Topic: Does truth equal information? | |
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Mon 12/14/09 01:01 PM
I have come to consider the idea that truth is very likely just another word for information. All information.
The universe has been said to be made of matter and energy. Then it was discovered that matter and energy were basically the same thing. (E=MC2) Others have said that the universe consists of matter, energy and consciousness. Okay, I’ll certainly buy that idea, it sounds good. But what is consciousness? Define consciousness: Intelligent Awareness. If consciousness is intelligent awareness, then this means that the entire universe is Intelligent and aware. In the formula (E=MC2) , I have to ask what exactly is energy in an intelligent aware universe? If the universe is conscious, intelligent and aware, then it can probably think. Okay, lets suppose this is true. So define energy: Energy = Thought. (Thoughts are waves.) Thought is energy. Thought = Energy. If E = mc2 (Meaning Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared) then Thought equals mass times the speed of light squared. That does not make a lot of sense to me, unless I say it like this. Thought equals information. Therefore you can calculate the amount of information in matter by taking the amount of mass times the speed of light squared. Okay what exactly is mass? Define mass: Scientific: Mass is a subatomic particle called an atom. One hydrogen atom composed of a single proton has a mass of 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 672 kg. So mass, according to the formula, is condensed energy. If energy = thought, then mass is condensed thought. But if thought is condensed and fixed, (as apposed to being active, loose and moving freely about) then what is it? Define condensed thought: Condensed thought is information stored, which is called memory. This means that mass (or matter) is condensed information and is called memory. (condensed information = a standing wave) (I'm just speculating here, these are simply my ideas, so don't take them to the bank, just consider them.) matter = energy = information = memory This very likely means that kinetic energy equals thought-information in its active state, and potential energy equals thought-information (memory) in its stored state. So what exactly is Light? Define light: Scientific: Light is a transverse, self propagating electromagnetic wave. This wave carries energy (Energy = thought = information) and momentum, (speed=frequency) which may be imparted (transferred) when it interacts with matter (matter = mass = condensed information = memory.) "Electromagnetic radiation waves, (light and other waves) as their names suggest are fluctuations of electric and magnetic fields, which can transport energy (thought-information) from one location to another." Therefore: Energy = Thought-information (waves) Light = moving thought-information. (A traverse self propagating electromagnetic wave) Matter = condensed thought-information or ~memory. It is entirely possible that we live in a virtual reality universe created and programmed by an intelligent awareness (consciousness) with thought which it collects and stores as information in a condensed mass we call matter (memory). Everything is thought. Thoughts are waves, waves are light and sound and matter. We live in a dream universe. Our bodies are store houses of information and part of the biological machine that is our universe which is run by programs stored in the mass (atoms etc.) that we call matter. Who writes the programs? I am pretty sure that we do on some level we are not be aware of. Now all we need to learn is how to access higher consciousness and unlock the information. Truth is information. Consciousness is the source, Energy is a wave. I had an Afterthought: Energy is a wave but... But what if original energy is not what we normally think of as a thought wave? In any case, Energy is a wave of something. Perhaps it is a force caused by the excitation of awareness. (consciousness) . One might call it the joy of awareness. Perhaps you might call it LOVE. Whatever it is, it keeps coming and the universe keeps expanding and manifesting. Some people just call it the life force, chi, prana. Even with logic, I can't imagine the universe could exist without it. |
Jeanniebean basically said:
"If E=mc², then mass is just condensed energy, and since thought is just informational energy, then mass is condensed thought." That's truly profound. Especially when ultimately all energy must indeed be reducible to the information which describes it's behavior and/or standing wave patters. This is in perfect harmony with Einstein's Theory of Relativity since it is indeed based on E=mc². It's in perfect harmony with Thermodynamics and entropy, especially when defined in terms of informational content. And it's also in perfect harmony with the mathematical equations that describe the behavior of all quantum phenomena which Erwin Schodinger has kindly translated for us into layman's terms: "What we observe as material bodies and forces are nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of space." - Erwin Schrodinger In other words, everything we observe as material bodies are indeed nothing more than the information contained, or stored as memory, in standing waves of energy. So I say, "Hand that woman a Nobel Prize in the sciences!" She has just shown how the current scientific theories all come together to prove that this universe is indeed a construct of pure thought. Congratulations Jeannie! ![]() Beautiful display of your mastery of the sciences! ![]() |
Beautiful display of your mastery of the sciences!
Thanks, but I certainly do not have anything close to a mastery of science. I do have a good imagination though. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Beautiful display of your mastery of the sciences!
Thanks, but I certainly do not have anything close to a mastery of science. I do have a good imagination though. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "The supreme task of the physicist is to arrive at those universal elementary laws from which the cosmos can be built up by pure deduction. There is no logical path to these laws; only intuition, resting on sympathetic understanding of experience, can reach them. (Albert Einstein, 1918) You've reached them without even having been trained in the physical sciences! You've done it solely using intuition and sympathetic understanding of experience. That just makes it all the more impressive. ![]() "Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein |
I had no idea Einstein said such things. He sounds like a very spiritual and smart person actually. |
I had no idea Einstein said such things. He sounds like a very spiritual and smart person actually. Einstein was brilliant. I seriously doubt that he would support very many of the statements that are being thrown around on the Internet today concerning "how scientists supposedly think". You might be surprised to know that the father of Quantum Mechanics, Max Planck, said the following: "All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter." - Max Planck And Stephan Hawking said the following: "Even if there is only one possible unified theory, it is just a set of rules and equations. What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe?" - Stephen Hawking All of these scientists were far more spiritually minded than many of the atheists and non-spiritualists who attempt to rape science for their own agendas would have you believe. The most brilliant scientists recognize that beneath the observations something very profound and mystical is going on. This is the science that I know and love! ![]() |
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Edited by
Mon 12/14/09 10:24 PM
I would like to join Abra in congratulating Jeannie for a beautiful "scientic" deduction!!!
However, I doubt in deriving his famous formula -- E=mc² -- uncle Albert referred to any kind of a mass, but specifically to that of the enriched Uranium!!! (otherwise, anybody could make a nuclear bomb with Any MASS!!!) In any case, maybe James could figure out the way of applying Jeannie's treatment to the matter at hand -- it's much too beautiful and imaginative to go to waste!!! APPLAUSE! APPLAUSE! APPLAUSE! P.S. In researching the matterial for my thread, INTUITION, I was also dumb strucked with the idea of Einstein placing so much value upon intuition and imagination... |
However, I doubt in deriving his famous formula -- E=mc² -- uncle Albert referred to any kind of a mass, but specifically to that of the enriched Uranium!!! (otherwise, anybody could make a nuclear bomb with Any MASS!!!) Actually it refers to all mass. It's just that enriched Uranium is the easiest to technologically make into a bomb. ![]() But yes, it applies to all mass and energy, no exceptions. |
Edited by
Mon 12/14/09 10:32 PM
enriched Uranium is the easiest to technologically make into a bomb.
In that case, why so very few countries possess the technology??? Do you really mean its possible making a bomb with Any mass, even enriched wood??? |
I think Abra is showing off his talent for creativity because
Actually the equation refers to mass-energy equivalence. It is a concept of measurement as in the mass of a body is a measure of its energy content. It does not imply that mass is energy, only that it contains energy. |
Thanx, Redy, just as I thought!!!
But does it mean its possible making a bomb with Any mass, even the enriched wood??? |
I think Abra is showing off his talent for creativity because
I never heard it put that way, but it makes for an interesting wording for the complementary statement - energy contains mass.
Actually the equation refers to mass-energy equivalence. It is a concept of measurement as in the mass of a body is a measure of its energy content. It does not imply that mass is energy, only that it contains energy. |
Mass can be converted in to energy only in nuclear reaction not in physical and chemical reaction in which mass remain constant before and after the why it happend only in few nuclear reaction either in fission or in fusion.even in one fission of uranium atom a very small mass disappear which is converted to wat i want to say that the formula E=mc2 is not universaly applicable.we can nt convert mass of wood into energy.further shortcoming of this formula is that why we take the value of c here constant as 3lakh km/s which is maximum yet c varies from medium to medium.i want to ask this question to scientist present here that if we do atomic bomb explosion in water medium where c is one lakh fifty thousand km/s then wat amount of energy is relased. i think that thought is a energy wave differt from em wave.bcoz its speed can nt be masured and it is nt c.secondly i wonder about frequency of these thoughts wave.are they high frequency or low frequency wave.if they are high frequency wave then their energy must be high acc to planck formula e=hv so that they should come out from our mind where they originate and travel infinite distance.but if they are low frequency wave they should remain in mind never able to cross the i say that band width of thoughts is also question arise how thoughts physics em waves are produced by oscilating charge or accelerating charge but as thougt waves are nt em waves so i think they are produed by oscilating mind or unstable mind or confused mind or abnormal mind or unbalanced mind or weak mind or frushtated mind or damegd mind or impure a charge moving with steady speed never produce em waves similarly a steady mind or pure mind or balanced mind or a stable mind or a calm mind or a mediated mind never produce a thought that case there is no loss of energy.and that state of thoughtlessness is called is a state of pure bliss and pure consicous energy prevails our i think our aim should be to get that stage in which we do nt produce any thought wave.nw i also wan to say that in that stage you can hear the dance of your energy which is called naad.
Di wrote:
I think Abra is showing off his talent for creativity because Actually the equation refers to mass-energy equivalence. It is a concept of measurement as in the mass of a body is a measure of its energy content. It does not imply that mass is energy, only that it contains energy. I beg to differ with you on that one. It's my understanding E=mc² holds for all matter. That doesn't mean that we can techologically make a bomb out of wood. But let's not confuse technological limitations with the laws of nature. Just because we can't easily covert all matter into pure energy doesn't mean that the relationship doesn't hold in nature. It most certainly does hold. At the quantum level it is used extensively all the time. I've never heard of a situation where E=mc² fails. I think if it ever failed we'd be learning about the new equation that replaced it. I confess that I've been out of the loop since I've retired, but I think I would have heard about anything so profound as E=mc² failing. That would be a major castastrophe for Einstein's General Relativity. The whole theory would fall apart. Yes, I'm sure this equation has never failed. ![]() I'd bet my reputation on it. In fact, I may as well, because if E=mc² ever fails then everything I've learned about physics would be dramatically changed anyway, so all my knowledge of science would fly out the window if E=mc² fails. Even General Relativity would collaspe. It would be a major catastrophy for the physics community. |
Truth is a property of a sentence, or not. That's it.
Edited by
Tue 12/15/09 09:18 AM
Mass can be converted in to energy only in nuclear reaction not in physical and chemical reaction in which mass remain constant before and after the why it happend only in few nuclear reaction either in fission or in fusion.even in one fission of uranium atom a very small mass disappear which is converted to wat i want to say that the formula E=mc2 is not universaly applicable.we can nt convert mass of wood into energy.further shortcoming of this formula is that why we take the value of c here constant as 3lakh km/s which is maximum yet c varies from medium to medium.i want to ask this question to scientist present here that if we do atomic bomb explosion in water medium where c is one lakh fifty thousand km/s then wat amount of energy is relased. i think that thought is a energy wave differt from em wave.bcoz its speed can nt be masured and it is nt c.secondly i wonder about frequency of these thoughts wave.are they high frequency or low frequency wave.if they are high frequency wave then their energy must be high acc to planck formula e=hv so that they should come out from our mind where they originate and travel infinite distance.but if they are low frequency wave they should remain in mind never able to cross the i say that band width of thoughts is also question arise how thoughts physics em waves are produced by oscilating charge or accelerating charge but as thougt waves are nt em waves so i think they are produed by oscilating mind or unstable mind or confused mind or abnormal mind or unbalanced mind or weak mind or frushtated mind or damegd mind or impure a charge moving with steady speed never produce em waves similarly a steady mind or pure mind or balanced mind or a stable mind or a calm mind or a mediated mind never produce a thought that case there is no loss of energy.and that state of thoughtlessness is called is a state of pure bliss and pure consicous energy prevails our i think our aim should be to get that stage in which we do nt produce any thought wave.nw i also wan to say that in that stage you can hear the dance of your energy which is called naad. Again i wan ask y c appears in this velocity of light has so much importance that energy and mass are related wit its help.y nt velocity of sound has taken?if i hv to give this answer then i would probably say that light is consciousness ,third constituent of universe .every soul is in the form of light.transparent and movable |
seems jeanie, we KNOW the answer to ur question, and that it is a true statment, because the question could never HAVE A NO ANSWER???
it helps to remember, that someone else, JUST LIKE U, BUT NOT AS SMART, MADE UP THE WORD 'INFORMATION'... so, if one goes back, and un-makes up the word, it is easy to dissect and cut assunder the confusion possible, from the words man itself has created... in for mation.... data in a reasonable, logical, formation... a band marches in formation.... any army as well... so, from this, we can deduct, that data in-a-for-mation, could be called TRUTH OR NOT TRUTH, BY WHAT THE EYE'S THAT LOOK AT IT WISH TO SEE, OR WHAT IS 'WISHED TO BE TRUE'??? but, in all cases, FALSE INFORMATION, AND TRUE INFORMATION, is still data in a for mation, creating A PICTURE, OR A PORTRAIT... when many eye's look at any portrait, each will see it's own good insight, but when all EYE'S OR EAR'S SEEK seek the "purpose" of something, OF ANYTHING, then this reveal it's true most details, and hath the ability from extra 'if what happen while in-for-mation, which surpass any perception just looking for the most right "defintion", as perception's do that what war against other's perception..... |
It depends on the definition of truth, for example, as a therapist, I have heard many delusional statements, many of which do reveal an underlining truth and information; however the statements themselves if looked at syntactically or semantically are not true. Are the following statements true:
A. An electron is a wave B. An electron is a particle Both are true, yet together contradict each other. Hey, what the heck was I talking about? You friggin' philosphers- did you BS today? |
Truth is a property of a sentence, or not. That's it.
I think Jeannie was referring more to this definition: From - Truth: 8. (often initial capital letter) ideal or fundamental reality apart from and transcending perceived experience: the basic truths of life. ... than to this definition From - True: 1. being in accordance with the actual state or conditions; conforming to reality or fact; not false: a true story. |