Topic: To Be A GOOD Liberal.... | |
Atleast I'll be in the Euro part.
i lean liberal but i do have some conservative veiws too
Thanks for the excellent comeback goes out to SingMeSweet. Fair play gives voice, or space, to both sides. And if you don't want to pick sides, that's fair too. It's just that your voting will be relatively useless. If you don't agree with either side, at least place a vote AGAINST the bad guys. In the meantime, face reality, i.e. be patriotic enough to keep whatever ball rolling we have going for us right now. The nitpickers are the true enemy of the people. They're wasting all of our precious time.
Specifically, they know they wasted 8 years, so now they're doing everything they can to waste ours too.
I am a conservative. I belive there is nothing my government can do for me that I can do better for my self.
Liberals have three charactors flows; 1. They never get anything done. 2. they don't hole people accountable for their actions. 3. They feel better qualified to make basic decisions for you thanyou are yourself. |
Specifically, they know they wasted 8 years, so now they're doing everything they can to waste ours too. lol, could we form a new party called the nitpicker party ? I LOVE that name. |
Here is what my friend miriam webster says about it
conservative-a : one who adheres to traditional methods or views : a cautious or discreet person liberal - a person who is liberal: as a : one who is open-minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional, or established forms or ways b capitalized : a member or supporter of a liberal political party c : an advocate or adherent of liberalism especially in individual rights so to compliment each,, conservatives are cautious( i think thats good) and liberals are respective of individuals rights (also a good thing) to insult each,,, conservatives are stubborn and stagnant(not conductive to progress) and liberals are without foundation (fertile ground for chaos) In any case, I think most people are a combination of both. We have those values that we hold dear and feel should be unchanging, but we want everyone to be treated equally as well. |
In any case, I think most people are a combination of both. We have those values that we hold dear and feel should be unchanging, but we want everyone to be treated equally as well.
I think this is so right and says a mouthful. I was going to quote you on the 15% since I had only really whole heartedly agreed with 2 combining both posts on conserativism. I don't believe I am a total conserative nor am I am a liberal. I am an american frankly sick to death of both parties blowing smoke up our butts. Thinking we the american people are so stupid we don't see it. I don't vote totally one way or another. I vote for who I think will do the best job. |