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Topic: Come on In - part 88
Silveradogal's photo
Mon 12/21/09 06:37 AM
Ok..have fun!! Talk to you later...bye bye..flowerforyou

Okay folks, I need to run. Tom and I are going shopping this morning, I am one of those last minute shoppers frustrated and since I am off today, it seems like the best time to do it frustrated

I will be back later and will pop in to see if you guys are around waving

chevylover1965's photo
Mon 12/21/09 06:54 AM

BL4766's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:03 AM

chevylover1965's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:13 AM
howdy .....brat !

chevylover1965's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:14 AM
he's gay ! laugh

BL4766's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:15 AM

howdy .....brat !

howdy ORNERY!!!!!!!!!!bigsmile

chevylover1965's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:25 AM
that's me.........
didnt i just put you to bed ?????

BL4766's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:28 AM
laugh seems like it.........
are you STILL UP, or did you just get home from work???????

chevylover1965's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:29 AM
i got home about 8am ...
been on here talking to ever one .....
they wont let me go to sleep ! sad laugh

chevylover1965's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:33 AM
oh no.......
im out of smoke's .....sad
damn, kid's been in my smokes again ! frustrated

have to make a call ........
ok, all is well have more smoke's on the way !smokin :banana:

Silveradogal's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:34 AM
Good Morning Beckie..and Chevy..waving waving

BL4766's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:34 AM
awwwwwwwwwwwww..........poor thang!!!!!laugh

BL4766's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:35 AM

oh no.......
im out of smoke's .....sad
damn, kid's been in my smokes again ! frustrated

have to make a call ........
ok, all is well have more smoke's on the way !smokin :banana:

damn..............hate when that happens!!!!!!!laugh grumble

BL4766's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:35 AM

Good Morning Beckie..and Chevy..waving waving


Silveradogal's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:36 AM
How ya'll this a m? bigsmile

chevylover1965's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:36 AM
{{{linda}}} you sexy thing you !flowers drool smitten

BL4766's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:37 AM

How ya'll this a m? bigsmile

tired!!!yawn need more sleep i think!!!!laugh laugh

chevylover1965's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:37 AM
Edited by chevylover1965 on Mon 12/21/09 07:38 AM

How ya'll this a m? bigsmile
out of smoke's....im tired and horny ! laugh
any other ?????? :wink:

Silveradogal's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:38 AM
Awwwwwwwwwww..blushing Thank you (((Chevy))) smooched

{{{linda}}} you sexy thing you !flowers drool smitten

Silveradogal's photo
Mon 12/21/09 07:39 AM
Got up too early??? Stayed up too late last night? bigsmile

How ya'll this a m? bigsmile

tired!!!yawn need more sleep i think!!!!laugh laugh

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