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Topic: what's your natural disaster?
PacificStar48's photo
Wed 12/16/09 01:25 PM
Let's see lived through tornadoes, hurricane winds, flood, ice storms, blizzards, heat waves to the triple digits, droughts, forest fires, earth quakes, swarms of ants, termites, and even rattle snakes. LOL about the only thing I haven't been in is an avalance or a tusumi. Oh yea I survived teenagers lol.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 12/16/09 01:26 PM
let's see...I was in a typhoon when I live in the Philippines (ironically enough it was named Typhoon Kim) and we get tornados around here

Nickvanillagorilla's photo
Wed 12/16/09 01:31 PM
Las Vegas has some extreme hot and dry summers, other than that every once in a great while there are flash floods during monsoons and a mild to moderate dust storms

however just 30 minutes north of Las Vegas there is a city and the largest mountain in Southern Nevada Mt. Charleston where in the winter it snows pretty good and can get in the 20s or lower with occasional heavy snowfall

Avalanches are not a regular occurrence, still they have occurred and have taken some lives

Snoman1951's photo
Wed 12/16/09 01:31 PM
divorces.....lost everything laugh

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 12/16/09 01:43 PM

I'm in California and I live right on the San Andreas fault. The maximum probable magnitude moment for this fault is an 8+. So, when the big ones hits, its gonna level my city.

Where do you live and what's the probable natural disaster there? Ever been through one?

:smile: The ice storm I survived last winter was the scariest natural disaster I been thru:smile:

I remember that!

Nickvanillagorilla's photo
Wed 12/16/09 01:54 PM
Ever been through one?

I lived In Coco Florida for 6months, during which Hurricane Wilma occurred. It was scary, the house I was living in was maybe 300ft from the Indian River. Lots of people lost there River houses and docks luckily the house I was in was made out of concrete

michiganman3's photo
Wed 12/16/09 02:14 PM
Lived in Colorado back in the 70's
Big Thompson River Flood-209 people dead. 1976
Hailstorm 1979-Softball sized hail at over 90 miles an hr. 3 dead.
That was a scary day. Tornados in CO. too.
Been snowed in a work for 3 days 2003

Now I am in Michigan, home of the economic disasters.

ledi180's photo
Wed 12/16/09 02:18 PM
Houston here, made it through 2 hurricanes. NO FUN :cry:

seamac's photo
Wed 12/16/09 02:51 PM

divorces.....lost everything laugh

Another good one! By the way, HI, long time....

metalwing's photo
Wed 12/16/09 02:53 PM
Houston here also. Got bullseyed by Hurricane Ike and some others in the past.

I ran out of chili powder yesterday.

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 12/16/09 02:55 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Wed 12/16/09 02:58 PM

I'm in California and I live right on the San Andreas fault. The maximum probable magnitude moment for this fault is an 8+. So, when the big ones hits, its gonna level my city.

Where do you live and what's the probable natural disaster there? Ever been through one?

I live in the middle of the woods and about 1 and a half hour driving from New York City but in a higher elevation so flood wouldn't bother me as much..so the only thing I can think of...


Or just a lot of republicans.

Boobella's photo
Wed 12/16/09 04:24 PM
Mine is my hair scary after it rains lolo

no photo
Wed 12/16/09 04:27 PM
We get at least 10 tornados a year and Blizzards with 30 below wind chills

no photo
Wed 12/16/09 07:23 PM
We have hurricane sirens every Friday at noon. At the same time, the church bell starts ringing. I've never seen a decent hurricane, and the church bell can't count worth a damn. So, yea, I got nothing.

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 12/16/09 07:26 PM
my oldest son is my natural disaster....

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 12/16/09 07:27 PM
We have some really bad fires in Caliornia every year. I remember, as a cop, we used to have tell people when it was time to evacuate and shut down the roads. People would be desperate to get to their homes thinking they were gonna save their stuff. There was always one person who would drive right through our blockades or nearly run one of us over to get home in spite of the warnings.

seamac's photo
Wed 12/16/09 07:33 PM
Not a disaster BUT wind chills tonight 20-30 below zero...no heat source upstairs in bedroom....think I might sleep on couch tonight and dig out electric heaters for future nights...

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