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Topic: Just Say Hi - were you around then?
rara777's photo
Sat 12/19/09 10:52 PM
Here I is....Been on here for a little over two years.laugh

lulu24's photo
Sat 12/19/09 10:56 PM
me, me...i was here.

Atlantis75's photo
Sat 12/19/09 10:58 PM
no way. I think I saw the ad, clicked on it and told myself "I aint' gonna join a bunch of lunatics".

marie930's photo
Sat 12/19/09 10:58 PM
me :wink:

no photo
Sat 12/19/09 11:05 PM
wats up

no photo
Sun 12/20/09 07:41 AM

oldsage's photo
Sun 12/20/09 07:47 AM
Been here from close to the beginning.

no photo
Sun 12/20/09 09:12 AM
Yep! I wuz here then toobigsmile

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