Topic: Time Zones
Pandababedoll13's photo
Thu 01/21/10 04:29 AM
I just replied to a topic in one of the forums. But the time it said I posted was like 2 hours behind.

My time zone is Central Standard Time. Is there a way to fix this?

justme659's photo
Thu 01/21/10 04:49 AM
No, at this time there is no way to fix it. This site is run by folks in pacific time zone and that is where the time stamp originates. ( My time stamp is 3 hours different ) Most of us just got used to it. And dont pay attention to it anymore.

Pandababedoll13's photo
Thu 01/21/10 05:07 AM
Thank you for that, I'm sure I will get used to it in time.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 01/21/10 08:51 AM
Hi Pandababedoll13,

justme659 is correct. This site is based in California and so they use that time as a general time for all in the forums.


Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 01/21/10 09:06 AM
yeah we've been talking/complaining/discussing that for a couple years and there just isnt anything to be done about it

just add two hours for central

... or is it three