Topic: Little Pieces Of Life
bamtino's photo
Thu 12/17/09 08:58 PM
Little Pieces of Life

Torn and Tethered all apart
Mixed up and hoping
The pieces wet with tears

Some still razor sharp
Others dulled with time
Floating all alone

Looking for a path
Some place to mend
A cloud made of glue

Time passes quickly
Some start to gather
If only for awhile

They grab a hold of others
Try to hang on
Pieces just don't fit

The one next to them
is what they need
before the others can join

That piece is lost
May be gone forever
Can the others mend

A way to banish
The piece that's lost
Is not in sight

So the others join slowly
A passage inside them
Trying to close

Sometimes they get close
Knowing they will not touch
For them to mend as one

Close to drying
Tears wet them again
The passages grows larger

They learn their way
And they pass that void
Hanging on real tight

Without the missing piece
The others always feel
They will never be whole

Mind Body Spirit
Heart Soul and love
Little pieces of life

MAD 2008

no photo
Thu 12/17/09 09:41 PM
Almost like a jig saw when the pieces go missing...Nice write...:thumbsup: