Topic: I'd like to learn........ | |
sin is obviously stil being comitted and "God's" children are dying everyday. The way you make it sound is that jesus's death was suppossed to have paved the way for a completely sinless life. How can you appreciate the good with out working through and with the bad or sins of yourself or an individual. Many would not understand happiness and goodness without the bad. This is an oppinion, I believe if Jesus died to save us then his death accomplished only the spread of religion and more death in Gods name. I am not trying to insult I am merely trying to understand this absolution that you've made. To the others, I really appreciate the insight regardless of the specific faith you choose to practice. You all have showed me that it is not the importance of the name you call it by but the belief that guides you through your own spirtual journey. |
Spider wrote:
“Jesus died to free us from the bondage of sin. The wages of sin is death...for the sins we commit in life, someone must die. Jesus paid the price, so that we wouldn't have to.” I glad this makes sense to you Spider and that you are happy with this explanation. However, for me, this is totally meaningless. I’m not aware that we were in the bondage of sin in the first place. And the statement “The wages of sin is death” is totally meaningless to me. Moreover, if Jesus paid for our sins by death it appears that the check bounced three days later when he rose from the dead again. I’m not attempting to make fun, but seriously, if the wages of sin are death and Jesus rose from the dead only three days later than the payment was hardly made in full. With all due respect Spider, and with no ill-intent toward your beliefs, I just think there’s more to God than being obsessed with sin and salvation. To me there’s so much more to life than this. You see, for me personally, sin has never played a major role in my life. I’ve basically had child-like innocence my entirely life. Though this may be hard for some people to believe I live it everyday so it’s an established fact for me. The idea of a god that just focuses on sin and salvation is just totally alien to my whole existence. I would be an innocent bystander in such a world. And I'm sure there are many other innocent people like me as well. I just can’t believe that God is obsessed with sin and salvation. There is far more to life than such a petty plot. I could never buy into a religion that has such a narrow theme. It’s all about a creator that created such bad apples that the whole thing just turned into a desperate act to save a few of the least-rotten ones. Just seems to me like a god that had a terribly bad hair day during creation. I do thank you for explaining your view, but as I say, it holds no meaning for me. |
I think Jesus dead is a bigger concept.
What amazes me about you is how you use such derogetory language about Christian's beliefs and don't get banned. Can't you talk about your beliefs without trying to belittle mine? If you say to someone "With all due respect" and then follow it up with an's still an insult. |
oh gosh here we go
![]() |
"I believe if Jesus died to save us then his death accomplished only the spread of religion and more death in Gods name." Christ died for a FAR MORE bigger cause than to spread the religion or more death in God's name. ![]() Ever heard of the great commission? It's all in the Bible if you want to fully know his purpose. Do you believe in redemption or salvation? |
my beliefs, as I've stated before are very hard to explain. I do not feel that I will find God in a book written by man. So no, I have not read the bible since I was very young. I also know that I am not one to preach RELIGION with out an understanding of what I am speaking. I did not mean to affond any one by my oppinion, I was simply trying to understand why spider believes so solidly in God and Christ as described by man and a book for generations in which many things have been changed. Thank you for sharing. I am continuing to learn many things about people and there beliefs. |
Ah yes the 'Great Commission'.
Another statement that was added during the Nicean Council. Historical records show that the great commission (that portion that is Mark 16) is not found in two of the oldest Greek manuscripts of the New Testament, the Codex Vaticanus and the Codex Sinaiticus but were added to the works by editorial process. I am inclined to doubt the validity of any speach that has been attributed to Jesus AFTER the crucifixion. Such things smack of 'revivalists', 'charlatans' and falsness being tied to his warnings of miracles, 'wonders' and 'here there be christ, there is christ' before his acension. I also have discovered that there were over 100 manuscripts written of the time of Jesus but that only those that are in the bible now were accepted by the Nicean Council and the Emperor Constantine attempted to have ALL THE ONES NOT ACCEPTED DESTROYED after that council had decided. |
oh okay midsummers
![]() you're quite sweet. I was trying to clarify where spider is coming from. bye AB ![]() |
Is good the opposite of evil? No, it's not. Evil is the absence of good. Just like cold is the absence of heat and dark is the absence of light. The human mind cannot understand something without other things to compare them against, but Good, Light and Heat all exist without any opposite. It's not a (- <= 0 = > +) scale, it's a (0 => +) scale. Sin exists in this universe. In Genesis 3, the universe was cursed because mankind sinned and no longer deserved a perfect universe to live in. When Adam and Eve sinned, they died immediately. Not physically, but spiritually. It is only through belief in Jesus that we can receive eternal life. We will still suffer and die physically, that's just part of what living in this universe means. But only our body will die, our soul will live on to see God's Glory. |
now midsummers you asked to learn so when someone explains their views
and beliefs just keep in mind that. So post in here aren't up for debate nor is this an auction for a religion affiliation ![]() Some people love to debate in these forums. You'll see... |
![]() ![]() ![]() Ah but I come and go upon my own merits and by my own bearing. ![]() |
umm I was saying bye because I as leaving. What you laughing about?
"What you talkin bout wallace?" |
Hey AB,
You seem to be one of the most knowledgeable on here about religion in general.(really) ![]() ![]() How do you think siamese twins pertain to the bible. Is there scripture pertaining to that in there anywhere?? ![]() |
I would not know.
I read it for enlightenment. I reckon siamese twins could chat back and forth and enlighten each other with no need of a good book. |
I'm sorry you felt insulted by something I said. There was no intent on my part to insult you. I’m also sorry that I initially accepted your offer to explain why a god would send a sacrificial lamb to the people. Whatever explanation exists would only make sense within the dogma of that religion anyway, and since I don’t believe in any of the dogma then any such explanation is bound to be meaningless to me anyway. I personally find the idea of a god that is obsessed with sin and salvation to be quite repugnant. Perhaps this is the source of your feelings of personal insult. You mistake my revulsion of a sin-obsessed god to somehow be a revulsion placed onto you personally. Please know this Spider. I have no clue who you are, and I have absolutely nothing against you personally. There is no way that I would even care to insult you. I simply have no motivation to insult anyone. But I do find certain religious ideas to be repugnant. I prefer to view god as a very loving carefree spirit, and when I see god being depicted as a judgmental deity who is obsessed with sin and salvation it seriously makes me feel ill. So please don’t mistake my revulsion for that ideal as being a personal attack on you. It’s a negative picture of god that I find distasteful, and nothing more. |
![]() He sets an example |
I appreciate the kind words, but you missed my point. I didn't feel that you had insulted me, I felt that you insulted Christianity. You say "I personally find the idea of a god that is obsessed with sin and salvation to be quite repugnant.". I'm not sure why you can't offer your beliefs without belittling the beliefs of Christians. I disagree with your beliefs, but I don't belittle them. I offer my beliefs to counter yours, without any commentary stating that your beliefs are "repugnant". |
The fact that an idea is repugnant for an individual does not mean that
this idea is repugnant per se. James is a person who has a different view. Sometimes a bit bitter and sarcastic, but very wise. Regards. TLW |
Nicely stated TLW.