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Topic: Come on In - part 88
BL4766's photo
Fri 12/25/09 05:22 AM

What time are you going to your mom and dads today?

no set time.............just gotta be there at least by lunch.

but we'll be going over there early...........beats sitting here doing nothing!laugh

Silveradogal's photo
Fri 12/25/09 05:22 AM
Oh!! That is sooo wonderful!!!...:banana: :banana: ..I am sooo glad he is going to be ok!!...Thank goodness. flowerforyou

oh ya.....update.....

my uncle is doing good!!!happy they went in & put two stints (sp????) to open up his arterys..........he said he was feeling real good!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!:banana: :banana:

Silveradogal's photo
Fri 12/25/09 05:24 AM
But, your son wants to play his games!!...laugh laugh

He won't want to leave!...laugh

BL4766's photo
Fri 12/25/09 05:24 AM
me too..........its just too bad he has to be in the hospital over christmas!!!!!!ohwell Him & his wife were sappose to be back saturday......but not now!

BL4766's photo
Fri 12/25/09 05:24 AM

But, your son wants to play his games!!...laugh laugh

He won't want to leave!...laugh


laugh laugh laugh

Silveradogal's photo
Fri 12/25/09 05:25 AM
I know but at least he is ok. That is a blessing in itself. Did they say when he might get out of the hospital?

BL4766's photo
Fri 12/25/09 05:27 AM
no.............no word on that yet........

Silveradogal's photo
Fri 12/25/09 05:28 AM
Well hopefully it they won't keep him long if he is doing good. At lest I hope not. My prayers will be with him.flowerforyou and his family

BL4766's photo
Fri 12/25/09 05:30 AM
thank you!flowerforyou

well linda...........i think im gonna get off of here....start getting things & myself ready for the day..........

you have A WONDERFUL DAY & GREAT CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!flowerforyou flowerforyou

BL4766's photo
Fri 12/25/09 05:33 AM
oh.............& tell your sister MERRY CHRISTMAS TOO!!!!flowerforyou

Silveradogal's photo
Fri 12/25/09 05:35 AM
YOU and a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS too. Tell your Son and your
Parents Merry Christmas for me too!...flowerforyou

You are so very welcome!!flowerforyou ..Have a great day today Beckie!!..

Anton_k's photo
Fri 12/25/09 05:36 AM

I hope Everybody has a wonderful day..bigsmile

Silveradogal's photo
Fri 12/25/09 05:38 AM
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND CINDY TOO TONY!!!..flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 12/25/09 05:55 AM
MERRY CHRISTMAS (((((((FRIENDS)))))))))!!! :heart: flowerforyou waving

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 12/25/09 07:26 AM
Merry Christmas All !!!!

BL4766's photo
Fri 12/25/09 06:24 PM
hope everyone had a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Silveradogal's photo
Fri 12/25/09 06:25 PM
I did..hope you did too...
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

BL4766's photo
Fri 12/25/09 06:26 PM
it was GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

had great food...........drinks..............
and got a TON of great gifts!!!!!!!!!bigsmile

Silveradogal's photo
Fri 12/25/09 06:28 PM
I had great food....no drinks

and great gifts too!..I about fainted when
my son got me something!!...laugh laugh laugh
He told me he didn't get me anything but the little
snot did!!...laugh laugh laugh

BL4766's photo
Fri 12/25/09 06:30 PM
awwwwwwwwww.............thats so sweet!!!!!!bigsmile now why wouldnt he give you a gift???????? of course hes gonna!!!!!!:banana: :banana:

my son got me 3...........WOW!!!!!

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