Topic: Still in my private hell.... | |
To all of those who I have been in contact with here I am still alive but still in hell.
My law suit is moving to discovery finally and boy opposing council is trying every delay tactic they can think of. Thanks to Fast Track they are not wiggling out of this one in the distant future. Still this whole mess really screwed my life up. Law suits even when you are the plaintiff are tough to deal with. I wish it was over. Life seems to be one continuous test of our patience. I just hope to come out of it with a passing grade! I know I have not been accessing this site very much lately but I have limited access to the internet and do not wave my personal business around Libraries. Heck I have not got the time to hang out there anyways. Too much work, house hunting, and other BS to occupy me so I show up here when I can. Miss you all and hope all of you are doing well in these troubled times. To all of you I will raise a toast at the New Year's party. ![]() |
Wishing you a brighter new year
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Hi, nice to see you! Sorry though that your life is still in such turmoil. Hang in there, it has to end sometime! I do hope you have some nice plans for the upcoming holidays??? Family and friends to give your brain a break from the madness!! Wishing you a much CALMER new year!
Wishing you,a bright New Year
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Hey Andy, There is light at the end of the tunnel.. been there, done that.. Just take it one day at a time and you will get through it.. Will keep you in thought and prayers for a better and happier new year.. Try to enjoy the holidays with friends and family..
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Love and light sent to you.
Best wishes for a better new year ![]() |
I hope you have a better year next year
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To all of those who I have been in contact with here I am still alive but still in hell. My law suit is moving to discovery finally and boy opposing council is trying every delay tactic they can think of. Thanks to Fast Track they are not wiggling out of this one in the distant future. Still this whole mess really screwed my life up. Law suits even when you are the plaintiff are tough to deal with. I wish it was over. Life seems to be one continuous test of our patience. I just hope to come out of it with a passing grade! I know I have not been accessing this site very much lately but I have limited access to the internet and do not wave my personal business around Libraries. Heck I have not got the time to hang out there anyways. Too much work, house hunting, and other BS to occupy me so I show up here when I can. Miss you all and hope all of you are doing well in these troubled times. To all of you I will raise a toast at the New Year's party. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
To all of those who I have been in contact with here I am still alive but still in hell. My law suit is moving to discovery finally and boy opposing council is trying every delay tactic they can think of. Thanks to Fast Track they are not wiggling out of this one in the distant future. Still this whole mess really screwed my life up. Law suits even when you are the plaintiff are tough to deal with. I wish it was over. Life seems to be one continuous test of our patience. I just hope to come out of it with a passing grade! I know I have not been accessing this site very much lately but I have limited access to the internet and do not wave my personal business around Libraries. Heck I have not got the time to hang out there anyways. Too much work, house hunting, and other BS to occupy me so I show up here when I can. Miss you all and hope all of you are doing well in these troubled times. To all of you I will raise a toast at the New Year's party. ![]() I am with ya there.Don't know your situation,But best of luck! |
Hi Andy! Good to see you, but I'm sorry to hear that things are not so great for you.
![]() I hope things start looking up soon. ![]() |
I refuse to give up or give in. Fear has no place in my life any more. I hope 2010 is better for us all and I will raise a toast to all of you.
Hope it all gets better.