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Topic: What are some of your favorite quotes???
Muaness's photo
Sun 12/30/12 09:44 AM
Edited by Muaness on Sun 12/30/12 09:46 AM

Muaness's photo
Sun 12/30/12 09:44 AM
Edited by Muaness on Sun 12/30/12 09:45 AM
An old woman doesn't get old in a dance step she knows too well~ Ilu Igbo.

metallicaone102012's photo
Sun 12/30/12 05:11 PM
if you don't like harry potter, then **** you!
-Michael Steadman-

metallicaone102012's photo
Sun 12/30/12 05:24 PM
if you don't like harry potter, then **** you!
-Michael Steadman-

Muaness's photo
Mon 01/07/13 02:38 AM
Nothing is wrong about being a child, everything is wrong about remaining a child.

Muaness's photo
Mon 01/07/13 02:44 AM
Zeal without knowledge is like a runaway horse.

no photo
Mon 01/07/13 04:24 AM
“You can achieve anything you want in life if you have the courage to dream it, the intelligence to make a realistic plan, and the will to see that plan through to the end.” - Sidney A. Friedman

Muaness's photo
Mon 01/07/13 06:31 AM
You don't ask a frog for chair because it believes in squatting.

1SOPHIAIUX's photo
Mon 01/07/13 06:05 PM
Edited by 1SOPHIAIUX on Mon 01/07/13 06:10 PM


Don't recall the author.

flowers smitten flowers drinks drinks drinks drinks flowers smitten

TenacityMan's photo
Sun 01/13/13 03:04 AM
But to eliminate dishonesty you will there for be alimenting the majority of the worlds population as they can also have an element of honesty involved with them. So how would you eliminate the dishonesty in people with out leaving the minatory in over all existence?

TenacityMan's photo
Sun 01/13/13 03:10 AM

"Honesty may be the best policy, but it's important to remember that apparently, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy."
George Carlin

But to eliminate dishonesty you will there for be alimenting the majority of the worlds population as they can also have an element of honesty involved with them. So how would you eliminate the dishonesty in people with out leaving the minatory in over all existence?

no photo
Sun 01/13/13 08:03 AM
..."For the first time we have full Gun control! our streets will be safer, our police more effective, and the world will follow our lead into the future."

- Adolph Hitler, circa 1938

no photo
Sun 01/13/13 08:03 AM
... time is the fire in which we burn.

willowdraga's photo
Sun 01/13/13 08:11 AM
He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery. ~Harold Wilson

If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. ~Mary Engelbreit

It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory. ~W. Edwards Deming

willowdraga's photo
Sun 01/13/13 08:15 AM
“Force and mind are opposites; morality ends where a gun begins.”

Ayn Rand quotes (Russian born American Writer and Novelist, 1905-1982)

Love this but don't really care for the rest.

no photo
Sun 01/13/13 10:45 AM
From the movie "Tombstone."

Doc Holiday was drunk, sick and seeing double. His rival remarked that he was seeing double and would not be able to win a gun fight...

He said:

"I've got two guns... One for each of ya."

Muaness's photo
Wed 01/16/13 11:02 AM
If a route is smooth its used a second time.

no photo
Thu 01/17/13 06:07 AM
"I've never personally played a character for audience sympathy. I've always tried to bring a slice of realism to the character that shows they're like everybody else, but just happen to kill people sometimes."

- David Hess

no photo
Thu 01/17/13 06:41 AM
"We all have a common interest, bigger and more horrible monsters - and I'm just the monster to bring them to you."

- William Castle

no photo
Thu 01/17/13 06:42 AM
"In science-fiction films the monster should always be bigger than the leading lady."

- Roger Corman

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