Topic: Question: "Should Christians celebrate Christmas?" | |
Yes, we should celebrate our Lord's birth and everyday is a good time to do it, yet, having a specific time of year to set a side and do so is awesome!!! ![]() Any one can be born.. It is the person and what they have done in thier life that should be remembered. No where does it say to celebrate a b-day.. John The Baptist had his head cut off for a B-day present. Yahshua tells us to remember his death and what he did for us. No b-days of believers can be found....Shalom....Miles Miles: Remember, if He's not born to die, then what? His birth IS important, not as important as His death, by still important nonetheless. tf73 |
Of course Christians should celebrate Christmas. His teachings transcend the commercialism and distortions. Was he a greater man than ... say ... Martin Luther King? Would MLK followers stop celebrating MLK day for political correctness? Part of being an American is having the right to celebrate what you believe. Who cares whether it is his birthday or not ... or whether the tree is a pagan symbol.
People should celebrate whatever cause in which they believe. |
Edited by
Fri 01/15/10 11:46 PM
Yes, we should celebrate our Lord's birth and everyday is a good time to do it, yet, having a specific time of year to set a side and do so is awesome!!! ![]() Any one can be born.. It is the person and what they have done in thier life that should be remembered. No where does it say to celebrate a b-day.. John The Baptist had his head cut off for a B-day present. Yahshua tells us to remember his death and what he did for us. No b-days of believers can be found....Shalom....Miles Miles: Remember, if He's not born to die, then what? His birth IS important, not as important as His death, by still important nonetheless. tf73 Yahshua did not have to die. I think many people forget this. He said himself to the Council if you would only believe then the kingdom would of been right thier. But they refused to believe because believing him would take away thier rule over the people. Yahshua died to take thier rule away to send the Holy Spirit to all men if willing just like the council to believe. But we do not believe in the spirit either or else we would not have to say at this point in time know Elohim. For all would know him because of your love and faith where all things are possible as Yahshua said we would do greater things than him. Like the mustard seed example. But the world is getting more wicked every day because that example has given way to as Prophisied. Everyone will do as they think is right.. Not what the scriptures say and that Prophecy u can see all over these boards who cares what the scriptures say its a good thing it has to be. But man decieves his own self. This brings self destruction to light. The prophecies are coming true because you have strayed from the scriptures thus your own mind makes them come true. Even the non believers will tell u that. They have more faith than the ones who claim they believe because they do not try to hide behind a book for thier own satisfaction. They may have strange ways to many but they stay true to thier way of life and where they want it to take them. So I ask u who has more Faith? The one who says he believes but picks and chooses or the non believer who out right says i do not believe in that book and this is the way I live? I believe the Roman Soldier Yahshua spoke with has already answered that question. So go ahead and do what you what you want. Remember Hebrews though when it says that when you turn away like the priest at the alter with your back to Yahshua that he took away the sacrafice and now thier is no more for you to offer. it says you spit in his face. It would be better that you never believed than to profess it in any way you want. I am sure any commander of an army would be pleased when all his troops refused to work as a unit and some deserted and some went head strong into battle and others sat back and said lets wait and see what happens before we decide. Of cource the Army is slaughtered because it refused the orders of the commander and did as each man felt like he should do. Remember put on the whole armour of Salvation so you can cast aside the decievers fiery darts. That salvation is the Spirit of Yahshua and without it u r defenceless. So when u do not understand how the world could be going the way it is. Just look in the mirror and walk away because you have already forgot the way of Yahweh and instead took on the shield of mankind. If U want to honor a b-day where we put up a tree tell our little ones remember baby Yahshua and then have him sit on Santas lap and he knows whether you been naughty or been nice. And tell me that teaching children that if someone is completely trusting in you then it is ok to lie to them and get them to believe this lie because its fun for them. Then you have became the Herod of your day and you promice to be nice as he did to his niece on his b-day if she would only dance for him.. As we tell our children to sing these songs that are pure lies. Then she when she said I want John the baptists head on a platter. Which she got through deception of her mother who taught her how to lie and get what she wants. As we teach our children from before they can remember that lieing and deception is part of life and its fun. Then we have lost the zeal we once had and turned to a sow who will always waller in the mud or a dog who will digest his own vomit. We invite the very one who we say we are against the Father of lies who we have become very obedient children to. Into our lives and made The Sacrafice of Yahshua our Messiah of no effect. Then turn and waller in your own mud because thats what you wanted and he will let you have it. Is the Price worth all of that? More people are sad and children because mommy i was really good and all i got was a pair of pants. Jonny is so bad and he got more things than i can count. Why Mommy why? Yahweh is not a respector of person what that child asked would never happen. Because Job said Cursed be the day of my birth. Cursed be the lies from Satan that you choose to believe, while you spit on the very sacrafice that gave you life. It would of been better if you were never born.. Why did Yahshua say such a thing? Think use your head once in awhile if you claim the Scriptures as true and come out of the mud and let the vomit be. Blessings and May Yahweh of Hosts Who Created The Heavens and The Earth Change the Hearts of Those who Will Hear with Thier ears and See with Thier Eyes That Your Throne will always be The Throne of Truth.....Shalom Miles |
Whats the big freaking deal?
I can celebrate whatever thing I want to celebrate, whenever i want to, and if someone doesnt like it or doesnt want to celebrate it, then so be it. Im not here telling you to celebrate anything, noone makes YOU celebrate, and Ill be celebrating Christmas, and also Christs birthday on December 25th.. weather its the specific day or not. Now try to change me. Everyones gotta have a problem with everything cos they have guilt, or an issue... WHATEVER MAN.. worry about your OWN beliefs, youre dispelling nothing. JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS. |
Of course Christians should celebrate Christmas. His teachings transcend the commercialism and distortions. Was he a greater man than ... say ... Martin Luther King? Would MLK followers stop celebrating MLK day for political correctness? Part of being an American is having the right to celebrate what you believe. Who cares whether it is his birthday or not ... or whether the tree is a pagan symbol. People should celebrate whatever cause in which they believe. RIGHT ON. |
Whats the big freaking deal? I can celebrate whatever thing I want to celebrate, whenever i want to, and if someone doesnt like it or doesnt want to celebrate it, then so be it. Im not here telling you to celebrate anything, noone makes YOU celebrate, and Ill be celebrating Christmas, and also Christs birthday on December 25th.. weather its the specific day or not. Now try to change me. Everyones gotta have a problem with everything cos they have guilt, or an issue... WHATEVER MAN.. worry about your OWN beliefs, youre dispelling nothing. JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS. If you are talking about me then I am sorry you did not understand a word I said...Shalom....Miles |
The birth of Jesus is just as equally important as the death of Jesus. Without the birth of Jesus the death of Jesus could never have happened. And reason Jesus had to die on that cross was to be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Before Jesus was put on the cross people would sacrifice animals and such for forgiveness of their sins. Jesus came to be the ultimate sacrifice so we no longer needed to do that. He came to give us new laws to follow upon. Before we sacrificed things to be forgiven and to worship God. Jesus came to teach us more and to be our ultimate sacrifice. Now that is great love, do you know anyone that would be willing to die for someone even if that someone hated them? Would you be able to go somewhere knowing you were about to be tortured and put to death and still show great love for those people?
did anyone read the OP???? Especially this part..
As we have seen, there is no legitimate scriptural reason not to celebrate Christmas. At the same time, there is no biblical mandate to celebrate either. In the end, of course, whether or not to celebrate Christmas is a personal decision. Whatever Christians decide to do regarding Christmas, their views should not be used as a club with which to beat down or denigrate those with opposing views, nor should either view be used as a badge of honor inducing pride over celebrating or not celebrating. As in all things, we seek wisdom from Him who gives it liberally to all who ask (James 1:5), and accept one another in Christian love and grace, regardless of our views on Christmas. This thread isn't about telling others they are right or wrong for celebrating or not. it is about what YOU decide to do |
Hey, was anyone here under the impression we didnt have choices?
Anyone? |
ummmm this was to share how each person decides to celebrate or not.
![]() Well, hm yes, now all of the Christian singles are enlightened. Thanks. |
Glad I could help....since it wasn't directed at any one person
I think it really depends on the way a Christian believes. Just trying not to cause any uproars.
Kim, I read your post very carefully. The question I gathered from the posting was "should we follow and do what we believe or should we be influenced by others who tell us what Christmas is, how it should be celebrated (or not) and what Christmas means, not to mention what is politically correct at any given moment.
I try to never tell anyone what to think. I often attempt to give others something to think about. ![]() |
hey Joe....actually I posted this thread because of a discussion in general religion where people were arguing of should I, shouldn't I, it's mine, it's yours.
So I wanted to point out a few things that the article mentioned that I thought was true..... |