Topic: Pat Robertson - Remarks regarding Haiti earthquake | |
That is for sure msharmony.. Man changes his own rules constantly to make himself right.. ... Blessings of Shalom..Miles you guys are "parable preaching" and being vague .....what rules? .....come on name some specific rules of God that Man has change that neither one of you are involved in ... The Sabbath... Need I go on? Blessings...Miles Nope the Sabbath is enough ..... the Sabbath is on Saturdays and you and MsHarmony are supposed to keep the Sabbath holy....I hope this doesn't stop you two from posting on Mingles2 on Saturdays.. but how is you two posting on a dating website on Saturdays keeping the Sabbath holy breaking the Sabbath is punishable by Death .. isn't it a good thing that Man change this rule...but to be on the safe side perhaps you and MsHarmonry should stone your avatars to death I wonder what happen to MsHarmony and Miles ....but anyway wouldn't those that violate the Sabbath face God's wrath and be on the Yahweh to Hell well, actually, being on a forum doesnt PRODUCE anything so it is not anymore work than if I laid in the bed all day,,,so ,, NO it would have nothing to do with violating the Sabbath and thanx for asking about me,,btw Doesn't produce anything? Information is a THING. You are producing information. Which means it IS a violation. |
Life is a miracle given to all of us. Often those of us who LOVE GOD, overlook all the small miracles around us everyday so that the only ones we 'classify' are the ones that catch our attention in the most unusual ways. I believe , as Miles, that he has experienced miracles and so have many. A miracle of a magnitude that brings you close to death, just happens to make miracles MORE often and remind us that God is there.
If one doesnt believe this, it is not going to affect their life one way or the other, but for those of us who do, it is but one more source for joy and reverence towards God. No harm done. |
That is for sure msharmony.. Man changes his own rules constantly to make himself right.. ... Blessings of Shalom..Miles you guys are "parable preaching" and being vague .....what rules? .....come on name some specific rules of God that Man has change that neither one of you are involved in ... The Sabbath... Need I go on? Blessings...Miles Nope the Sabbath is enough ..... the Sabbath is on Saturdays and you and MsHarmony are supposed to keep the Sabbath holy....I hope this doesn't stop you two from posting on Mingles2 on Saturdays.. but how is you two posting on a dating website on Saturdays keeping the Sabbath holy breaking the Sabbath is punishable by Death .. isn't it a good thing that Man change this rule...but to be on the safe side perhaps you and MsHarmonry should stone your avatars to death I wonder what happen to MsHarmony and Miles ....but anyway wouldn't those that violate the Sabbath face God's wrath and be on the Yahweh to Hell well, actually, being on a forum doesnt PRODUCE anything so it is not anymore work than if I laid in the bed all day,,,so ,, NO it would have nothing to do with violating the Sabbath and thanx for asking about me,,btw Doesn't produce anything? Information is a THING. You are producing information. Which means it IS a violation. lol, to fit that definition of not working, one would have to literally LAY still all day long like a log. Any movement, after all produces some result. This is another one of those little liberties taken in this thrad,, cute though. |
Pat Robertson - Remarks regarding Haiti earthquake & people. ![]() Pat Robertson recent remarks about Haiti have caused some controversy. What do you think about what was said? according to the belief it is God that cause all natural disasters and it is up to the believers to spin it as being a good thing in order to justify why God would kill a massive amount of innocent people .. .... the only way to do that is to somehow take away their innocence so that the victims can be blamed instead of God .. so by claiming that Haiti made a pact with the Devil it would explain and justify why God used the holy spirit to cause the Earthquake as being a being a good reason why God comdemn these people to die I hate to dillute your argument Funches, but if I'm not mistaken, doesn't God condemn EVERYONE to die? Or - is it actually a choice that every human makes? Granted - unwillingly - but non-the-less, man's pride and ego cannot prevent him from chosing death. Something - which often goes unmentioned - he has no control over. |
Some people believe Death is not the automatic equivalent of being condemned, some people believe it is being delivered. Just as God gave life, he gives us the option for ETERNAL life as well.
It is a tragedy what happens to people during natural disasters, but they are a part of the earths process and not an inherent evil. When people survive these types of disasters, it is not unreasonable for them to feel blessed or that God answered their plea for help somehow. I dont think God intervenes in the earths natural cycles, but I do believe he answers prayers and HELPS those who seek his help. It helps for me, personally, to not see death as a terrible thing but as another way God also calls his children to a better place. Some of his children who have not completed their purpose are made to remain here until they do and others are taken when their purpose is done. That is just my outlook though,,I know everyone views death differently. oh that is so silly and illogical. Helps those that seek his help? Really? Are you really claiming that? So, all those other people that died from that tradgedy--are you now claiming that not 1 of them sought his help? And noone else sought his help for them? Why can't religious people see the absolute absurdity of claiming that "God answers prayers and HELPS those that seek his help"?? I dont think you are reading my ENTIRE post. I also said I see death as God calling people home who have served their earthly purpose. Those who died, obviously served their purpose, which is a blessed thing although in the flesh it seems awful. The earthquake served a purpose for the earth. And those whose time was not up were spared to give Glory to God another day. It is not absurd at all, as I explained before, how can one get assistance that they refuse to apply just doesnt work that way. I read your entire post. I also elected to ignore the logic circle you spun. I will address it now. So, you contend that God answers prayers for help to stay alive. You also believe that God kills or allows to be killed those He wishes to call home, even if that home ends up being in Hell. This, of course makes no sense. What if someone prays for help to stay alive AND God calls that person home? Answer: The prayer is unanswered. And God is a liar about prayer. What if someone doesn't pray for help to stay alive and God doesn't call them home? Answer: Prayer is unneccesary. And God is a liar about prayer. What if someone prays for help to stay alive and they do stay alive? Answer: could be God's doing OR could be random chance or any of a number of other factors. What if someone doesn't pray for help and dies? Answer: could be God's doing OR could be random chance or any of a number of other factors. It doesn't look all that good for God and efficacy of prayer. Oh and in the case of God calling home people he plans on sending to Hell, that pretty much makes him an sob, doesn't it? As to your post - you are completely wrong about 2 things. First - God answers all prayer. However - the answer isn't always - "Yes, I'll do that." Second - God doesn't "send" anyone to hell - He just grants the wish of those who have chosen to reject Him - thus allowing them to spend eternity without Him in their presence. This "state of being" has a name - it's called Hell. Occupancy by choice - not decree. Other than missing these two obvious points - your post is right on. Oh - wait. You only made two points. Hmmm..... |
Edited by
Wed 01/27/10 01:11 AM
First - God answers all prayer. However - the answer isn't always - "Yes, I'll do that."
Second - God doesn't "send" anyone to hell - He just grants the wish of those who have chosen to reject Him - thus allowing them to spend eternity without Him in their presence. This "state of being" has a name - it's called Hell. Occupancy by choice - not decree. This same idea is expressed in the book "The Law of Attraction" by Esther and Jerry Hicks. "Ask and it is given... always." The thing people don't realize is that "prayer" is the asking and it is what you intend and what you think about... that is what you manifest. Even the Bible has this very same formula which states, 'Believe that you have it and it will be given... That is what prayer is. If you don't pray correctly, you will get the thing you fear... if that is what you think about. If you pray for the end of hunger, hunger will remain. Instead, pray for abundance and plenty. What you see in your mind is what manifests. |
I hate to dillute your argument Funches, but if I'm not mistaken, doesn't God condemn EVERYONE to die? Or - is it actually a choice that every human makes? Granted - unwillingly - but non-the-less, man's pride and ego cannot prevent him from chosing death. Something - which often goes unmentioned - he has no control over. Eljay ...your statement that God condemns everyone to die and then in the same breathe claim that God has no control over who die is a contradiction and another attempt to deny God any responsibility for causing people to die .... if people as you claim are comdemn by God to all die then "Free Will" dictates that their death can not be hasten by God causing an Earthquake and dropping a building on them |
I hate to dillute your argument Funches, but if I'm not mistaken, doesn't God condemn EVERYONE to die? Or - is it actually a choice that every human makes? Eljay.....I have to agree...being comdemn to die by God no matter what sort of kills off that "Free Will" debate but it does brings up a number of interesting questions ..if as you say everyone is condemn to die no matter what...then doesn't that also apply to Jesus ..wasn't God going to kill him anyway |
I hate to dillute your argument Funches, but if I'm not mistaken, doesn't God condemn EVERYONE to die? Or - is it actually a choice that every human makes? Eljay.....I have to agree...being comdemn to die by God no matter what sort of kills off that "Free Will" debate but it does brings up a number of interesting questions ..if as you say everyone is condemn to die no matter what...then doesn't that also apply to Jesus ..wasn't God going to kill him anyway |
This same idea is expressed in the book "The Law of Attraction" by Esther and Jerry Hicks. "Ask and it is given... always." The thing people don't realize is that "prayer" is the asking and it is what you intend and what you think about... that is what you manifest. Even the Bible has this very same formula which states, 'Believe that you have it and it will be given... That is what prayer is. If you don't pray correctly, you will get the thing you fear... if that is what you think about. If you pray for the end of hunger, hunger will remain. Instead, pray for abundance and plenty. What you see in your mind is what manifests. that the religious can turn their thoughts into reality is not prayer but witchcraft |
Life is a miracle given to all of us. Often those of us who LOVE GOD, overlook all the small miracles around us everyday so that the only ones we 'classify' are the ones that catch our attention in the most unusual ways. I believe , as Miles, that he has experienced miracles and so have many. A miracle of a magnitude that brings you close to death, just happens to make miracles MORE often and remind us that God is there. If one doesnt believe this, it is not going to affect their life one way or the other, but for those of us who do, it is but one more source for joy and reverence towards God. No harm done. Life is not a miracle. It's merely complex organic chemistry. And I've been close to death far more often than most people, I think. Not one time did I ever call out to anyone, unless "oh s**T!" is a prayer. Also, not one time did I ever think my survival was a miracle. You are right, though. It doesn't harm me if someone does believe in miracles. I just think it's silly. |
That is for sure msharmony.. Man changes his own rules constantly to make himself right.. ... Blessings of Shalom..Miles you guys are "parable preaching" and being vague .....what rules? .....come on name some specific rules of God that Man has change that neither one of you are involved in ... The Sabbath... Need I go on? Blessings...Miles Nope the Sabbath is enough ..... the Sabbath is on Saturdays and you and MsHarmony are supposed to keep the Sabbath holy....I hope this doesn't stop you two from posting on Mingles2 on Saturdays.. but how is you two posting on a dating website on Saturdays keeping the Sabbath holy breaking the Sabbath is punishable by Death .. isn't it a good thing that Man change this rule...but to be on the safe side perhaps you and MsHarmonry should stone your avatars to death I wonder what happen to MsHarmony and Miles ....but anyway wouldn't those that violate the Sabbath face God's wrath and be on the Yahweh to Hell well, actually, being on a forum doesnt PRODUCE anything so it is not anymore work than if I laid in the bed all day,,,so ,, NO it would have nothing to do with violating the Sabbath and thanx for asking about me,,btw Doesn't produce anything? Information is a THING. You are producing information. Which means it IS a violation. lol, to fit that definition of not working, one would have to literally LAY still all day long like a log. Any movement, after all produces some result. This is another one of those little liberties taken in this thrad,, cute though. ok, I get it. You just define your rules in any way that suits you. Cool. is that different than anyone else? |
It is a tragedy what happens to people during natural disasters, but they are a part of the earths process and not an inherent evil. When people survive these types of disasters, it is not unreasonable for them to feel blessed or that God answered their plea for help somehow. I dont think God intervenes in the earths natural cycles, but I do believe he answers prayers and HELPS those who seek his help. It helps for me, personally, to not see death as a terrible thing but as another way God also calls his children to a better place. Some of his children who have not completed their purpose are made to remain here until they do and others are taken when their purpose is done. That is just my outlook though,,I know everyone views death differently. oh that is so silly and illogical. Helps those that seek his help? Really? Are you really claiming that? So, all those other people that died from that tradgedy--are you now claiming that not 1 of them sought his help? And noone else sought his help for them? Why can't religious people see the absolute absurdity of claiming that "God answers prayers and HELPS those that seek his help"?? I dont think you are reading my ENTIRE post. I also said I see death as God calling people home who have served their earthly purpose. Those who died, obviously served their purpose, which is a blessed thing although in the flesh it seems awful. The earthquake served a purpose for the earth. And those whose time was not up were spared to give Glory to God another day. It is not absurd at all, as I explained before, how can one get assistance that they refuse to apply just doesnt work that way. I read your entire post. I also elected to ignore the logic circle you spun. I will address it now. So, you contend that God answers prayers for help to stay alive. You also believe that God kills or allows to be killed those He wishes to call home, even if that home ends up being in Hell. This, of course makes no sense. What if someone prays for help to stay alive AND God calls that person home? Answer: The prayer is unanswered. And God is a liar about prayer. What if someone doesn't pray for help to stay alive and God doesn't call them home? Answer: Prayer is unneccesary. And God is a liar about prayer. What if someone prays for help to stay alive and they do stay alive? Answer: could be God's doing OR could be random chance or any of a number of other factors. What if someone doesn't pray for help and dies? Answer: could be God's doing OR could be random chance or any of a number of other factors. It doesn't look all that good for God and efficacy of prayer. Oh and in the case of God calling home people he plans on sending to Hell, that pretty much makes him an sob, doesn't it? As to your post - you are completely wrong about 2 things. First - God answers all prayer. However - the answer isn't always - "Yes, I'll do that." Second - God doesn't "send" anyone to hell - He just grants the wish of those who have chosen to reject Him - thus allowing them to spend eternity without Him in their presence. This "state of being" has a name - it's called Hell. Occupancy by choice - not decree. Other than missing these two obvious points - your post is right on. Oh - wait. You only made two points. Hmmm..... wow Eljay, you really put me in my place. ![]() Unless of course you read all the words. If you read all the words, you'll notice I was making a response to what Msharmony wrote. I know reading is hard for some people, but trust me Eljay, it'll get easier the more you do it. I learned that when I was 6, but it's never too late... Now, if you want to have a discussion on whether or not God answers all prayers, just sometimes the answer is no, I'll be happy to show you how silly that notion is. And God doesn't send anyone to hell, huh. Just grants wishes like a demented fairy godfather. does that work exactly...let's see...God says, "Rub the magic Jesus and I shall grant thee 1 wish..." Guy says "wait..hold on there, don't I get 3 wishes?" God "Nope. Just the 1". Guy "Alright, I want a new car..." God "A new car? You're dead. What are you gonna do with a new car?" Guy "I dunno. But I've always wanted a new car." God "Look. It's not that kind of wish. Just wish to get into Heaven or go to Hell." Guy "wish? I haved to make a wish to get into Heaven??" God "yeeess. Make your wish" Guy "Do they have new cars in Heaven?" ![]() Good one Eljay. Thx for being my muse. ![]() |
That is for sure msharmony.. Man changes his own rules constantly to make himself right.. ... Blessings of Shalom..Miles you guys are "parable preaching" and being vague .....what rules? .....come on name some specific rules of God that Man has change that neither one of you are involved in ... The Sabbath... Need I go on? Blessings...Miles Nope the Sabbath is enough ..... the Sabbath is on Saturdays and you and MsHarmony are supposed to keep the Sabbath holy....I hope this doesn't stop you two from posting on Mingles2 on Saturdays.. but how is you two posting on a dating website on Saturdays keeping the Sabbath holy breaking the Sabbath is punishable by Death .. isn't it a good thing that Man change this rule...but to be on the safe side perhaps you and MsHarmonry should stone your avatars to death I wonder what happen to MsHarmony and Miles ....but anyway wouldn't those that violate the Sabbath face God's wrath and be on the Yahweh to Hell well, actually, being on a forum doesnt PRODUCE anything so it is not anymore work than if I laid in the bed all day,,,so ,, NO it would have nothing to do with violating the Sabbath and thanx for asking about me,,btw Doesn't produce anything? Information is a THING. You are producing information. Which means it IS a violation. lol, to fit that definition of not working, one would have to literally LAY still all day long like a log. Any movement, after all produces some result. This is another one of those little liberties taken in this thrad,, cute though. ok, I get it. You just define your rules in any way that suits you. Cool. is that different than anyone else? I am not different , we are all equal, I have posted that several times at this point. As to the work theory, I suppose some may consider typing opinions on a computer as work, but I dont. |
First - God answers all prayer. However - the answer isn't always - "Yes, I'll do that."
Second - God doesn't "send" anyone to hell - He just grants the wish of those who have chosen to reject Him - thus allowing them to spend eternity without Him in their presence. This "state of being" has a name - it's called Hell. Occupancy by choice - not decree. This same idea is expressed in the book "The Law of Attraction" by Esther and Jerry Hicks. "Ask and it is given... always." The thing people don't realize is that "prayer" is the asking and it is what you intend and what you think about... that is what you manifest. Even the Bible has this very same formula which states, 'Believe that you have it and it will be given... That is what prayer is. If you don't pray correctly, you will get the thing you fear... if that is what you think about. If you pray for the end of hunger, hunger will remain. Instead, pray for abundance and plenty. What you see in your mind is what manifests. That's so silly and childish I almost want to ask "And what do you want to be when you grow up?" Do adults really believe this or are you just funning w/ us? |
That is for sure msharmony.. Man changes his own rules constantly to make himself right.. ... Blessings of Shalom..Miles you guys are "parable preaching" and being vague .....what rules? .....come on name some specific rules of God that Man has change that neither one of you are involved in ... The Sabbath... Need I go on? Blessings...Miles Nope the Sabbath is enough ..... the Sabbath is on Saturdays and you and MsHarmony are supposed to keep the Sabbath holy....I hope this doesn't stop you two from posting on Mingles2 on Saturdays.. but how is you two posting on a dating website on Saturdays keeping the Sabbath holy breaking the Sabbath is punishable by Death .. isn't it a good thing that Man change this rule...but to be on the safe side perhaps you and MsHarmonry should stone your avatars to death I wonder what happen to MsHarmony and Miles ....but anyway wouldn't those that violate the Sabbath face God's wrath and be on the Yahweh to Hell well, actually, being on a forum doesnt PRODUCE anything so it is not anymore work than if I laid in the bed all day,,,so ,, NO it would have nothing to do with violating the Sabbath and thanx for asking about me,,btw Doesn't produce anything? Information is a THING. You are producing information. Which means it IS a violation. lol, to fit that definition of not working, one would have to literally LAY still all day long like a log. Any movement, after all produces some result. This is another one of those little liberties taken in this thrad,, cute though. ok, I get it. You just define your rules in any way that suits you. Cool. is that different than anyone else? Nothing New under the Sun.. Mark 3:1-6 3:1 Another time he went into the synagogue, and a man with a shriveled hand was there. 2 Some of them were looking for a reason to accuse Yahshua, so they watched him closely to see if he would heal him on the Sabbath. 3 Yahshua said to the man with the shriveled hand, "Stand up in front of everyone." 4 Then Yahshua asked them, "Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?" But they remained silent. 5 He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored. 6 Then the Pharisees went out and began to plot with the Herodians how they might kill Yahshua. Luke 13:15-16 15 The Master answered him, "You hypocrites! Doesn't each of you on the Sabbath untie his ox or donkey from the stall and lead it out to give it water? 16 Then should not this woman, a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen long years, be set free on the Sabbath day from what bound her?" NIV Luke 14:5-6 5 Then he asked them, "If one of you has a son or an ox that falls into a well on the Sabbath day, will you not immediately pull him out?" 6 And they had nothing to say. NIV NIV Not only does he not talk about what is right and Just on the Sabbath but speaks that Satan Bound. Luke 13:10-12 10 On a Sabbath Yahshua was teaching in one of the synagogues, 11 and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. NIV You are to do good on the sabbath. Its not for laying around in bed. Its a healing day for mind and soul... Shalom...Miles |
You are to do good on the sabbath. Its not for laying around in bed. Its a healing day for mind and soul... Shalom...Miles a time to rejoice ....a time to go on dating websites and mingle among the heathens |
You are to do good on the sabbath. Its not for laying around in bed. Its a healing day for mind and soul... Shalom...Miles a time to rejoice ....a time to go on dating websites and mingle among the heathens Unless you believe good cannot be done where heathens exist(i.e.. everywhere). |
You are to do good on the sabbath. Its not for laying around in bed. Its a healing day for mind and soul... Shalom...Miles a time to rejoice ....a time to go on dating websites and mingle among the heathens Unless you believe good cannot be done where heathens exist(i.e.. everywhere). have six other days to mingle with the heathens ..the Sabbath is a day of rest |