Topic: readings earthlings
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Fri 01/01/10 04:58 PM

Well,,pink,,,its a turning time for you this year.
as the month of June gets here...? someones calling from a far,
who feels cold and lost. stress is high, but your mate comforts it all. trouble in school, by summer-break, seems he plays the wrong game.
As for Dan, long term plans,,,,come more March.
your spirit, seems to stray,,look for that little black box?
A male friend close, has some GREAT news in May..?
The both of you will travel come....August...

BL4766's photo
Fri 01/01/10 04:59 PM
you skipped me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!tears laugh

no photo
Fri 01/01/10 05:05 PM

:smile: Give me a smile, and I'll give you a free reading of your
future.............I KNOW IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!laugh


JUST ROLLEDrofl OVER.......laugh laugh laugh laugh

:banana: :banana: Come-on,,,Just give me a smile,:wink:
italio,,,its a great year,,new work?, a chance meeting in
may,,stops your heart,,follow up on it and her..
many things spinning around in your head about next month,
go with the flow and, do what you said you wasn't going to do?
habits keep you away, do more,,outside..a visit by some famly
in April,,,,your at your best..drinker

motowndowntown's photo
Fri 01/01/10 05:10 PM

no photo
Fri 01/01/10 05:13 PM

agrant,,this year is new, but it drowns your blues.
friends make life go-go-go- one stands out at a little bit more?
working to think, thinking to work, slow down life and read a book.
someone who See's you, many times, will ask you to know better.
Thoughts of school,,of kinds,,rests in the back of your mind,,
bring it forward,,,,July awaits your every breath...happy times..
and great news come Oct...drinker flowerforyou

BL4766's photo
Fri 01/01/10 05:14 PM
bigsmile bigsmile
i'll try again.............maybe you wont miss me this time around!!!!laugh

no photo
Fri 01/01/10 11:52 PM

Living as one will have two.? work is slow, but get much better soon. Family is far,,,take the car,wink. a close friend,,turns away..but three more mend,,,stay close in your letters, to not look back..flowerforyou
I am so sorry, I am not sure what I done but THIS READING
was for BL4766....I knew I done you,lol,,but I had to read each one like three times to figure it out....its your reading BL4766 but with the WRONG,,,quoted pic,,,,,I am sorry for hitting something

BonnyMiss's photo
Fri 01/01/10 11:58 PM

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 01/02/10 12:03 AM

no photo
Sat 01/02/10 12:04 AM

ok Mo,,,You will be, you large, as to this time last year. Be grateful for what you have?
A worry you have won't go away,,take care of it as to not have it bother you,,health is the question. missed family member,,from past will see you this year..your good-times are here. much questions arise in June and July...safty,,,keep close eyes on all..?

maybe I should go into bar tending,,,,this reading stuff makes me want to drink,loldrinker

no photo
Sat 01/02/10 12:06 AM

you skipped me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!tears laugh
SORRY,,but I gave ya one,,but had Vivians PIC with it...
Its posted right to you just under HER second PIC I ran,,,,wink,

no photo
Sat 01/02/10 12:14 AM

You have plans? they will work.
fluttered over something at work, it stays,,fix it as you only can?
Best of the year, comes in at August,,middle.
your passion for passing time, grows...?

BonnyMiss's photo
Sat 01/02/10 12:19 AM

You have plans? they will work.
fluttered over something at work, it stays,,fix it as you only can?
Best of the year, comes in at August,,middle.
your passion for passing time, grows...?

Thank you for my reading..............Your cheque's in the post. flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 01/02/10 12:24 AM


OK Art,,,your year is felled with many changes. some good, some bad,, best times March will have your spirits high..
time passes fast in Feb. your have the floor.?speaker?
Work will come to you at this time. near ending in February..
ups and downs surround in June? you inspire the young?

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 01/02/10 12:27 AM


OK Art,,,your year is felled with many changes. some good, some bad,, best times March will have your spirits high..
time passes fast in Feb. your have the floor.?speaker?
Work will come to you at this time. near ending in February..
ups and downs surround in June? you inspire the young?

Thank you ((T)) flowerforyou

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 01/02/10 12:27 AM


OK Art,,,your year is felled with many changes. some good, some bad,, best times March will have your spirits high..
time passes fast in Feb. your have the floor.?speaker?
Work will come to you at this time. near ending in February..
ups and downs surround in June? you inspire the young?

Thank you ((T)) flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 01/02/10 12:34 AM

You have plans? they will work.
fluttered over something at work, it stays,,fix it as you only can?
Best of the year, comes in at August,,middle.
your passion for passing time, grows...?

Thank you for my reading..............Your cheque's in the post. flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou
I sense a short coming of that which is needed,
account is low and I charge more than I'm worth....drinker

How are ya Miss bonny???and please take these as BS,,,,
its a feel, but I am not the real deal,,,,,

I read some palms at a party once,,,no big deal,,it was as this in PLAY,,,but,,,,,surprised what was strange,,,months later someone I had told of their palm reading,,,comes running up,,how did you know?? I am like WTF?,,,as they told me I had told them they were going to be parents soon,,,,she got there,lol,lol
she said she was two month along,and I had read her that,four months earlier,,then she remembered it all,,and said I can't wait to see if its a boy like you said it was going to be?????
scared scared I had forgotten even her face at that later time,,she had to tell me,,but there were about four people that done that to me,,and all the time it was a small hand book I had read pertaing to the lines and hands as thei meanins and values,,,so as a PARTY favor,,,I read many that one time,,,,
strange how ones mind works after they get something though.
as I think many might search out a false truth as to being PART of what they were told,,,??
All I know is it will be remembered here,,and we shall see,wink,
as I won't remember what the hell I said to them in four months from now,,,slaphead rofl rofl whoa

no photo
Sat 01/02/10 12:54 AM

Your torn between two,,,not sure what they are?
Pick the best fit for all and its a done deal..
someone rides with your spirit,,your not ONE but TWO souls combined..GREAT NEWS comes to you on the 28th..

oh really? Torn between two aye..that's funny Terry since I don't know any and haven't had a date in two years... that's for giving me hope though. laugh laugh :tongue:

Chocolate chip cookie dough or rocky road icecream !!

no photo
Sat 01/02/10 01:03 AM

Your torn between two,,,not sure what they are?
Pick the best fit for all and its a done deal..
someone rides with your spirit,,your not ONE but TWO souls combined..GREAT NEWS comes to you on the 28th..

oh really? Torn between two aye..that's funny Terry since I don't know any and haven't had a date in two years... that's for giving me hope though. laugh laugh :tongue:

Chocolate chip cookie dough or rocky road icecream !!
THATS IT!!!!!!I told her it was a choice but not a guys choice of hers,lol

But now your stock here Moblodite,,,,,for a reading,,,,lol

Your day to laugh hard this week,,,,,,wed.
she see's you, but waits for you to talk?
hold family close in May...
friends make life grand in JULY,,,if invited,,,GO...
a dress-up affair at Mays end?

vivian2981's photo
Sat 01/02/10 04:28 PM

mmmmmm, you need to listen to the doc or kids, and act.
much sickness is shared, you will lose some. that same ol-feelings each day, will change this year, to your own surprise. happy days
await, but come late, May is your month.. the gift of life will bless your family. You SHOULD call the one you been thinking of calling.! today...flowerforyou

But I don't have your number!laugh flowerforyou Tflowerforyou hanks :angry: :angry: was fun!smooched