
I'm thrifty (cheap, some might say)
I can be stubborn.
I can be a smart-a$$.
I over-analyze sometimes.
I minimize other people's feelings, at times.
I'm sure there are a dozen more that will come to me.

no photo
Tue 01/26/10 01:24 PM

Great thread, Lo.

This is funny. Since my divorce, I have been with two women who claimed I was perfect for them, they just couldn't handle my "baggage."

My kids really got screwed up in the divorce. I do what I can to spend time with them. Both women have told me how much they respect that, then have turned around and asked me when I'm going to say "enough is enough," and basically cut ties with them and move on with my life.

I find that kind of amusing.

I'm sorry to hear this. I can't imagine asking anyone to cut ties with their own kids. Are they adult children? You are doing the right thing, IMO. Kids should always come first.

no photo
Tue 01/26/10 01:26 PM

Great thread, Lo.

This is funny. Since my divorce, I have been with two women who claimed I was perfect for them, they just couldn't handle my "baggage."

My kids really got screwed up in the divorce. I do what I can to spend time with them. Both women have told me how much they respect that, then have turned around and asked me when I'm going to say "enough is enough," and basically cut ties with them and move on with my life.

I find that kind of amusing.

I'm sorry to hear this. I can't imagine asking someone to cut ties with their kids. You are doing the right thing IMO. Kids come first, always.

Goofball73's photo
Tue 01/26/10 01:56 PM
I am me...hate me....worship me.....or even lust me....I am Goof....and that is all!:banana: