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Topic: Am I sending the wrong messages?
Atlantis75's photo
Tue 12/08/09 04:34 PM

My advice is to give up and start talking to women in real life. It is so much easier to get a date in real life.

This is a true statement! drinker

I wouldn't necessarily stop looking online but don't rely on dating sites as the only way to meet girls.

Actually today I went to the store and I was driving..and this cute woman walking on the sidewalk..and I'm slowing down because of the traffic..and I'm looking directly at her through my windshield and she is looking directly at me...and I'm like "damm she is just so pretty"...and my head continue to turn and I almost bump into the tail of the other car right front of me...so I'm still looking at her in my rearview mirror and she stopped and turned around completely on the sidewalk and still looking after me.

Wow, now that was weird...not sure if she was checking out if i'm getting myself into an accident..haha..I hope she memorized my car..she is about 10 min..away from me. :banana:

MikeCarbellano's photo
Tue 12/08/09 04:36 PM
Regarding intelligence:

I'll be conceided for 5 mins. I'm really smart, and I've been told the same by my friends. People would be surprised. I'm not going into much detail, because I could write a novel about it.

Regarding looks:

The looks thing. Every relationship must have 2 people that are attracted to one another physically at some degree. It does matter, then again, so does personality.

Regarding humor:

I've made many people laugh with jokes that you wouldn't normally hear. I can do the "italian gangster accent" too...people usually laugh at that. =)

Regarding dating in real-life

I'm going to post a topic about that. ;)

I'll keep going and won't give up. There's always someone out there.

MelodyGirl's photo
Tue 12/08/09 04:36 PM

indifferent or big picky slutty playa or a big wanna be slutty playerindifferent


Goofball73's photo
Tue 12/08/09 04:52 PM
Ok. To the OP. You know, their really isn't a perfect way to message someone. Now, this does not mean go ahead and talk about your schlong, or how the women tell you you are magnificent in bed. I message a woman basically if we have talked in the forums, have had pretty good conversation or banter their, or if they view me (or I view them), I just read what they like and basically do what you already mentioned that you do. Sometimes you get a hit. Sometimes you don't. So ladies don't return emails, and I don't sweat it. Most that I have come across do, and I can generally tell within two or three emails if there is any kind of spark on mine or her end. If her writing seems forced, then I just say at the end of my next email (well, happy mingling to ya). That way, I don't come off as a jerk.

I honestly think that if you put too much thought into an email then it will turn out crappy. I know that sounds weird, but if you stress over it way too much, it is going to come off that way when she reads it. Trust me. When a woman sees that a guy writes clearly, has put some effort into what he says, seems genuine, and you don't talk about sex until way later on (LOL!), she will more than likely respond to you. I had one girl flat out accuse me that I was trying to be too nice. I replied that I was sorry she got that impression, but that all I was doing was introducing myself and that if I offended her in any way that I apologize. She wrote back that she was just having a bad day, and we went from their. Nothing ever came from it, but had I jumped her for accusing me, we never would have found that out.

Anyways, I think you are on the right track in how you message women. Hope what I said helped ya out.

SitkaRains's photo
Tue 12/08/09 05:08 PM

This regards to literally messages. The ones that start the first meet-up, or date.

I have messaged many girls. Not much luck, lol. I will get there someday, it just takes time. I understand people have standards, and I don't blame them for that. :) The point of this is to see what kind of things you would like to see in a message you receive.

For example, when I message girls, I do take the time to read their profile. I tell them my name, what I work for and tell them I attend college. I don't say obnoxious things that are shallow or vulgar. I may crack a small joke or two. When I message someone, I relate to something that they have in their profile, such as a hobby, relationship views or the way they view life. Of course, if its someone who has totally different interest or views, I don't message them. The message topic isn't just "Hi" or "Hey there.."

So for you ladies out there, what would an ideal message be from someone on Mingle2?

Hmm. I think the way I message people is fine along with my profile...though, I could be wrong. Any advice? =)

EDIT: Sorry. I did post it here as well as another site. That thread was quickly deleted, though.

Also, I could try a test message on someone, if they are willing to help me out. :)

I remember this thread... I guess you didnt' see my response before it went deep 6.

Ok OP, you are on the right path, now the trick is to find the right girl to email with. I did offer to see what your first email was like on the other site.

I know when I email someone it is something in the profile caught my attention and I am curious.

good luck

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