Topic: Is Christmas part of the temple?
AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 12/23/09 01:41 PM
If it is then money exchangers have taken it over...

Exchanging toys and gifts for what you need to survive... all in the name of your god.

do you ever feel used?

michiganman3's photo
Wed 12/23/09 02:05 PM
Ummmmm....I'd have to say no. I thought the money changers were part of the Temple so that offerings and tithes could be paid in a specific currency, with a bit of a fee for the transaction, along with the sale of doves for burnt offerings.

Most of what we do this time of year was co-opted from older Pagan rituals. Which was banned in some parts of Europe by the Church at various times in history.

The gift giving as it was explained to me was that we exchanged gifts as a symbol of God giving us the gift of His love through the birth of Jesus, so we exchange gifts as a symbol of love, as well as giving to those less fortunate than ourselves.

Then you have the whole Santa Claus thing adapted from northern Europino traditions

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 12/23/09 02:08 PM

But between the gift and the giver has come the merchant...

Exchanging that which is the gold of the land for the gift you would give...

Using YOUR faith and practice therof...

to line his pockets...

In effect... stealing from god.

michiganman3's photo
Wed 12/23/09 02:20 PM


But between the gift and the giver has come the merchant...

Exchanging that which is the gold of the land for the gift you would give...

Using YOUR faith and practice therof...

to line his pockets...

In effect... stealing from god.

Can't steal from God.....
Celebrate or don't celebrate.....

Between the fruit of the vine and my mouth has come the farmer, the distributor, the wholesaler and the retailer too. But I still have to eat and I am not much of a farmer.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 12/23/09 02:34 PM

If it is then money exchangers have taken it over...

Exchanging toys and gifts for what you need to survive... all in the name of your god.

do you ever feel used?

christmas gifts don't have to be something bought. Showing someone love is the greatest gift. Opening a door for someone is a gift, holding someone while they are sad is a gift, telling someone how beautiful they are is a gift. People have lost track of what is a gift and what is not. People have become narrow minded and only see what's before them. A good christmas gift in general is just going over to your loved ones place and having good conversation with them maybe going over memorys of the past with them and quite possibly a nice meal with them. Always remember love is the greatest gift anyone could give.

Yamin's photo
Thu 12/24/09 06:58 PM



Foliel's photo
Sat 12/26/09 11:20 AM

If it is then money exchangers have taken it over...

Exchanging toys and gifts for what you need to survive... all in the name of your god.

do you ever feel used?

christmas gifts don't have to be something bought. Showing someone love is the greatest gift. Opening a door for someone is a gift, holding someone while they are sad is a gift, telling someone how beautiful they are is a gift. People have lost track of what is a gift and what is not. People have become narrow minded and only see what's before them. A good christmas gift in general is just going over to your loved ones place and having good conversation with them maybe going over memorys of the past with them and quite possibly a nice meal with them. Always remember love is the greatest gift anyone could give.

lol tell a crying 5 year old that love is all he/she needs for a gift and they're gonna look at you like you're nuts