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Topic: confused-Bible-homosexuality
pkh's photo
Fri 06/08/07 08:29 AM
Iconsider myself a Christian,I've attended the same church for alot of
yrs.It's a Bible teaching church.There against gays etc.but I've never
judged.The Bible is against it,but also tells us to not judge others and
love one another,I've felt this way for yrs, we should love everyone and
let the Lord do the judging but I recently found out my nephew is,and
his parents aren't happy,I took him to the side and told him I loved him
no matter what his choice is & I'm here if he needs me.Am I wrong? I
think most churches are also against it.I'm thinking of leaving the
church I attend.

adj4u's photo
Fri 06/08/07 08:31 AM
if i remember correctly

yer supposed to hate the sin not the sinner

but hey what do i know

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 08:38 AM
I find you stance admirable.

But why would you want to leave the church when you've been happy with
it up to now. As adj says, you are supposed to hate the sin and not the

And not that I see any sin in being gay, it's not a choice one makes
willingly. One is gay because God created him so.

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 08:43 AM
adj4 I agree and that is correct in my view.

pkh keep spreading that love :heart:

I expect this to be a controversial thread. Anything about
homosexuality, sex, beliefs or racism tends to fill up VERY quickly.

I won't be suprised if there's a debate in here..indifferent

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 06/08/07 08:44 AM
I cannot really speak for a woman who has love for another woman unless
she has never been with a man. But, most gay men have never wanted nor
been with a woman. This is not a sexual issue. It is a lifestyle not
chosen. Rather one of who they are.
When we speak of a sinful act of sexual nature; is it not as much of a
sin to have sex out of wedlock? I mean it is mentioned several times in
the Bible how it is sinful to have unmarried sex. And not mentioned so
many times about homosexuality, ie; man on man.
If Jesus says that to have salvation is to come to him and be his child.
Then does it not count if they believe in God(Jesus)? I mean there are
many churches where gays are welcomed and many churches that are for the
most part for gay people. There are so many Christian gays in this
Is God gonna say, a liar is less sinful than a gay person? Is he gonna
say that stealing is less sinful? So forth and so forth. God loves all
his children equally. I do not believe that He would have these children
be born this way just to hate them.
The Bible says that we are to love without judgement. We cannot judge
without ourselves being judged.

pkh's photo
Fri 06/08/07 08:46 AM
I believe that is are voice not the Bible.It states in
Romans1:26,Jn3;3-5, 1Corinthians6-9 that they will not enter the kingdom
of heaven,but I believe they will.That's why I said I was confused.

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 06/08/07 08:47 AM
My apologies to any woman out there that may be lesbian. I do realize
that some women that are gay have been with a man because they tried to
fit in, be a part of the social. I believe as long as it is not about
the sex, it is not a choice.

adj4u's photo
Fri 06/08/07 08:48 AM
but if they ask for forgiveness are they not forgiven

and if not then why bother

just a thought

but hey what do i know

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 08:51 AM
pkh I know the scriptures are in galatians also say they won't inherit
the kingdom of God.

Scttbrian (kat) has a very POWERFUL point. Regardless of what sin you
commit, a sin is a sin. There is no sin greater than the other. No one
is ANY better than the other really indifferent

However, there are emphasis on idolatry and blaspheme of the Holy

flowerforyou Hi kat

pkh's photo
Fri 06/08/07 08:51 AM
I do believe we are all created equal. The reason I talk about leaving
is I talked with the pastors wife about my thoughts and she pretty much
said as long as they seek forgiveness,they will enter God's kingdom,I no
alot of people who have done worse,then being gay.

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 08:51 AM
asj4 if you confess and repent I think you will be forgiven

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 08:51 AM
asj4 if you confess and repent I think you will be forgiven

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 08:54 AM
i think that ur exactly right... becouse GOD is the only one who can
JUDGE anyone... and all u can do for ur nephew is be there for him at
this time.. this has gatta be hard on him as well... i hope everything
works out.. good luck!

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 08:55 AM
but i dont think u should leave the church... u should cling to it more
if anything!:smile:

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 08:56 AM
I've had several, tons of gay friends in college. Beautiful people with
great personalities. All you can do is pray and God will judge like
heather mentioned.

pkh's photo
Fri 06/08/07 08:56 AM
Thanks for your thoughts,he's a good kid.

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 09:01 AM

The best thing you can do for your nephew is love him. I don't doubt
the position the Bible offers on homosexuality, God considers it an
abomination. But he feels the same way about lying and liars walk into
heaven every day. It's not a question of if you sin or not, because
everyone sins. It's a question of if you love to sin or not. If your
nephew is saved, he will hate the fact that he is homosexual. Just
assure him that Paul had his thorn and that Jesus was tempted to do
evil. Paul called himself "cheif among sinners", because he acknowledge
that he sinned. We are all sinners and if your nephew truely hates the
sin and loves Jesus, Jesus will cure him of the desire. His parents
position will do no good, but will drive your nephew into depression and
possibly put a wedge between him and God.

Assuming that your nephew is happy being homosexual, when the time and
your nephew's heart is ready, Jesus will draw him like a fish out of
water and he will receive a new spirit.

God bless.

adj4u's photo
Fri 06/08/07 09:03 AM
i gave up on organized religion a long time ago

because of the contradictions and the pick and choose atmosphere

organized religion============the root of all evil

no photo
Fri 06/08/07 09:03 AM
You shouldn't leave the church. You said and feel correctly about your
relative, being gay IS a choice. Saying that God made a person that way
is totally contradictory to his word. He never contradicts himself.

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 06/08/07 09:05 AM
I know many gay people. Most of the ones I know believe in GOD. They
were in fear of God before they started going to church. Trying to
understand about themselves. I know a couple of gay preachers. I have
found that gay people are more tolerant of others than most straight
people. They tend to show more love.
I get phone calls sometimes from someone in the gay community to pray
for this one or that one. I'm as much of a sinner as the next person. Am
I not worthy of Gods love? So are the gay people of this world, I

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