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msharmony's photo
Thu 12/17/09 08:18 AM

P.H.S.E Education is very thorough, I think curiosity peaks in some children who want to experiment once they have been taught it. Peer pressure, access to television programmes with high sexual explicit content, the internet and parents who do not vet what their children can and cannot watch and access on the internet glorify immoral behaviour.But this type of behaviour has been around for a very long time, it is just that this information is more accessible now.

I hope so, it scares me to think so many 'adults' with casual sex lives believe things like a black person cannot have a white child or that a womans child cant be their child if the woman had multiple partners,,,,,very scary misinformation being repeated and FERVENTLY believed.

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 12/17/09 08:25 AM
Edited by FearandLoathing on Thu 12/17/09 08:26 AM

1: A talk show is NOT a statistic.
2: Talk shows make money by viewers, the more profound the subject...more viewers.
3: Talk shows are a lot like soap opera's, only more popular.

Want to bet? As over the top some of the content may be on some talk shows, most of it mirrors real life. I work with youg people and they would peel their clothes off and have sex quicker than you could flick a light switch! There is a rise in the amount of 12 year olds (mainly girls) who have had to be taken to the G.U.M. Clinic despite being aware of sexually transmitted diseases and having access to free condoms.To the majority of young girls it is an embarrassmentto carry condoms. P.H.S.E is part of our national curriculum, yet there seems to be a rising trend in these youngsters being more promiscuous than ever before.

PSHE education equips children and young people with the knowledge and skills to deal with a range issues they face as they grow up. It covers:

* drugs and alcohol education
* emotional health and wellbeing
* sex and relationship education (SRE)
* nutrition and physical activity
* personal finance
* safety
* careers education
* work-related learning.

Yet, there are incidents of our 13year old girls having sex with men of 22 and refusing to press charges for statutory rape, because, according to one under age girl who did engage in a sexual relationship with a much older man "It was my choice miss"

The percentage has been decreasing since the 90's, in 2003 only 31% of teenagers in 9th grade had even had sex. 33% said they felt they should have sex because they assumed their friends were doing it, further 98% of those said they used some form of protection having sex their first time.

Bounce to 2006, sex is up, the age is down. Now nearly half of the 15-19 age group has had sex, about 74% of them said they use protection when having intercourse...again, sex at a younger age than 15 is down 13% of females and 15% of males admit to having sex before 15.

I can't find much for other statistics, but the most recent story I can find is from January 2009 where it is still in about the 40 percentile for 15-19 and less for the ages less than. Here's the link: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/27/health/27well.html

By the way, this is all dramatically lower than it was in the early 90's.

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 12/17/09 08:30 AM
Do you really think any of these kids are accidents...
life's longing for itself.

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Thu 12/17/09 08:37 AM

You're assuming slutty women are responsible. I've never known any who were. I used to be friends with a woman who had to get a DNA test to find out her who her kid's dad was 'cause she banged two guys- one right after the other and got preggers. ohwell

Not to go off on a rant, but... is a guy who sleeps with two girls one after the other a slut too? Honestly, I've come across men that have to "clean up" in puclic restrooms on the way to the next girls house~ and they're always called "players".

"man whore" is a term I have heard/use to discribe men with this behavior...

to the OP:

Soo many reasons, so little time:

1. mental illness - women often display sexually (men, violently)
2. they just like it, and have little self respect
3. they are so interested in pleasing others, they cannot say no
4. they are vitims, and far too often put themselves in a place to be taken advantage of

On and on... why do people do what they do?.... Oy Vey!!! slaphead

$.02 drinker

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 12/17/09 09:04 AM
This topic makes me stabby.

I actually did see a Maury show and one girl had 5 guys tested and not one of them was the daddy. Come on now, really? You can't tell me protection was used at all. All of them should be lucky if the pregnancy was the worse thing that happened.

So you trying to tell me the condom broke EVERY TIME??...sure it did. If a condom can fit over the head on your shoulders, the it can fit over the head on your penis without breaking. You know when condoms don't work? When you don't take them out of the package.

I really don't know why anyone would have to have a dna to determine paternity to begin with. I mean if you have a line up of a small army, do you really think you should be having children?

msharmony's photo
Thu 12/17/09 09:58 AM

This topic makes me stabby.

I actually did see a Maury show and one girl had 5 guys tested and not one of them was the daddy. Come on now, really? You can't tell me protection was used at all. All of them should be lucky if the pregnancy was the worse thing that happened.

So you trying to tell me the condom broke EVERY TIME??...sure it did. If a condom can fit over the head on your shoulders, the it can fit over the head on your penis without breaking. You know when condoms don't work? When you don't take them out of the package.

I really don't know why anyone would have to have a dna to determine paternity to begin with. I mean if you have a line up of a small army, do you really think you should be having children?

Exactly. If you are gonna be a sexual turnstyle, at least be safe about it,, as you say,, being pregnant is far from the worst that could happen and it would not have nearly as farreaching an affect as the potential stds one could catch and pass on.

I guess as a woman, this is particularly disturbing to me about young women. I dont mean to absolve males of their responsibility.

wux's photo
Thu 12/17/09 10:35 AM

I am not talking from personal experience, Im observing what happens on talk shows and other 'reality' tv shows and the increase in dna testing being done overall.

Oooo... basing reality on Jerry Springer. I always wondered who were his followers who believed that his show and similar ones are the reflections of the general trends in society. I, personally, don't believe that -- they have to advertise nationally for a month to scrape up a show's worth of stupid babble. But each to his or her own. What do you think of the articles in the Globe and the Sun? Is Bigfoot really marrying Pamela Anderson, and is she really carrying the baby of Elvis?

Do you find it appalling that the Moon is about to fall into Earth any time soon?

msharmony's photo
Thu 12/17/09 11:05 AM

I am not talking from personal experience, Im observing what happens on talk shows and other 'reality' tv shows and the increase in dna testing being done overall.

Oooo... basing reality on Jerry Springer. I always wondered who were his followers who believed that his show and similar ones are the reflections of the general trends in society. I, personally, don't believe that -- they have to advertise nationally for a month to scrape up a show's worth of stupid babble. But each to his or her own. What do you think of the articles in the Globe and the Sun? Is Bigfoot really marrying Pamela Anderson, and is she really carrying the baby of Elvis?

Do you find it appalling that the Moon is about to fall into Earth any time soon?

Not just jerry, most of the shows on tv these days show this extreme ignorance and casual attitude towards sex with our young people. I do believe it passes over into the mainstream because I believe television has a HUGE influence on how many kids see life these days, and the things and people who become trends to them.

As far as the tabloids, of course I dont believe them and its one of the rare times when Im grateful modern teens dont pick up papers and books to read a bit more often....

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 12/17/09 01:48 PM
Many times DNA test are being done due to the guy swears it is not his kid. But in the end they find out it is. So it is not always due to the woman does not know who the dad is, it is just as well due to the guy that is trying to get out of the responsibility.

Sorry I sure don't agree with it is only the woman's fault for not being protected. Shshsh I have a step sister that has 3 kids and was on the pill at the time she got pregnant with all three. At least she was married and no doubt who the daddy was.

I mean the guy has 2 heads maybe for once they need to use both of them instead of only one and at least ask & or provide their part of the protection.....whoa slaphead

It is better to be double protected instead of just relying on one to take care of it. Unwanted pregnancy happens due to both parties involved did not protect themselves. whoa

msharmony's photo
Thu 12/17/09 03:13 PM

Many times DNA test are being done due to the guy swears it is not his kid. But in the end they find out it is. So it is not always due to the woman does not know who the dad is, it is just as well due to the guy that is trying to get out of the responsibility.

Sorry I sure don't agree with it is only the woman's fault for not being protected. Shshsh I have a step sister that has 3 kids and was on the pill at the time she got pregnant with all three. At least she was married and no doubt who the daddy was.

I mean the guy has 2 heads maybe for once they need to use both of them instead of only one and at least ask & or provide their part of the protection.....whoa slaphead

It is better to be double protected instead of just relying on one to take care of it. Unwanted pregnancy happens due to both parties involved did not protect themselves. whoa

I dont feel it is only the females 'fault'. But as a female it is an irresponsible behavior that dissapoints me greatly. Not only is the potential life of a child at stake, but the female,,could easily catch something from someone and have no IDEA where to start in identifying that person so that their future partners wont be at risk. Not to mention she could pick this up and be spreading it at an alarming rate by continuing her behavior. I am speaking as a woman about women, I know there are men involved too.

wux's photo
Thu 12/17/09 07:14 PM

Not just jerry, most of the shows on tv these days show this extreme ignorance and casual attitude towards sex with our young people. I do believe it passes over into the mainstream because I believe television has a HUGE influence on how many kids see life these days, and the things and people who become trends to them.

You watch these shows, that is how you know what they show. Yet you don't seem like the person who is impressed by the shows in a way that would make your behaviour change to what they show. You also said that you don't PERSONALLY know anyone who is living the lifestyle of the shows like Jerry Springer.

So... your sample space of actual data is one: yourself, who don't live like the people who are shown on Jerry. You don't know anyone who lives like people on the shows like Jerry's. Yet you state that there is a tremendous and alarmingly large number of people etc. in your original post.

I wonder how you came to that conclusion. You don't know anyone who does, and you don't know anyone who watches, and you don't know anyone who is influenced by these shows.


MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 12/17/09 07:34 PM
scared Sneaks said that I was the daddy!!!scared


msharmony's photo
Fri 12/18/09 12:07 AM

Not just jerry, most of the shows on tv these days show this extreme ignorance and casual attitude towards sex with our young people. I do believe it passes over into the mainstream because I believe television has a HUGE influence on how many kids see life these days, and the things and people who become trends to them.

You watch these shows, that is how you know what they show. Yet you don't seem like the person who is impressed by the shows in a way that would make your behaviour change to what they show. You also said that you don't PERSONALLY know anyone who is living the lifestyle of the shows like Jerry Springer.

So... your sample space of actual data is one: yourself, who don't live like the people who are shown on Jerry. You don't know anyone who lives like people on the shows like Jerry's. Yet you state that there is a tremendous and alarmingly large number of people etc. in your original post.

I wonder how you came to that conclusion. You don't know anyone who does, and you don't know anyone who watches, and you don't know anyone who is influenced by these shows.


I am not really in the habit of talking to teens outside my own family,,who do not carry on in such a way. But if I am to BELIEVE them(which I do) what is on the television is not far off from what they see and hear from other teens they have encountered. They all go to public schools, which have quite a cross section of teens attending.

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