Topic: STRANG Things In the spam box. | |
I found this in my spam box....
Find Mature Pals near you. Senior Dating... Well, what if I"m a freshman? huh? What if I'm not mature? What if I dont' want to grow up, what about that???? Ya ever think about that? This is why you should never read your spam. |
I got a good one the other day, an advert in my Inbox with a coupon for
adult briefs. I may be older, but I'm not there yet... |
| tickle me!
i dont get it?
okkkk well ummmm
thats ok |
Hey Kimmie...Do ya get the seniors discount yet!!!!!!!!
no shelly
just adversizements for senior stuff |
Thats ok my dad who just turned 65 gets Pampers coupons in the mail,
baby ones not adult ones |
well teddy sometimes its funny but it wasnt yesterday
When I check mail, the first thing I do is empty my spam folder,without
looking what is in there |
{{{{{{ Found thi in my MAIL BOX }}}}}}}
Hello, I am surprised you sounds this way. I didn't said anything about scamming you. Then what brought about you letting Interpol into my business. I don't think you are working under Mr. Declan Grooves because the way you reacted does not show any respect in you. How could you express my mail as **** when Mr Declan called me last two days ago. This might be an error. Please do not contact me again. I don't know you, if you like contact police but never you expose the moment of this money to any body otherwise your boss will sack you from his office when he returns. The DHL i sent him surpose to be in his office by next tomorrow, and if he comes back, I will forward that your stupid email to him for your query. Don't reply any of email again until Mr Declan visit the office. Ellam HERE'S MY REPLY :- How dare you contact me !!!! YOU are the one who made contact, I would advise that you cease from making contact again. First and foremost I do not have people of your limited intelligence on my friends list. GET A LIFE you stupid preson, I will not even talk to you in an intelligent manner I know you would not understand considering how ignorant your letter sounds and looks. GO BACK TO SCHOOL, learn English, learn to spell and most of all learn to correspond properly before you write to total strangers who speak the Queens English properly and know how to handle scammers like you. I WILL indeed report you to Yahoo and the appropiate authorities for doing this. CEASE WRITING TO ME you evil person..If you had any respect for yourself you would not be writing to a total stranger trying to screw money out of them, you would get a job like any self respecting decent human being.I do have respect for myself but your type only understand responses with expletives included, oh , I DO know how to express myself in an intelligent manner but I reserve the fowl language for ****roaches like, you get back under your rock you scumbag !!!!!! Then I reported it as spam !!!!! |
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